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I‘ve decided when I visit an indie bookstore for the first time I‘m going to see if they have blind date with a book and get one as a souvenir from that book shop. 📚
#TheGirlWhoFellBeneathTheSea #AxieOh #book #books #BlindDateWithABook #IndieBookstores #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #bookreport #bookreports #bookreview #bookreviews #bookriot #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance #Mythology #Fiction Retellings #YoungAdultFantasy #Audiobook 💟💟

dabbe What a lovely idea and memory of each store! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
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I purchased a #BlindDateWithABook over the weekend! They really went all out with the stickers and pens and bookmark and tabbies!

What is the book?!!! 📕

Half Sick of Shadows | Laura Sebastian
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This is my #BlindDateWithABook; looks good! 🗡️
It was a #BookOfTheMonth selection.

Foxglove | Adalyn Grace
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Went to a festival and one vendor had the #BlindDateWithABook bundles and lots of other cool bookish items! I may need to get one of the trays to hold my mug ☕️ and glasses 👓

The Wall | Marlen Haushofer
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A woman in the Austrian Alps is suddenly surrounded by an invisible wall. Behind the wall the world seems to have come to an end. She lives on in her own little world, surviving with her animals. Despite the apocalyptic setting this book felt somehow soothing. I loved how the woman lives with nature and her animals. Thanks for bringing this to my radar @batsy

sarahbarnes Great review. I loved this one too and felt the same. 🩵🩵 2mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I loved your review and couldn‘t wait to read it too! 2mo
BarbaraBB #52BookClub24 - Land-locked country #ATY24 - Relates to “Raining Cats and Dogs” (edited) 2mo
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Hooked_on_books Oooo, that sounds good! 2mo
Lcsmcat Sounds intriguing. Stacking. 2mo
Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 2mo
Tamra I enjoyed the screen adaptation. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Tamra I need to check that out 2mo
Cathythoughts Sounds good. Stacking. 2mo
Anna40 I love Haushofer! She also wrote short stories. I even translated one but the Austrian publisher didn‘t want to give me permission to send it to a literary magazine for publication. Unless they translate her whole collection it will probably remain untranslated :(. She was brilliant. 2mo
batsy Nice review! Yes, there was something soothing and ultimately hopeful about it in a way. Happy you liked it. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Anna40 That is so cool! And such a pity you couldn‘t publish it. I‘d love to read more by her. 2mo
jenniferw88 This was my #blinddatewithabook book last year from Gladstones! 2mo
Rissreads I think I‘ll bump it up my list! Great review! 2mo
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Barnes & Noble‘s latest email had #BlindDateWithABook

The one on the left ended up being The Wager, the tagged book.

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My library #SHPL did a #BlindDateWithABook for Valentines Day!

This is the one I checked out from the library. The first two words are what for me to select it - the love of history and the hopes of something nautical by the seashore!

Crazeedi I love this Elly Griffiths series! Enjoy 6mo
CrowCAH @Crazeedi thanks for the recommendation! 6mo
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The Christmas Book Flood | Emily Kilgore
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Thank you @BookNAround for the #JolabokaflodSwap! The candy is yummy, and the book looks good. Merry Christmas 🎄

@MaleficentBookDragon thank you for putting the swap together ❤️

#swap #bookswap #Jolabokaflod #blinddatewithabook #bookmail #booksandcandy #surprisemail

Swaps | Sherree DeCovny
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BookNAround Just wanted to check and make sure you received your package too. The tracking says it got there several days ago so I wanted to make sure porch pirates didn‘t nab it. 7mo
IheartYA @BookNAround I received it, thank you! My daughter's birthday was last week so my life has been a little nutty 🤦‍♀️ 7mo
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