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The World We Make
The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
Three-time Hugo Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author N.K. Jemisin crafts "a glorious fantasy" (Neil Gaiman) -- a story of culture, identity, magic, and myths in contemporary New York City, that began with The City We Became. The Great CitiesThe City We Became For more from N. K. Jemisin, check out: The Inheritance TrilogyThe Hundred Thousand KingdomsThe Broken KingdomsThe Kingdom of Gods The Inheritance Trilogy (omnibus edition)Shades in Shadow: An Inheritance Triptych (e-only short fiction)The Awakened Kingdom (e-only novella) Dreamblood DuologyThe Killing MoonThe Shadowed Sun The Dreamblood Duology (omnibus) The Broken EarthThe Fifth SeasonThe Obelisk GateThe Stone Sky How Long 'til Black Future Month? (short story collection)
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Glad for the author's acknowledgements, it confirms that this is a duology, that the bit of pacing that felt rushed to me is likely the result of the transformation from a planned trilogy, and needing to wrap up a lot of loose ends in a shorter time frame. All of which did not take away from my enjoyment of the tale. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? Fantastic world-building expanding on an original premise, without losing the focus on the characters we've grown to love, though which get the spotlight this time around has switched. NYC + Manny's, and Padmini's arcs came to satisfying conclusions. I would still be happy to read more in this world in the future, but I don't feel like there's any missing pieces to any characters' stories. 3mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/3 Given when this duology was being written, Jemisin's fading energy for it makes complete sense. I'll hope for better times on the horizon for many American cities IRL, and be grateful for this bright light in the dark in the meantime. P.S. Happy to report audiobook production for this duology is superlative for both books. 3mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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I thought this was a great conclusion to this duology. Even as the avatars of New York have survived their first battle, the Woman in White is still out there in her terrible otherworldly city hovering above Staten Island. The avatars still have to figure out how to save their city and the world from multidimensional horrors.

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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“Call me Neek.
No, I'm not hunting no fucking whale. Giant squid, maybe.“

#firstlinefridays @shybookowl

ShyBookOwl Lol 4mo
Marquis784 “Salad paid the bills. At least, it was supposed to. If it wasn‘t going to, Hailey Sharp needed copious amounts of chocolate.” #firstlinefridays #aguidetobeingjustfriends 4mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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I had forgotten to wishlist this book after reading the first one and was so very excited when I remembered the sequel existed. This was a fabulous read for the end of August.


Andrew65 I need to get back to these books. (edited) 7mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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This is a fantastic audiobook. It's a full performance with special effects and whatnot. I think this author has an interesting voice and a fantastic imagination.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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World We Make | N K Jemisin
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I think I've finished the wrapping!

(Tagged book relevance : it is under the tree)

Deblovestoread Well done! I haven‘t started. 🎁 7mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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4-7 Nov 23 (audiobook)
A soft pick as the novelty of the first book wore off for me. I am not sure this stood up in itself, but it did resolve some of the pending storyline‘s from the first. I did enjoy some of the personifications of other old cities, such as Paris and London.

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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🤣 I ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 N.K. Jemisin.

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Archival footage of Daisy chilling with the paper books I brought along to her place. Last time I was here, she wanted to live outside in the snow and I huddled in the only warm room in the house. Now I‘m living outdoors while she pretends to be a puddle on the semi-cool front hall floor.

I‘m currently out on the porch, set to finish THE WORLD WE MAKE before I do supper. Only 40 pages to go! #gaymay

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Did the whole book + beer + plants thing this afternoon. THE WORLD WE MAKE is set to stress me the hell out, but at the same time it‘s so good to be back inside N.K. Jemisin‘s prose. #gaymay

Aimeesue Jemisin! ❤️❤️❤️ 14mo
xicanti @Aimeesue love her stuff! 14mo
Kenyazero That's a good one to have plants and beer with! 14mo
xicanti @Kenyazero it‘s the perfect pairing. 14mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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A super fun conclusion to this epic story! I'll miss meeting all of the city avatars and watching New York fight an otherworldly entity that weaponizes hate, political unrest, and corporate stores. I feel like I wanted a little more from the ending than this whole Digimon-esque wrapup, but was not deebly disappointed. #LGBTQ #Fantasy

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Just sharing a weird coincidence this month. I recently reread The Lives of Christopher Chant, and as a child Christopher wanders his way into different worlds in his multiverse. He calls them Anywheres. While listening to the tagged today, I came across another character who calls the worlds she travels to in her own multiverse Anywheres! 😮 #Similarities #Coincidence #Multiverse

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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bummed to learn that this would be the end of the "Great Cities" series for N.K. Jemisin... That where the author had planned for a trilogy, this became a duology. It saddens me to learn of innovative writers losing steam with a project, but I can't fault Ms. Jemisin for doing so considering she was writing this in the middle of the pandemic! An emotionally-draining time of great turmoil and uncertainty indeed.

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 1) I so loved the idea of cities "coming to life", being represented by human avatars that embodied the essence of their boroughs and citizens, fighting a battle with metaphysical constructs and concepts against forces wanting to bend them into submission through assimilation and gentrification. The ending, although concise, felt... hopeful. But I will certainly miss its characters, especially Padmini (Queens), who I grew quite fond of. 1y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Denial won't save us...

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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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In recent weeks, my eyes have begun to let me know (in subtle and LOUD ways!) that my computer-heavy job is taking a toll on them. After a visit to the optometrist, I was diagnosed with SPK (superficial punctate keratitis) - a (treatable!) ocular surface disease that affects the cornea, decreasing vision and causing the eye to become red, watery, and sensitive to light.

(Cont'd ⬇️)

Librariana 1 of 2 - All that to say... I'm trying to take better care of my vision 😁😊🧐🤓😎 I'm still reading!... but I'm also resting my eyes more frequently and listening to audiobooks, taking omega-3 supplements, applying drops and hot compresses. Fun stuff! 🙃 I chose to re-read Book 1 of the Great Cities duology (4⭐️) and am now almost 8hrs into its sequel. 1y
Librariana 2 of 2 - Thank you for checking in on me @CBee (my kindred spirit sister from another mister!) 💜 and Thank you @Andrew65 as well as @Clwojick for continuing to tag me in readathon and reading challenge posts. I appreciate y'all making me feel included 😌 1y
Librarybelle So good to hear you have a treatment plan in place and you finally have answers! 1y
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CBee @Librariana so sorry about your eye issues! Glad to hear it‘s treatable and that you‘re doing better 💚 1y
Librariana @CBee @Librarybelle I mean, I'm already a slow-as-molasses type of reader that's comically delusional about "reading multiple books simultaneously means I read more!" So now I'm just reading (listening to ?) one book and trying to spend less time on my phone (these little screens!) But yes! Thank you both! I'll be taking more intense, steroid-based eye drops soon and am grateful for a treatment plan/course of action ? 1y
Clwojick So glad it‘s treatable! Take it easy, and keep those headphones nice and charged up for audiobooks ☺️ I‘d say about 80% of my reads are audiobooks, so let me know if you ever need a recommendation. 🎧 1y
Andrew65 Sorry to hear the problem you are having with your eyes, but pleased to know the issue has been diagnosed and even better that it is treatable. Sending love and best wishes and enjoy sone good audiobooks. ❤️ 1y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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I found a sprayed edges version of The City We Became on ebay to replace the one I lost / gave away. Balance restored 🧘🏼‍♀️

marleed I literally have a shelf in my ‘reading room‘. that is my give-away shelf (mostly to FLLs on my walks). My success at just lending books seems to be 0%. When I host bookclub I quickly point out this shelf available for the taking and also sing the praises of our easily accessible wonderful public lending library as well as prolific thrift stores! I love to give away / cull a book but only when I‘m ready! 1y
Branwen Gorgeous! 💕📚 1y
RaeLovesToRead @marleed I am forever caught in a cycle of trying to pass books on and clear space... then thinking ooh... maybe I would like to read that again 🤔 I tend to only keep my faves 1y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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I loved, loved, loved the first book in this series, so expectations were high when picking this one up. I was already very invested in the characters and world that Jemisin had built, so no surprises that I did like this, but...it felt a little bit like the story was running out of steam second-half.

3.5 city avatars out of 5 🗽🏢

The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Life has been colourful over the last year, but it's good to be dipping back in here when I can. I snuck in a few pages of this before heading out in to the woods earlier. Feels like I'm maybe getting my reading groove back... 🙃 hope everyone is well.

Bklover Litsy is a good place to come back to. Welcome back! 1y
RaeLovesToRead Welcome back to Litsy!! 😁 I have this too... I think I gave away my exclusive Waterstones edition of the first one and I'm trying to track it down so I can buy it back 😅😅😭 1y
Crazeedi Welcome back! 1y
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Ruthiella Welcome back! 😃 1y
Mandoul Good luck tracking it down @RaeLovesToRead ! 1y
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World We Make | N K Jemisin
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I love Jemisin and I really enjoyed the first book in this duopoly. I liked this one a little less. I enjoyed the characters, but found the story lacking in suspense.

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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Thank you so much, @mommyoftwo ! I have been so excited to read this book. And the chocolate looks amazing. I hope you and your family are warm and cozy this frigid Christmas Eve.

#Jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon

MommyOfTwo You‘re welcome. We had to go out today because we had our frost celebration today but at least it wasn‘t as cold as yesterday. 2y
gossamerchild @MommyOfTwo yes. We actually went out for a short walk. The sunshine is wonderful! 2y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Once again N.K. Jemisin has created an engrossing and captivating tale of culture and social awareness. Brace yourself for the stunning draw of real world politics into a fantasy setting. This book is chilling in how it connects to recent events and will pull readers in with the drive to find out how the characters endure each new challenge.

Review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/the-world-we-make-by-n-k-jemisin-book-review

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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin

This was an excellent end to this story. I hope it isn't the end of course, cause it would be really cool to have other stories about other cities. Excellent book!

I have five more books to read before the end of the year! Yay! I might just make it.

Texreader Go go go!! 2y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Jemisin always writes an awesome story. To quote her “you‘re not going to save the world with technology; you‘re not going to save the world with some new scientific innovation. You‘re going to save it with people choosing to fight against things they perceive as wrong.”

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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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This sequel to The City We Became finds the avatars of New York struggling to understand how best to represent their city & realize their potential, while the Enemy works to undo everything they've fought for, enabling hateful allies like the Proud Men & a mayoral candidate who wants to make NYC "great again." A rollicking, cathartic read for anyone who loves a city in all its complexity, or who'd enjoy using a bass drop to vanquish the haters.

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