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Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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Yes it was an epic masterpiece but it was also just a bit too much. There is only so much cruelty I can take with the racism, classism, feudal systems of oppression, religious oppression, treatment of women, and the brutality of the Inquisition. It‘s an amazing read but I was racing just to get it over with.
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#BookedInTime #SpanishInquisition

dabbe I'm way behind and am still with the Celts in Ireland! 😜 3mo
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Cuilin @dabbe I‘d stick with the celts if I were you, Denise. I don‘t think I‘m likely to pick the Inquisition for #BookedInTime ever again Lol 3mo
julieclair I haven‘t started mine yet, but I was thinking I really wanted to read it. Now I‘m not so sure. Maybe I‘ll start, and if it‘s too violent & depressing, I‘ll give myself permission to DNF it. My book is 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Oh that is too bad. There really needs to be balance in these books to make them bearable. 3mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures I just got a lupus diagnosis and I‘ve been pretty sick so I think this made me more sensitive to the darker aspects of the novel because there‘s no denying it is a good book. 3mo
Cuilin @julieclair what a dark time in history, whoa. No judgment if you DNF. 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Cuilin so sorry to hear! Lupus is a beast, hoping you can get on a plan that helps you feel better soon, and that next month's book is happier! 3mo
Aimeesue Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Autoimmune stuff is so hard. Hope you find a med that works well for you quickly! 3mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures @Aimeesue thank you both. It‘s certainly a learning curve. 3mo
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By Fire, By Water | Mitchell James Kaplan
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My choice for #BookedInTime this month is By Fire, By Water. I know very little about the #SpanishInquisition , so this should be an interesting read. @Cuilin

Cuilin I like the cover. This is a new to me era mostly too. 4mo
julieclair @Cuilin Just fyi, I have created a challenge on StoryGraph to track my #BookedInTime reading. It‘s not a public challenge (so won‘t show up in searches on SG), but I can share the link with other people. Do you think any of our other Booked-in-Timers might like to use that? 4mo
Cuilin @julieclair yes! Sounds fantastic!! 4mo
julieclair @Cuilin Great! Here‘s the link: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/f6f6ac21-909a-4d7e-9e1c-2084aab... I‘ll create another post (maybe tomorrow) and tag everyone. 4mo
Cuilin @julieclair perfect!!! 😍 4mo
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