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#Blackout #CandaceOwens #BookSpinBingo #Doublespin

Political activist and social media star, Candace Owens, tells why she and others are turning right as the liberal policies and ideals hinder the black's ability to rise above the poverty level. Turning right leaves them happier, more successful and self-sufficient. Candace claims that government give-aways equal more taxation.

EadieB Handouts are absent of hard work and render the recipient weak and depletes self-esteem, entrepreneurial spirit, drive and aspiration. I found a lot of what she was saying made sense to me especially when she wrote about affirmative action. Falsely elevating blacks to positions will make them suffer if they cannot perform. 3y
EadieB Shortcuts and handouts through policy cut back on their hard work. Only hard work has produced black greatness. Black culture is the biggest contributor to black failure. Education is not deemed as "cool" and Candace found that blacks perform better when mixed with white students. Reading her book gave me a different perspective from a black person's point of view. 3y
EadieB Candace now gives speeches throughout the country asking blacks to consider turning right as "what do you have to lose?" if relying on the liberals has not helped your situation. 3y
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Crazeedi Thoughtful review Eadie 3y
EadieB @Crazeedi Thanks! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review!! I‘ve got to pick it up where I left off! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
DarkMina @Eadieb Spot on! 3y
EadieB @DarkMina Thanks! 3y
DanaManiac Wow. 3y
Eggs Nice review 👍🏼 3y
EadieB Thanks! 3y
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This is the true Candace. This tweet was sent by her on the 19th of June, as in Junteenth. Why someone would want to read a book written by a person who not only believes this vile and untrue shit, pay money for it too. And Simon & Schuster had better get it together and stop publishing books from her and others like her. And to Owens and her book:🖕yourself.
OK, that's my rant for this beautiful Sunday morning
#candaceowens #sandyhook #blackout

sprainedbrain She is just absolutely vile. Omg. 3y
Gaylagal2 @sprainedbrain Yes she is! And I'm a very, very open minded person. But it shocks and kind of pisses me off to no end the praise people give her, even on Litsy 🙄 All they need to do is read the total hatred that comes out of her mouth on Twitter, any Fox channel (big gag). 🤓 3y
sprainedbrain Oh my… clearly I was thorough in my Litsy cleanse after the election, as I haven‘t seen anything like that on here. I am open-minded and have always tried to listen to people I disagree with, but I just cannot anymore with people who think that way. The stakes are far too high at this point. 3y
Gaylagal2 @sprainedbrain I can't listen either, I'm so done😉 And FYI, if you'd like to find and weed out Owens supporters and the like, just search the book title-Blackout-and there they all are. And I have no doubt that a few will shock you, because it did me....lol. 😬 3y
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Great book. 4/5 ⭐️ with great narration by the author.

She touches on so many important, complex concepts with nonsense and integrity. I think she's one of the best black women leaders in our country. Who also happens to be conservative.

Glad I took the time to read it; I look forward to more from this intelligent woman.

#justfinished #socialscience #nonfiction #blackAmerica #politics #government #race #goodbooks #CandaceOwens

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...and in this country and many others our biggest concern is society using accurate gender pronouns. Entitled much?

#currentlyreading #socialissues #CandaceOwens #Blackout #bookblurbs

jessjess Definitely something to think about. There's so many communities in Canada and the USA that don't even have access to clean drinking water and the government does sweet FA about it. However, I think trying to get someone's preferred pronouns right is a good start. When we disregard identity that can cause feelings of dehumanization and I wouldn't ever want to cause someone to feel that way. 3y
bibliobliss @jessjess Yes. I am by no means calling attention to these relatively "privileged" concerns in order to disregard them. However, if someone lives in a country where their most pressing concern is others getting their pronouns right, I'd say they're not struggling as much as those who in other, less-developed countries where an entire group of people are literally kidnapped and sacrificed for political reasons. 3y
TheKidUpstairs Everything in life is relative, but that does not diminish someone's struggle to live their truth in the face of those who would shame them or deny them who they are. I would flip this argument to the other side: there are people in this world still being sold into slavery, kidnapped, murdered, etc; so why do people feel entitled to waste their time, energy, and breath denying another's right to live their true identity. If someone tells you 👇 3y
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TheKidUpstairs ... their pronouns, accept them, use them, and then move on to fight a different battle. It takes no energy and little time to use a person's preferred pronouns. Do it. 3y
bibliobliss @TheKidUpstairs Always good to get another's perspective. I also understand that if people are intent on misinterpreting a post, it's not my job to make them follow my thought process. Wasted energy in either direction. Interesting how, with or without correct gender pronouns, we all live to fight another day. I wonder how people survived before hashtag she/her/them... 3y
TheKidUpstairs @Readage Unfortunately, suicide rates are high among trans individuals who do not have their identity honored by those around them, so no they do not live to fight another day. I apologize if I misinterpreted your post, it came off as very dismissive to an issue that truly is a life or death fight to many who are in it. 3y
bibliobliss @TheKidUpstairs Yes, I know this about trans people and I have always supported transgender individuals in their daily struggles. This post was never about dismissing individual preferences or struggles. It was intended to highlight the contrast between what marginalized groups faced 50-100+ years ago as opposed to now. We live in one of the most privileged countries to even be having this discussion at all. Do you know how many countries 3y
bibliobliss would not even allow its citizens to publicly discuss their right to be identified by their preferred pronouns? We are privileged and entitled, no matter which way anyone wants to spin it. Go to the Middle East and see how quickly you get the results we get in America...so yes, we are highly privileged and entitled in America. This is not opinion. 3y
TheKidUpstairs @Readage i am glad to hear that you do support trans rights, your post did not come off that way at all. I agree that even the marginalized in US and Canadian solicitors have privilege above many in many other nations and at many other times, but so what? Calling them entitled belittles their struggles. The attitude of "well, I don't have it as bad as them? I want hurt as bad as them, I am not as oppressed as them" is a deep, painful source of ? 3y
TheKidUpstairs ... internalized shame. This is a personal issue for people that I know and love. (I do appreciate you hearing me out and engaging, and not dismissing this discussion.) 3y
TheKidUpstairs *societies not solicitors 3y
bibliobliss @TheKidUpstairs I love good healthy debate. I would never disregard another's struggles, perspectives, comments or thoughts. I believe that America is a wonderful place to air our grievances and differences. “Entitled“ perhaps is the wrong word here...but “privileged“ (comparatively) might still apply? And also, saying “everything is relative“ is not intended (by me) to dismiss the conversation. 3y
bibliobliss @TheKidUpstairs Is it worth considering that sometimes, in order to get through our personal struggles, it might be “okay“ to compare our lives with those of others in far off places? Just to reserve some sense of perspective. I don't personally live in anyone else's #MeToo movement...I am my own person, as are you...but to say that we aren't lucky/blessed to have this and other cultural movements is to deny the power and impact they are having. 3y
TheKidUpstairs @Readage yes, absolutely, sometimes for some people that line of thought can give comfort. But I hope you can also see how for some, suggesting such comparisons can have negative consequences, because those comparisons are often used to belittle and diminish their experiences. I agree that we are privileged to live in a place where we can openly fight for our rights when others can not. But it is not entitlement to focus on one's own struggles👇 3y
TheKidUpstairs ... even in the face of other atrocities. 3y
Elizabeth2 @Readage 👏👏👏 3y
bibliobliss @Elizabeth2 Someone gets how I'm feeling!! 😁 3y
Elizabeth2 @Readage you said it so well. 🙌 3y
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• Recent Library Haul was very small but this one packs a punch and really brings the 🔥 to ongoing issues in #society. Thank God for common sense people like Mrs. Owens (and congrats to the author, who recently became a mother). Hope to dive back in later tonight; I think I'm in for a treat!! •

#currentlyreading #America #librarylends #currentevents #hardcovers #readharder #race #politics #government #socialissues #blackAmerica #CandaceOwens

BayouGirl85 I added this one to my TBR for February. 3y
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