Started this one this morning. Book club book. I probably wouldn‘t read this one, otherwise. Too close. Too painful.
Started this one this morning. Book club book. I probably wouldn‘t read this one, otherwise. Too close. Too painful.
Great, fun read. Perfect for Halloween, or the Halloweenie In you. Witches, demons, ghosts, and fae folk galore. But it‘s more—the plight of women throughout history, the molds forced upon them, the brave being persecuted for stepping out of that mold. Though a little predictable at times, and leaving stray bits and pieces for a sequel, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Curiouser and curiouser. Did anyone else have an issue accessing Litsy the last three days? I got a completely blank screen no matter how long I waited for it to load.
Started this one today. Fingers crossed!
I‘m astonished. The Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorite books. I‘ll admit that Angels Game and Prisoner of Heaven were only so-so for me, but I did mostly enjoy them. I was so excited for this book, and I‘m in the WAY minority here, but it just dragged for me. I read a lot; two weeks into this book and I barely got 100 pages in. It is very rare that I bail on a book, but I did this one. I will give it another go in the future though.
@megzlynn This!
I‘m not sure what it is—smugness or petulance of tone?—about John Irving‘s style that gets under my skin, but that was the only nit I have about this book. And, in this case, the tone I get from his style worked perfectly. The story is a timely one, even if most of it takes place in the later part of the 20th century. A truly worthy read.
Meet Coraline, our new baby. I had no intention of adopting a kitten today, but...there you have it. #catsoflitsy
Worlds and worlds and worlds.
There are a few authors who can do no wrong by me; Leif Enger is one. Another quiet story that has a big voice. There are no big booms, no crescendo of reveals. Just a story of a man who met death a few times, helped to save his town in the most understated ways, and lived his life.
Library run! Can‘t wait to read Love, Star Girl. Irving‘s In One Person? It‘s for book club. We shall see.
OMG! From today‘s NJ Star Ledger!! I might be crying a little. (3rd book)
It never gets old. Finding someone quoting you (on Instagram) because they‘re enjoying your work. Les sighs...
In they rolled, gloves on, black helmets squeezing faces red from the wind, a pack of paunchy old the centaurs come to bury their own.
”She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.” How lovely, to have a brain so turned. My reading nook in my (writing) office.
This is on the wall of my upstairs landing. I love being a book nerd.
Does starting a new book ever cease to send happy chills racing? Gyro says, “No. Duh.”
1. Both! One gift on Christmas Eve, the stocking and anything more on Christmas Day. 2. Scrooge. 3. Snowmen 4. Sugar cookies
Next on my TBR pile. I‘ve been waiting for more from Enger since Peace Like A River. Anyone read it yet?
Had I not already read Beartown and known it was a book about hockey that isn‘t at all about hockey, I‘d never have picked this up. I am a huge Backman fan and will read anything he writes. This one ranks up there with all his others. Heart wrenching and uplifting and gorgeous. As always.
Fans of Anne will love this book. It‘s written in the same style right down to the chapter headings. It‘s not quite as rosy as Anne; we all know how it must end. Worth a read.