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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ruthiella It‘s so hard not to read ahead to see how this will be resolved ! 😬 3w
Cuilin IT TAKES TWO!! SHE WAS A CHILD!! Sorry for screaming but nobody even mentioned the fully grown adult male!! 😡 3w
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Cuilin @Ruthiella why do I think we will not get a happy ending? 3w
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin @Ruthiella I‘m wondering the same 😢 3w
AllDebooks @Cuilin yep, it's not looking great for Ruth, is it? 3w
willaful Ugh. I feel very sorry for Ruth and I know she's a product of her times, but as a mom, her conversation with Leonard made me want to scream. The worst way she could possibly have broken the news! Crying all over your kid and wishing you could die, so traumatic for him.

And the hypocrisy of Bradshaw! “Means to an end“ is fine when *he* does it! 🤬
dabbe Patriarchy is MALARKEY!!! #bradshawsuckspondwater 😤 3w
mcctrish @Cuilin YES! Can we throw Bellingshit under the bus ?! He groomed a child to be his lover 3w
mcctrish @dabbe 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3w
currentlyreadinginCO @willaful cringed at Ruth's telling to her son, too ? - sad that she's this traumatized from the "sin" and now exposure. Certain people will definitely still ostracize a young pregnant girl with no means of support but at least we've progressed slightly from the Victorian era with the darkness of this shame.... 3w
Bookwormjillk Ugh these long frustrating chapters 3w
willaful @Bookwormjillk yeah, with no doubt more misery to come. 😣 3w
Aimeesue @willaful Right? So sad. And traumatic! 3w
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