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Catching upon Sherlock while making the Insta-famous lemony ricotta and summer squash tart thing. It was delicious, but too much work for a summer meal imo. I may hack the recipe to make it simpler (tiny ones with crescent rolls for crust?) and nix the lemon in favor of basil. Lemon ricotta tastes like dessert to me.

Deblovestoread Looks marvelous! 3d
dabbe 🩵💙🩵 (edited) 3d
mabell That looks delicious! But I agree with you on the lemon ricotta tasting like dessert! 3d
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The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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First published as a collection in 1927 these 12 stories are short and to the point. While some are recognisable from the TV series, there were some that I had not come across before. Provided the reader can grasp that when the actual stories were written they were quite unique, the people of the day would have been mesmerized as they turned each page. With this in mind it's a “Pick' rating from me

dabbe We're reading the entire canon at #NoPlaceLikeHolmes. Check it out, if you're interested. 🤩 3d
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The Valley of Fear | Arthur Conan Doyle
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#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin

Hey, Sherlockians~
We're not reading this one for a while, but it is on sale at Amazon. Just thought I'd let you know.

Librarybelle Thanks for sharing! 4d
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 4d
Blueroseis I read this one a while back and enjoyed it a lot. 3d
dabbe @Blueroseis It's been a long time since I've read it, so I'm looking forward to a reread. 🤩 3d
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The Baker Street Letters | Michael Robertson
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What happens when your place of business coincides with the infamous Sherlock Holmes Baker Street address? It could lead to a mystery!

There were parts I liked & others that fell flat. From the first page, it felt like I was reading not the first in the series…it was almost like the reader was dropped in the middle of the story with facts about the characters left out. Some are slowly revealed, but it left me feeling meh overall. #192025 #2009

The Sherlockian | Graham Moore
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Comin‘ at ya with a back-to-back #CoverLove post! Today‘s prompt: #tanbeige

Eggs 🖤👏🏻🤍 1w
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A Study in Scarlet | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Loved this Gris Grimly illustrated edition of the tagged book! Of course the story is fantastic—it‘s Sherlock Holmes. No question it stands on its own (even though there are definitely some archaic and out-dated references/descriptions) but it‘s equally true that the black and white as well as full color illustrations add an exciting, visual dimension. Love Grimly‘s work and it‘s well suited to this type of story. Loved it!

wanderinglynn What a cool edition! 2w
Cuilin Beautiful edition @dabbe have you seen this? 2w
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A Study in Scarlet | Arthur Conan Doyle
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…and my Gris Grimly collection grows a little bigger…

The Musgrave Ritual | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Librarybelle I liked the riddle…admittedly, it‘s a little eye rolling to me, but it also has layers of history and secrecy. It‘s a code to something far bigger than the Musgraves themselves. I really had no deep thoughts on her fleeing & never being caught, though I applaud her resourcefulness to escape when she could. The “hysterical” woman stereotype was a little too much for me, but we‘ve discussed perceptions of women in past stories, so no surprise there. 2w
Cuilin @Librarybelle imagine women have feelings and emotions. 😮 I thought it interesting that Doyle said fiery and Celtic together since he would be considered a Celt too, being from Scotland of Irish descent. Of course he‘s a man and in control of his emotions. Lol. I like the riddle too. 2w
IndoorDame Oddly for all that she‘s fiery and Celtic, and suffering from a touch of brain fever and all that 🙄 I found this story emotionally flat so I also didn‘t think about whether she should have been allowed to escape or whether she should be prosecuted for her crimes. 2w
dabbe It's interesting to note that in the the Granada TV version starring Jeremy Brett, it very clearly shows that Rachel threw herself into the mere with the bundle, and it actually shows her body being recovered later. Brain fever, indeed. 😱 Justice appears to be done in the tv show. 2w
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The Musgrave Ritual | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Librarybelle In a way, it‘s comical that no one in the ten generations figured out the riddle. But, and perhaps this is my cynical side, I could see this as plausible. These types of stories help to show Holmes‘s past investigations…it establishes him as someone who has been working on cases for longer than Watson‘s writings. 2w
Cuilin @Librarybelle I considered that Doyle was making fun of upper class and the fact that they would inter marry. The first rule of genetics for an intelligent society, spread the genes apart. 2w
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IndoorDame I find reading this one enjoyable in a comforting/nostalgic way. But the Musgraves not coming up with a single relative to catch on in all those years definitely strains believability (since Reginald‘s character isn‘t portrayed as particularly dim). And the investigative stories are more exciting and more of what I think of as typical SH 2w
Librarybelle I hadn‘t thought of the critique on the upper class, @Cuilin , but that is very possible! 2w
CrystalE02 I thought it was funny that it took so many generations to figure out the riddle. I have a feeling that Doyle was picking on the upper class in this story. 2w
dabbe Well, it is an authentic “THE BUTLER DID IT“ story! And, good point, @Cuilin. Centuries of downright twits in the Musgrave family ... nobody in that family could figure out that is was directions to a place? 😳 #timetosuspendthatdisbelief 2w
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The Musgrave Ritual | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Librarybelle I liked that this story is based on a riddle, and one that the Musgraves passed down through the generations. It‘s more analytical than some of the other cases, as Holmes really has to solve the riddle in order to find out the reasons behind the odd happenings. 2w
IndoorDame I have a fondness for this one. Maybe because it‘s so simple I can actually solve it when usually I don‘t even bother to try? ….. And Reginald was surprisingly good at laying out the facts of the case clearly, succinctly and completely, and oddly unemotional (actually this whole case lacked emotion) which made the 3 narrators thing work well for me and not get confusing 2w
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Cuilin @IndoorDame I just noticed that there was no emotion in this case. It‘s probably also why I enjoyed it. It was quite a relaxing read. I know I solved it too, and I could not believe the Musgraves didn‘t understand what this piece of paper entailed. Though I would‘ve got all the math wrong. Lol 2w
IndoorDame @Cuilin oh, me too! That math is so far beyond my comprehension it‘s laughable 2w
CrystalE02 I enjoyed reading this story!!! I felt like there wasn't a ton of emotions to drag the storytelling all over the place. I felt like that Musgrave did contribute to the mystery of the story. 2w
dabbe I loved all of the 221-B present-day new information we gain about SH in this one: “cigars in the coal-scuttle“; “unanswered correspondence transfixed by a jack-knife into the very centre of his wooden mantelpiece“, how Holmes would “sit in an arm-chair with his hair-trigger and a hundred Boxer cartridges, and proceed to adorn the opposite wall with a patriotic V. R. done in bullet-pocks“, how their “chambers were always full of chemicals“ ... ⬇️ 2w
dabbe ... “and of criminal relics which had a way of wandering into unlikely positions“ ... How many depictions of the interior of 221B have been based almost entirely on this information? 2w
Cuilin @dabbe you can see how every tv/movie adaptation uses this to design 221 B Baker St!!! (edited) 2w
dabbe @Cuilin Exactly!!! 🤩 2w
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