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Joined December 2019

“We are the sum of all we have done added to the sum of all that has been done to us.“ Robin Hobb
Mighty Quill | Emmaline Strange
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This is a romance book. Don't get fooled by the tiny mystery plot because it doesn't really go anywhere and is overshadowed by the romance.

I found it fairly meh. The two POV characters had very similar voices which was frustrating. I had to keep checking whose POV it was.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Hay fever has been really bad this month and work has been tough so I'm pretty pleased with what I got read!

Finished 3 ARCs
Hit my #bookspin and one #roll100

I decided to just donate History is all you left me because I haven't liked any of their other books

@julieclair #readordonate @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! The pollen around here has been ridiculous! 18h
julieclair Great job, especially with all you had going on. And donating without reading is totally acceptable! Bottom line is that you cleared a bit of space on your shelf. 👍😘 9h
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Untitled | Unknown
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It is time to vote for July‘s author for #queerbc

How is this schedule working for people?

Here are the 3 randomly selected authors to pick from. You are selecting an author and can read any of their works. You can read anything they have written.

Vote here - https://forms.gle/RcEpquAy5aQBMbZj6

peanutnine Voted! I like the schedule, it gives plenty of time to plan ahead 👍🏼 22h
BookmarkTavern Voted! And yeah, this works really well! 21h
Read4life Voted! 20h
Jari-chan Voted and the schedule is perfect ❤️ 19h
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May was a much slower month for me, how did you all do? #gottacatchemall

As it we're approaching the half way point of the year (way to quickly!) I've got a feedback form about the challenge and ways I can improve it for next year.

if you could spend a minute or two filling it out that would be very helpful, thanks!


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Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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Dice roller this month because I have my niece and I'm scared she will steal my dice. Little goblin in the making!

June's #roll100

Roll 1 = 66
Roll 2 = 7
Roll 3 = 24

Let me know what you're reading by tagging @puddlejumper

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Fighting Attraction | Laura John
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Too much misogynistic language

Hooked_on_books That always makes me sad when it‘s a woman author. 2w
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Why was this book so boring? Nothing happened! It has demons, fated partners, treachery, betrayal and yet I was bored.

Hard pass.

LiseWorks Lol, I would have just looked at the cover in order to want to finish reading 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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These are my #queerbc picks for May and June. They have been on my TBR for ages and part of my #readordonate list


julieclair Hooray! 2w
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Untitled | Untitled
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#queerbc June author is V.E Schwab!

Thanks to everyone who voted. You still have time to read the May author Adib Khorram

If you've read anything by this author maybe drop a recommendation in the comments or discuss which books you'd like to read

Jari-chan Will start with my Adib Khorram tomorrow 🥰 Time to also choose the next book🤭 2w
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I read gallant recently and really enjoyed it 2w
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PuddleJumper @Jari-chan ❤️❤️ I have it sitting on my shelf and I'm ignoring it 🤣 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper Well, at least it's on your shelf. Better than nothing 😁 2w
willaful I enjoyed A Darker Shade of Magic, though the sequels not as much. 2w
willaful I think I'll probably go with Gallant, to avoid starting yet another series. 😁 2w
peanutnine I loved Addie Larue! Planning on reading Gallant or maybe start Darker Shade of Magic series 2w
BookmarkTavern I‘ve got a couple of hers! I‘ll need to figure out which one to pick! 2w
PuddleJumper @willaful I've got A Darker Shade of Magic but I'm tempted by some of her others! 2w
PuddleJumper @peanutnine Addie Larue looks really interesting! 2w
PuddleJumper @BookmarkTavern ❤️❤️ They all look good 2w
peanutnine @PuddleJumper I haven't listened to it but I've heard amazing things about the audiobook for Addie Larue. If I ever reread I'll probably go that route 2w
Read4life I listened to Addie Larue and loved it. I‘ve also read Darker Shade of Magic & liked it. I have a couple of others to choose from but I haven‘t decided what to read yet. 2w
lil1inblue Oh no, I'll *have* to read another VE Schwab book. (sarcasm)😉 I'm always happy with Schwab! I haven't gotten to Gallant yet, so I may go with that. I'm hoping to read my Khorram book over the long weekend. 2w
PuddleJumper @lil1inblue So tragic! 🤣 1w
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This is a fun little paranormal book. Is it great? No. Is it terrible? Also no. Is it easy brain fluff? Yes.

The romance element was fairly bland. The characters had no chemistry and the sex was awful. Thankfully, it wasn't a big part of the plot.

I really liked the world and side characters and I'll probably dip back into the series.

peanutnine Easy brain fluff ftw!! 2w
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I think I might have been more open to an age gap romance if I hadn't just read the first in this series. Seth is 13 when he meets Ronan who is 28. Ronan was also in a relationship with his brother. It was a brotherly relationship until Seth grew up which feels gross.

In general there was too much flip flopping and angst. Very little plot. I'm disappointed because I enjoyed the first book

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Three flawed and traumatized people fall in love. This was really well written and paced and there was a lot of development for such a short book.

Raphael | Toby Wise
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I didn't like the writing and found it difficult to distinguish between characters.

I accidentally bought KU for a month so now I'm speed reading my way through recs 😂

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Careful! KU auto-renews month to month 😱 3w
PuddleJumper @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Thanks, I cancelled it immediately. I thought I was getting a deal but it went through as a regular subscription 😑 3w
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willaful @PuddleJumper Oh no, I hope that wasn't my fault. :-( 3w
PuddleJumper @willaful Oh no! Don't worry. I was trying a work around and it didn't work. My fault for trying to game the system 😂 3w
willaful I'm sorry anyway. :-( 2w
PuddleJumper @willaful It's all good. Now I can binge read trash which is useful since I'm stressed 🥳 2w
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This was porn with a teeny tiny bit of plot. I liked the plot and the characters but I could have done with half as many sex scenes.

I wouldn't call this 'dark'. The main characters were mercenaries and there was a human trafficking plot, it's just most of the book is the mercenaries being cute and having group sex. Minimal kink.

I Am God's Dagger | K a Merikan
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Some days you just want to read about good people doing bad things to bad people ... And getting dicked down in the process

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This novel is all about ambition and power – what would you do to get it and what would it cost you – were very central to the plot and character motivations.

Meilin leaves her family to join the army out ambition and a desire for autonomy. She wants to find a place for herself and not be defined by the men around her. A dangerous ambition as a competent woman in the realm of men upsets the social order.

PuddleJumper What stood out for me was that the character thought about the consequences of her choices, what would happen if she stayed, what would happen if she was discovered, and still made the choice to disguise herself because it was the only way to get what she wanted and that was worth the risk.

PuddleJumper The book is split into three parts and each part was paced differently which was a bit odd. The second and third parts were a lot faster pace and there wasn‘t much development during those sections. The first part felt more developed as time was spent setting the world up and the characters.

PuddleJumper I thought the book lost its way in the middle a bit. The introduction of the situationship triangle didn‘t fit with the rest of the book and felt very awkward. I hesitate to call it a love triangle as none of the parties actually loved or liked each other.

PuddleJumper It was still an amazing book that gripped me from the start. I loved the magical element and the world building, each kingdom had its own history and culture that were distinct, most of the characters were fleshed out and the family and friendship relationships felt organic, it was just the romance that was weird.

Would definitely recommend to people that enjoy historical fantasy.
PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 3w
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This is not grounded in reality at all. Do not expect this to be a good procedural investigation book. I would say it's romance with light mystery and squad goals.

The case is a child abduction and murder which automatically takes it out of the cosy genre for me. None of it was handled well or respectfully in the writing. It felt exploitative, as if it was included just for shock value. The perpetrator did not make sense.

PuddleJumper There is too much going on and nothing gets developed. I forgot who half the characters were, especially since some of them had no personality. It was just a name and relationship to the main character.

PuddleJumper The romance would have been better spread over several books. It felt too quick. The sex scenes were bad. Not weeping cock purple prose bad but not far off. Thankfully, they were easy to skip. They also flirt, dirty talk driving back from a child‘s funeral which made it hard to like them.

PuddleJumper The first half of the book was much stronger and then it flops around and comes to a very unsatisfactory and frankly stupid ending. It was easy reading though and I enjoyed the premise. I‘ll probably give the author another go and try the next in the series. 3w
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Untitled | Unknown
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Going to see Six the Musical this weekend. Super excited!

I've got a bit of traveling to get to the theatre so I'm hoping to finish The Night Ends with Fire or I might just play Fallout Shelter.

tpixie Have a blast!! 💥 3w
JamieArc I‘ll be seeing Six in a couple of weeks! Really looking forward to it. 3w
mcctrish What a great weekend plan 3w
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Deblovestoread It is so good! Enjoy! 3w
Kimberlone I saw this when it toured in my city recently! Super fun and the songs were great 😊 3w
PuddleJumper @tpixie It was amazing! 3w
PuddleJumper @JamieArc It was really good! Hope you enjoy it 3w
PuddleJumper @mcctrish ❤️❤️ 3w
PuddleJumper @Deblovestoread It was really good! So glad I got tickets 3w
PuddleJumper @Kimberlone They really are! The performers were awesome 3w
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First book I've requested from #Netgalley

I've avoided requesting any books because I feel pressured to read and review them quickly 😂 I really wanted to read this one though and thankfully I got approved!

Already 25% in and loving it!

Small Gods of Calamity | Sam Kyung Yoo
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It takes awhile for this novella to find its stride. The first few chapters are a bit awkwardly paced and there is a lot of information thrown at the reader. After chapter 3 it improves dramatically.


PuddleJumper It follows a police detective in Seoul who can see ghosts and incorporates a mixture of Korean, Japanese and Chinese spiritualism and mythology. This part of the book I really enjoyed. It was explained well and felt integrated and fully flashed out. 4w
PuddleJumper The MC Han-gil is openly bi and identifies as asexual. You don't often see ace MCs, especially ones where their sexuality isn't the focus of the story.

A lot of great things were packed into this novella. If this was turned into a series I would definitely keep reading.
PuddleJumper The story touches on transphobia in Korea and there are scenes of domestic violence against a trans person.
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PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 4w
CBee 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4w
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April check-in for #gottacatchemall

Another 78 books logged and another 20 Pokémon caught! There are some evolutions happening too which is exciting! Well done everyone!

@Kenyazero @willaful @Jari-chan @5280reader @Zuhkeeyah @Whollybologna @KateReadsYA @TheAromaofBooks @Yuki_Onna @Laughterhp @SunnieK @coffees

kwmg40 I've not caught any more in April, but I'm 2/3 on many of them, so I expect I'll be catching a few in May! 4w
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 I've got some many with 2 prompts complete! 😅 4w
kwmg40 @Puddlejumper I don't think I'm on your tag list. Could you please add me? Thanks! 4w
See All 6 Comments
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 Must have missed you off. Added! 4w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks @Jari-chan @Laughterhp @Whollybologna @SunnieK @kwmg40 @Yuki_Onna

Your progress graphic has been added to the GDrive. There is a poster version and a Litsy one. I am not sure if these will be the final form but I wanted to get them done in case people wanted to share them or have a visual guide to what they‘ve caught.
I haven‘t figured out how to include Evolved Pokémon yet so that is why things might change later on.
kwmg40 @PuddleJumper Thank you! 4w
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Untitled | Untitled
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It is time to vote for June‘s author for #queerbc

I know it is really early, the plan is that voting will last around 2 weeks and then there is another 2 weeks to pick a book and source it. We‘ll see how it goes!

Here are the 3 randomly selected authors to pick from. You are selecting an author and can read any of their works. You can read anything they have written.

Vote here - https://forms.gle/LHni7Mhzm46pCZkD7

Voting ends 17th May

peanutnine The link to the voting form says it's not taking any new responses 4w
PuddleJumper @peanutnine Updated! I copied it from the old one and didn't realize it would keep that bit. Should be fine now. Thanks for pointing it out 4w
See All 12 Comments
peanutnine Awesome! Got it and voted 👍🏼 4w
BookmarkTavern Oh this is going to be tough! I have books by all these authors on my TBR! 😅 4w
rwmg I don't think I've read anything by any of these writers. I do have something by Christos Tsiolkas marked down for this month for another challenge, so perhaps I will postpone it and vote for him. 4w
Jari-chan Voted 👍 4w
PuddleJumper @BookmarkTavern This one is very tough! They are all so different 4w
PuddleJumper @rwmg I've had The Slap haunting my shelves for ages 4w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan ❤️❤️ 4w
lil1inblue This is a hard choice! 4w
PuddleJumper @lil1inblue Yes! I've got books for two of these authors of my shelves 4w
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Number Call | Nagisa Furuya
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This is a very low conflict manga about first love. It's a good blend of humour and sweetness.

The artwork is lovely and really fits the vibe. I would definitely recommend it as an easy, happy read

Thanks to #netgalley for the #ARC

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I found the mix of humour and information very unbalanced for much of the book, it seemed to fine a good balance about half way through and I enjoyed the second half of the book much more than the first.

PuddleJumper I would have liked some references or further reading suggestions for each section. The selected bibliography at the end was very lacking as it didn‘t cover all of the women featured. The sections on each woman were about a page long and were more like snippets placed in the context of world history. I would have preferred more focus on the women themselves.

The idea was great, it just wasn‘t executed as well as I would have liked.
PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I've got a bunch of ARCs to read, some books for work, and then my #roll100 #readordonate #queerbc and #bookspin

It'll be fine!

#bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Good luck!!! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I've done Conqueror challenges in the past and loved how they work. The medals are well worth it.

I've been focusing on building my business this year which is a lot of social media, lots of traveling around, and a very disjointed routine.

I want to get outside more and have some space from my work. Get out of the house, find somewhere to read and just breathe. Thought these might help! I'm very motivated by shiny things 🤣

BookwormAHN I love these challenges. I plan to do these soon, right now I'm working on the Game of Thrones ones 💜 1mo
SconsinBookyBadger I signed up for email notifications, but haven‘t committed to a challenge yet. I‘m leaning towards the Scooby Doo when I get around to it. 1mo
PuddleJumper @BookwormAHN Those look epic! 1mo
PuddleJumper @SconsinBookyBadger It's a lot of money all at once. I like that you can set your own pace, I'm expecting them to last me over a year. The Scooby Doo one looks really cool 1mo
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Another 99p Kindle deal

#ukkindledeal #99ponkindle

The Persephone Code | Julia Golding
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Just spotted this, I think it was suggested for #CampLitsy24

#ukkindledeal #99ponkindle

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I've got a few ARC books that I need to read this month so I'm hoping to get at least 2 of them done as well as a book for #queerbc

@thearomaofbooks #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Holy Knit | Deborah Alexander
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A man on TikTok told me to get this because it's free for one day only and good? So now I'm telling all of you!

#freekindle #kindledeal

willaful Also free in the US. 1mo
PuddleJumper @willaful 👍👍 Wonder what the reason is 1mo
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Sakurai‘s exam nerves meant that she didn‘t do as well as she expected and didn‘t get into her preferred school. A teacher offers to write her a referral to her dream school if she can get a truant student to start coming to school.

PuddleJumper The artwork fits the vibe perfectly and there is a comic element to the plot which I enjoyed. Overall, it's really cute if you ignore the blackmail/coercive start to the couple's relationship. It really wasn‘t needed.

Honda could still ask for daily favours and they eventually start getting closer and catching feelings. The semi-forced kiss ruined it for me and felt very out of place.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC
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What Moves the Dead | T. Kingfisher
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A really enjoyable Gothic horror

RaeLovesToRead Hello cute ears 💕💕 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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The Terms of Release | B. A. Tortuga

The couple was sweet, a little rushed but whatever. What I didn't like was that there was no resolution to the 'bad guys' There was attempted murder and it was just 'oh well, we know who did it but we can't prove it'

I dunno, it's realistic but I also don't want that

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I haven‘t read this one yet, but I read the second one - The Articles of Release about Adam‘s army friend Eric and the trainer, Troy. I liked it well enough. 1mo
PuddleJumper @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Ah, I thought they were hinting at a second couple. I hadn't realized it was a series 1mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Yep, i think there‘s a third one too with another different couple 1mo
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I skim read the majority of this because I didn't like the writing. It was awkward and badly paced.

The story lacked a lot of tension and felt very low stakes even though it was constantly telling me how high stakes it was.

I think I would like the characters more written by a different author.

BookwormAHN I think another would have done a lot better with the tension and I would have preferred more focus on Merrin instead of Cal. I thought she was more interesting. 1mo
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Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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May always makes me think of flowers and spring so I went with some more colourful dice for #roll100

1 = 29

2 = 59

3 = 62

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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Love all these sets, but the ones for 62 are GORGEOUS! 😍 1mo
PuddleJumper @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 💝 Those were from a dice advent calendar by Beholder's Gaze. The marbled affect is so lovely 1mo
Read4life Yay! Now to see which books these are… 1mo
claudiuo Thank you! 1mo
Ruthiella Fantastic! 1mo
Deblovestoread How can we be so close to May already? Need to update my list and see what I‘ll be reading. 1mo
Allylu Ooh! #29 The Widely Unknown Myth of Apple & Dorothy by Corey Ann Hayden; #59 Soul of Stars by Ashley Poston; #62 Lovelight Farms by M. K. Barison!!! Yay! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Woo... my choices are great this month. THE DICE HAVE SPOKEN!!!! 1mo
PuddleJumper @Deblovestoread I can't believe it either! 1mo
PuddleJumper @Allylu Yay! Happy reading 1mo
DebinHawaii Ack! May!!! 🫣 Very pretty dice, can‘t wait to see what books these are! 1mo
julieclair So pretty! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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The first author selected for #queerbc is Adib Khorram!

This is for May, I‘ve got it up early so you can pick what you want to read and source it.

You can read anything he has written, so have a look and see what catches your interest. If you‘ve already read something by them maybe drop a recommendation in the comments.

I‘ll post again at the end of May to see what everyone read and what you thought

Happy reading!

PuddleJumper Suggest authors for June - https://forms.gle/5WnkpKS4HX739gEv9 1mo
willaful Yay! I've read most of his books already so I hope I can get ahold of the latest. 1mo
See All 10 Comments
Jari-chan I loved the Darius books, so now I'm curious about his other work. 1mo
PuddleJumper @willaful He's got a few new ones I've not seen before. I've got the second Darius book and Kiss & Tell to try 1mo
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan Yeah, I've only read the first Darius book. I've got Kiss & Tell to try which I'm excited about 1mo
lil1inblue I'm excited about this! He is a new-to-me author, so I think I'm going to go with Darius the Great is Not Okay to start. 1mo
peanutnine Darius the Great has been on my TBR for a hot minute so I'm excited to prioritize it next month! 1mo
PuddleJumper @lil1inblue Oh amazing! Hope you enjoy it 1mo
PuddleJumper @peanutnine It's a good push! 1mo
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This was such a wonderful and heart-warming asexual/aromatic coming of age story. The characters and relationships were really well done and interesting. There was exploration of what being in a relationship meant, what love meant, and that platonic relationships can be just as valid as romantic and sexual ones.

The art style was great and I really enjoyed reading it.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC of the book

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Evil Under the Sun | Agatha Christie
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I'm excited! Finally carved out some time to binge watch the TV show. I am ready to be destroyed!

Chrissyreadit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Thank you to everyone who suggested authors for #queerbc Over 80 were suggested which is amazing! Vote for the author who you would like to read in May. You are selecting an author and can read any of their works.

I‘ve given some examples of their works so you can look them up, see if any catch your attention, but you are not limited to those books. You can read anything they have written.

Vote here - https://forms.gle/9DbrmKEvhk84Fpdt6

Jari-chan Voted. I'm excited! 2mo
See All 18 Comments
peanutnine Awesome! Thanks for organizing, I'm looking forward to this! 2mo
Zuhkeeyah Can I join in? Many of these books are on my tbr. 2mo
lil1inblue Researching right now so I can vote! I'd be happy with any of the choices. 😍 2mo
ElizaMarie Just voted! Super excited! 2mo
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan 🌞 2mo
PuddleJumper @Zuhkeeyah Yes, of course! 2mo
Read4life Voted! 🤓 2mo
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I think I'll skip this month, as I'm not really interested in any of these authors. Their books all seem to be YA about cis gay guys, which isn't rally my jam. 2mo
PuddleJumper @Read4life ❤️❤️ 2mo
PuddleJumper @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Totally understandable. It was a bit unfortunate that the first batch were all of a similar genre/reading type. 2mo
rwmg I've just finished reading the two Darius The Great books but I might be interested in Dante and Aristotle. I'm not great at reading books when I'm supposed to (partly because I've got too many challenges going on) but please add me to the list. 2mo
PuddleJumper @rwmg No worries, you don't have to participate every month and it's a great way to find some new books to try out. I'll add you to the list. Feel free to suggest authors and vote even if you might not read the books 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Ok, I am being impulsive in-between folding socks! #queerbc will be starting in May

One LGBTQIA+ author will be selected each month and you can read anything they have written. At the end of the month you can discuss them, their works, and maybe stack a few new books.

Suggest authors below or through GoogleForms - https://forms.gle/sYFzHid61eSJRaHT9

I'll keep a list then randomly select 3, you guys will then vote and one author will be chosen

Jari-chan That sound great! Can I be put on the taglist? 2mo
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan Of course! 2mo
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lil1inblue Can you put me on the tag list, as well? I love this! 2mo
PuddleJumper @lil1inblue Yep, I've added you! 2mo
BookmarkTavern What a smart way to get suggestions! Can‘t wait to start! 💖 2mo
Read4life Looks great. Time to think of authors. 🤔 2mo
willaful Tag me please! 2mo
PuddleJumper @willaful Will do! 2mo
peanutnine Okay I went through my storygraph and picked the authors that had 2+ books on my TBR... There's like 30 🫣😂 2mo
PuddleJumper @peanutnine That works! 2mo
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Yay! Please add me to the tag list! 2mo
ElizaMarie I am so so excited! 2mo
PuddleJumper @ElizaMarie ❤️❤️ I think voting will go up next week and close after a week. That will give people nearly 2 weeks to decide what they want to read and get a hold of it 2mo
jenniferw88 Add me too please! 2mo
34 likes17 comments
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Well done everyone! There was a total of 80 books logged and 16 Pokémon caught in March for #gottacatchemall

You guys are amazing!

Koffing and Vespiquen are now tied for most caught Pokémon

@Kenyazero @willaful @Jari-chan @5280reader @Zuhkeeyah @Whollybologna @KateReadsYA @TheAromaofBooks @Yuki_Onna @Laughterhp @SunnieK @coffees

Zuhkeeyah I caught 3 Pokémon this month! I need to update my log. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I really like these prompts!! I'm on to a couple of the more challenging ones for evolving a couple Pokemon so we will see how that goes 😂 2mo
Laughterhp I really need to update my log! I think I‘ve caught a few others. 2mo
See All 10 Comments
SunnieK Thank you for this, it‘s fun 2mo
Kenyazero Nice! I'm behind on updating on Litsy, but I've mostly kept up on Storygraph. No idea where I am in my progress right now 😆 2mo
PuddleJumper @Zuhkeeyah Congratulations! 2mo
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks Yay! I'm glad 2mo
PuddleJumper @Laughterhp I'm terrible at logging them 🤣 2mo
PuddleJumper @SunnieK ❤️❤️ 2mo
PuddleJumper @Kenyazero 🤣 I do the same 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Would anyone be interested in a book club that focuses on LGBTQIA+ authors?

There have been a few in the past and I don't want to step on anyone's toes, I just like organising things and selfishly could do with some recommendations!

I was thinking of either doing an author a month where we vote on an author and then you can read any book by them or choosing a specific book.

If you are interested or have any thoughts comment below!


ElizaMarie I have no suggestions, but... I would be interested either by following along or just stacking books to add to my TBR if I am not able to follow along. I agree that queer voices are very important in this day, and would love to support/read more of them. 2mo
BookmarkTavern Woo! Yes! 100%! ❤️ I love the idea of picking an author! 2mo
Read4life I‘d be interested either way. 2mo
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PuddleJumper @ElizaMarie That's what I do with a lot of my book clubs. It's a great way to get recs 2mo
PuddleJumper @BookmarkTavern I'm quite taken with that because sometimes I can't get specific books. It makes it a bit more accessible 2mo
peanutnine I'm so in!! I love the idea of doing it by author, I'm such a mood reader 2mo
PuddleJumper @peanutnine Yeah, same. This opens up more options 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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April #roll100 Eh, March was a bust so I'm going to go with any reading this month will be good.

I'll take a pause from #bookspin this month. Just try to get back into the swing of things ... I am ignoring the 20 tabs open with epic SW time travel fix it fics

Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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April is nearly here! I refuse to believe it! March has been really busy for me so no pretty dice this month, just rolls from my lost in fey elf that doesn‘t like undead and is the tallest one in the group.

Here are the picks for April #roll100

Roll 1 = 100

Roll 2 = 6

Roll 3 = 74

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claudiuo Thank you so much! Roll the Dice always makes the passing of another month a little bit more bearable! 2mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! 2mo
Morr_Books I literally just started one of the #Roll100 March books, so hopefully it'll be a quick and enjoyable read, so I can get to the April picks 😀 2mo
Allylu I‘ve got three great books for April: #100 The Lives of Puppets by T. J. Klune; #6 All of Us Villians by Amanda Frody; and #74 Happiness Falls by Angie Kim!! Yay! 2mo
Ruthiella Awesome! So far I‘ve managed to read all the picks in previous months. Hoping I can keep it up. 🤞 2mo
Kenyazero Sweet! Pretty sure I forgot to do March and maybe even February, so I'll definitely do April! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Hmmm two of my picks have the word “Phantom“ in the title?? Feels random 😂 An old horse story called The Phantom Roan, and the children's classic, The Phantom Tollbooth. 2mo
59 likes11 comments

I had the digital copy of this book and no effort was put into making it suitable for digital media.

The pictures are tiny and don't expand. There are lots of tables that just don't work over several pages. It made the book unreadable.

Balibee146 So infuriating! 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
21 likes2 comments

This is a series of short articles by various authors. It's interesting but I found the articles didn't go into much detail.

It was more like a quick overview

Untitled | Unknown
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lil1inblue I kind of love this. 😂 2mo
SpellboundReader Wow, I see some really highly rated books in this pic and there are a few I personally struggled with. 😬 Everyone should be allowed to express their opinions about a popular book, whether good or bad. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Hahaha, who could hate on Atomic Habits though?? 😂 2mo
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mcctrish Me too! There better be some Colleen Hoover on that shelf and my personal thorn Eat, Pray, Love 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
dabbe @BeeCurious That's why I #hailthebail and am a #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Larkken Oh man! I love this. Reading thoughtful critical reviews always deepens my reading experience, even (especially?) when it‘s a book I 5⭐️ 2mo
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Sixteen Souls | Rosie Talbot
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If you are going to set a book somewhere then visit. It is really inexcusable to get street names wrong or describe areas of a city wrong. Take a research holiday.

York is amazing, and so far I get no sense of that from this book. It's generic England!