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A Small Death in Lisbon
A Small Death in Lisbon | Robert Wilson
2 posts | 6 read | 6 to read
1941. Klaus Felsen, forced out of his Berlin factory into the SS, arrives in a luminous Lisbon, where Nazis and Allies, refugees and entrepreneurs, dance to the strains of opportunism and despair. Felsen's assignment takes him to the bleak mountains of the north where a devious and brutal battle is being fought for an element vital to Hitler's bliztkrieg. There he meets the man who plants the first seed of greed and revenge that will grow into a thick vine in the landscape of post-war Portugal. Late 1990s. Investigating the murder of a young girl with a disturbing sexual past, Inspector Ze Coelho overturns the dark soil of history and unearths old bones from Portugal's fascist past. This small death in Lisbon is horrific compensation for an even older crime, and Coelho's stubborn pursuit of its truth reveals a tragedy that unites past and present. Robert Wilson's combination of intelligence, suspense, vivid characters, and mesmerizing storytelling richly deserves the international acclaim his novel has received.
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A Small Death in Lisbon | Robert Wilson
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This is a complex and gripping mystery/thriller spanning two timelines that eventually merge. Some parts are quite disturbing and graphic, but I enjoyed learning more about Portugal's history in the second half of the 20th century.

I chose this book for the “wartime mystery“ prompt of #CloakAndDaggerChristmas. @Ruthiella

#wintergames #snowangels #longdarknights @Emilymdxn

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A Small Death in Lisbon | Robert Wilson
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Found some quiet time to partake in #litsypartyofone after all. Really enjoying this split ww2 and more modern novel. My Rioja is not the perfect partner but no Portuguese wine here tonight! @Ambrosnazzy