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George Lucas
George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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The definitive biography of one of the most influential filmmakers ever--George Lucas. On May 25, 1977, a problem-plagued, budget-straining, independent science-fiction film opened in a mere thirty-two American movie theatres. Conceived, written, and directed by a little-known filmmaker named George Lucas, Star Wars reinvented the cinematic landscape, ushering in a new way for movies to be made, marketed, and merchandised. And if that wasn't game-changing enough, Lucas went on to create another blockbuster series with Indiana Jones, and completely revolutionized the world of special effects, not to mention sound systems. His work and legacy have led to a rash of innovation and democratization in film and television. Simply put, George Lucas is one of the most influential filmmakers of the past fifty years. He is an icon, and his fans will be eager to read a biography as impressive as his achievements--especially in the midst of J.J. Abrams' reboot of the Star Wars franchise.
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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#GetMovin #day6 #Sandstorm I‘m a huge Star Wars fan, I really need to add to my props but they‘re so expensive when TM! In this biography of Lucas, they talk about how a huge sandstorm ruined props from The Phantom Menace & how their filming of the desert scenes of Tatooine were destroyed by a freak rainstorm. In a desert. I have no idea how he managed to get through these movies without having a heart attack honestly!

MommyOfTwo Hmm this one could be good 6y
Cinfhen Cool stuff!! Thanks for sharing 😀 6y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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What can I say about the man who created one of my most cherished personal obsessions? George Lucas is an innovator, a man who saw into the future of filmmaking and decided the time was right to drag the entire industry forward. Say what you will about his abilities as a writer or director, but his contribution to popular culture is undeniable.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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I had the privilege of recording an episode of the Wampa's Lair podcast where I geek out about some literary ways to approach the films! I would love to have Litsy users listen!


George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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A cozy night to read... Got a book...Got some tea... I'm ready to go! (This picture was taken a while ago and since that night......I was unable to finish this novel. 😥The beginning dragged on and when I got to the part about Star Wars, I became uninterested due to the first 100 pages.) I might continue in the future. #DNFedfornow #tryingnonfiction

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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I really enjoyed this book. I had loved Jones's Henson book and was excited to see him tackle Lucas. The biography presents a very real portrait of a flawed man who accidentally created a huge corporate empire all while fighting for creative freedom. The book is best in covering the road to Star Wars, and weakest at the period during the prequels. I am guessing fewer sources were available for those years. A must read for fans and for film buffs.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Really enjoying this biography, and how it reminds us that George's success was never set in stone!

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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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I finished "Faithful" by Alice Hoffman today.. And tomorrow I'm going to see "Rogue One", so I figured I would start on this'un tonight!

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Even though I started George Lucas in 2016, I'm still counting it as book 2 for 2017. It was an interesting read, even beyond the chapters on the Star Wars movies. something that I didn't know was that Lucas was involved, whether directly or indirectly, in so many movies of all types. I really only ever think of him in relation to Star Wars or Indiana Jones. I think it might be time to rewatch Star Wars now.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Lola This is awesome. And funny too because his wife, Mellody Hobson, is a highly respected and accomplished business woman who has made her mark in the field of finance and investment. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lola There is a bit in here about her too. It sounds like an odd, but perfect match. 8y
Lola @Riveted_Reader_Melissa She is an alum of my daughter's high school. I keep hoping they'll do some kind of event there together. Still so disappointed that Chicago lost the chance to have his museum here. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lola Yes! You would think people would be bending over backwards to get that! And at the end of this they still can't give it away in Chicago or California. I found myself thinking as I read that whole section that they should go somewhere like Detroit, with all the industry that's left, and home of the cars he loved so much, and put it there as big and beautiful as they want it to be. Basically pick a down city that would love to have it! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Little did she realize.... nine will probably be the low end with spinoffs, stand alone films, etc.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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This short part about their collaboration on Labyrinth and it being a bomb at the box office makes me so sad since I loved it so much as a child.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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George Lucas, Star Wars & Indiana Jones, advances in filmmaking & technology as LucasFilm developed new technologies, one after another, in the pursuit of one man's wish to make movies the way he wanted to, to make them good, and to not be constrained by "The Hollywood Machine". I left having a much greater appreciation for his business, and tech advances that have transformed our film viewing lives, so much more than just a handful of movies.

GeekGrl82 You should check out Chris Taylor's How Star Wars Conquered the Universe. A fascinating read! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GeekGrl82 That sounds very good too! 8y
Cheyenne I want to read this one. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Cheyenne It was very good! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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You never know where inspiration will find you, maybe right next door....so pay attention.😳. (Seriously though, Yoda as a monkey in a mask...😂😂)

Bette 😂🐵 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bette Just imagine how that would have looked....thank goodness for advancements in movie making. It's pretty impressive what lengths they would go to before to get the creative shot. 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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The first time Lucas used the computer for effects shots... to help log and locate them with his brand-new Apple computer. 👍

SaraFair Love these teaser sentences! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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See, Henry Jones Sr wasn't lying when he said....we named the dog Indiana! LOL!!

Krysta Bahahahaha! Wonderful! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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I finally got out this see Rogue One! And I had to go back in my current book and look up a bunch of references and share them with you. I love that they took pieces of his original drafts for Star Wars & Empire and incorporated those ideas and terminology into the "new" film, set in the same time period as the original (A New Hope). It must have been very interesting watching this film take shape with ideas originally scribbled down decades ago.

NovelGirl82 That's awesome!! I've seen Rogue One twice, so I guess I need to read this now!! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @NovelGirl82 The audiobook is very good too, I'm really abusing my library at the moment (I have their hardcover and audiobook checked out). 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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#ThisMonthsTBR Try to finish up the books that I have started & get through the windfall of books that I had on hold that suddenly became 'available' over the holidays, plus my current hoopla mix. Basically clean all the decks off & start my challenges & Book Clubs fresh. Although I have to say I look at this overabundance of wealth that fell into my lap & know I'm going to need to return some unread & pick them up at another time. #ReadJanuary

NovelGirl82 If you get to In My Own Words, let me know how it is! It's on my list for this year. I ❤️❤️ RBG!! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @NovelGirl82 I'm hoping to! I really enjoyed Notorious RBG last year! 8y
NovelGirl82 I did too!! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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My #bookishgifts this year. I also got a $50 gift card for Barnes and Noble! #seasonsreadings2016

SuperPunkNinja Speaking of gifts - thanks for the Xmas card! ❤❤❤ 8y
awishman The Vader comic was so good! Eager to hear what you think of the Lucas bio. 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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More baking and knitting than reading at the moment. But, I'm squeezing in a few pages, and some caffeine, before the day really gets started.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Picked up this biography while last minute Xmas shopping this morning.What fun that was. Not.😑 Standing at the checkout in BigW,takes the cashier 10mins to figure out she had no clue how to do gift cards,finally called front desk,then took another 10mins to put it through.2 checkouts open.Hubby goes back 2mins later to put trolley back,now they have 10 checkouts open.Aaarrrggghh!!😫 Now sitting in car reading waiting for the doctor. Fun days!🤶🏻

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm listening too this audiobook right now too! 8y
Hooked_on_books Initially I didn't see your hand at the top and it looked like the book was hovering. Kinda perfect for this book! 😂 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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He started out wanting to make Flash Gordon, but they blew it...so he made up his own space opera instead.

Moral of the story: don't let a firm "No" stop you, go about it a different way! LOL

** For the rest of Part One they refer to this back burner idea of his as that weird "Flash Gordon thing" which cracks me up every time.

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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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I couldn't help listening to this section today and thinking that 2016 is going to be remembered in a similar way, so much of the old passing on or going away, and the new being such a big change from what went before.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Afternoon reading. 📚❤️️🤘🏻

LauraBrook 😍😍😍😍😍 8y
Suetara I need this. Cannot wait. 😍 8y
Liberty @Suetara You don't have to - it's out now! 🎉 8y
Suetara Thanks, Liberty! 8y
TNbookworm Looking forward to reading this!! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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AstronomyObserve Yessssss been waiting so long!!! #starwarsnerd 6y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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A much needed #coffeeandbooks break. Slowly making my way through George Lucas: so far, very interesting.

George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Starting this because it was about to be displayed in the New Biography section and I thought, "Why not?"

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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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bitterbear Oh my... 8y
melbeautyandbooks That must have been uncomfortable to say the least. 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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A riveting biography -- Brian Jay Jones' writing style made this difficult to put down. I'm glad it focused on Lucas rather than just the franchise; it was interesting to learn more about the man.

MariaCristina That Furby tho... 8y
Centique Oh I am crushing on that Furby.... super cool! 8y
Soubhiville That's the best Furby ever! 8y
bookishnerd I really want to read this. Glad you liked it! 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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A really smart, detailed biography, which is fair to George Lucas, but also perfectly willing to indicate when it's HIM who is the problem. This is not a biography of Star Wars, which makes it all the better.

Liberty Ooo, I've been on the fence about reading this. 8y
Peterdamien @Liberty I think it's worth your time. ☺️ it's a compulsive reading. Hard to put down, even though I always knew where it was heading 8y
TheCanuckReader Hmmm. Looks like an Xmas prezzie for my husband :) 8y
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George Lucas: A Life | Brian Jay Jones
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Tonight's book. I'm looking forward to this one