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Not as exciting as previous books, but still good

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Finishing up my own Munsch-a-thon with a Robert Munsch Collection including: Ready, Set, Go, So Much Snow!, The Enormous Suitcase, Bear for Breakfast, Moving Day! and Get Me Another One. #25-2024

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The tale of Achilles, as told by Patroclus. This book explores the relationship that may have been more than just leader and henchman, as suggested in Iliad. While some scholars claim their relationship was not romantic, this book explores the possibility that it may have been and it feels like MM may have drawn some of her ideas from the Shakespeare portrayal about them being nothing but sexual. Book #25 in 2024

Allthebookclubs The rest of my review: An interesting read, but full of boring characters with no real dialogue or reason for living other than, he is a god and I am a prince and so on… (edited) 4mo
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Is Ashleigh not a reasonably common name?


Brb - gonna message my sister and let her know that her name is unusual 🤭

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 5mo
julesG Maybe the spelling, but I don't think it's unusual. 5mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG - I would say this is the classic “girl” spelling. I went to school with an Ashleigh, Ashlee and Ashlea 🤣 5mo
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marleed Haha. I recently read a book that carried on about how unusual the name Ezra was to a young generation. I really love the name but thought the author should have reviewed social security/babynames where she‘d learn it ranks #25 in popularity in the US. 5mo
julesG I've seen Ashly and Ashlie here in Germany. The worst spelling of a name I've come across so far was "Eyeline" for Eileen. The poor 15-y/o had to spell her first name for me and I had to keep a straight face. - - - - - my current ARC has an Ashleigh as well. 5mo
julesG @marleed Right?! It's so easy to check. 5mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, I feel for kids who have “classic” names with novelty spelling - that‘s a lifetime of having to spell your name out and having it misspelled in work emails or in the case of poor Eyeline - mispronouncing and (probably) constant commentary. 5mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @marleed, I would have easily believed that it was a less common name for Gen Z or Gen Alpha - but that‘s only because I don‘t know any with the name. Absolutely an easy one to gather data on. 5mo
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Different reaction as an adult but full of good nostalgic memories. I liked these covers. So good to start from book 1 to remember how everything started. As I say, it was viewed from another perspective. Now I think how a middle age child will think about Nancy, who is 18 years old? Have you try these books with younger persons? Do they still read these stories in a world full of technology? Have you recommended these books to your children? ⬇️

Gissy I enjoyed the mystery and of course love Nancy as a female detective. She is 18 years old but in sometimes behave younger. So lovely the relationship she has with her father3.5⭐️

DieAReader 🥳Great! 6mo
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forestandcrow I forgot about this book! I read alot of nancy drew in elementary 6mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 6mo
Gissy @forestandcrow Maybe you will like to participate in the this long Readathon and read your favorite in the series 🤗 6mo
MommyOfTwo I don‘t think I‘ve ever read any but my son came up with a good title for one. Nancy Drew and the Runaway Shoe. We laughed so hard for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 6mo
Gissy @MommyOfTwo That‘s good to know. You are a reader and is amazing what are you doing with your son..teaching him the love for books ❤️ 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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#JumpStart2024 @Lizpixie #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

I finished More Than Dare You yesterday. This is book #25 for this year and another book in a series.


DieAReader 🥳Great! 6mo
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A Pirate's Night Before Christmas | Philip Yates, Sebastia Serra
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This was a super fun find in my collection! The pirates await Sir Peggedy to bring their gifts on the night before Christmas. His sleigh is drawn not by reindeer, but by seahorses. “More sluggish than flounders, his coursers they came … Now Salty, Now, Scurvy! Now Sinbad an‘ Mollie!”

#25 of #TwastheNight

Bookzombie Cute! 7mo
mabell @Bookzombie It is! A jolly (Roger) surprise 😆 7mo
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#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo

Type A Alert! I developed some personal rules for my 2024 Bingo cards that make the game work better for my life.

1) Even though I am doing the Bingo card, I will always make the #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin selections a priority.
2) Whatever number is selected for the #BookSpin will be automatically replaced by my book club's monthly selection. The title that was listed under that number will be moved to the #25 spot. ⬇️

theokiereader 3) If I have a book to review for NetGalley, I can place that book in any spot. The title that currently occupies that spot will be moved to #24. If I do not have a book to review for NetGalley, #24 becomes a free space that cannot be moved.

4) I made the #25 spot into a mood read. I can place that book in any spot. The title that currently occupies that spot will be moved to #25. ⬇️
(edited) 7mo
theokiereader 5) Each month will have a theme. This will probably remain “Old Book of the Month Selections” until I‘ve met the first goal of the BOTM Reading Challenge.

6) I will list my oldest, unread BOTMs first, but I will allow myself three newer BOTM selections that I am excited about.
LiteraryinLawrence It‘s clever to tweak the game so it works more for you! 7mo
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Never Let Me Go | Kazuo Ishiguro
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Second book for #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville Let me justify myself, there are some authors that just don‘t work for some readers even when they are amazing writers with awards and admirers. Well, sorry to say that the three books I read by this amazing author, didn‘t work for me. Again, I see a great story, interesting characters but the story per se, is just a narrative of events. This one has an unexpected twist but it was so at the end⬇️

Gissy (Cont) this one was even boring to me until very at the end that had that twist. But I recognized that the prose is beautiful. An unpopular opinion. 3.5⭐️Maybe I should try another book by him🤷🏽‍♀️

November 2023 #BookSpinBingo (#25 free space) @TheAromaOfBooks
#Rushathon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
Gissy (Cont) this one was even boring to me until very at the end that had that twist. But I recognized that the prose is beautiful. An unpopular opinion. 3.5⭐️Maybe I should try another book by him🤷🏽‍♀️

November 2023 #BookSpinBingo (#25 free space) @TheAromaOfBooks
#Rushathon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
Andrew65 This is one I hoped to get to but didn‘t manage, but I have read 3 this month. Well done 👏👏👏 8mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
Gissy @Andrew65 I think I will watch the movie and maybe a re-read. Sometimes that works. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 8mo
Ruthiella Ishiguro has a real low key writing style. I can totally understand where it would not work for some readers. 8mo
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