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Seaview House
Seaview House | Elizabeth Fair
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"I wonder what Mr. Heritage thought of his godson," she said quickly. "Rather clumsy, but quite good manners," Edith remarked. "And a well-shaped skull." These were her own views, but she took it for granted that sensible people would agree with her. Sisters Edith and Rose have rather come down in the world by keeping their hotel, Seaview House. So Mr Heritage believes, and he's not pleased when Rose's daughter Lucy--grown a bit too attractive for his comfort--becomes friendly with his godson Edward. Would-be paramour Nevil isn't thrilled either, and to complicate matters further, Edward is behind a scheme to build new terraced housing, depriving village residents of their coveted sea view. Dilemmas and dramas unfold--including a fire, a cook's prophecy, and a disaster of a luncheon--but the loose ends get tied up in Elizabeth Fair's cheerful, inimitable style. Furrowed Middlebrow is delighted to make available, for the first time in over half a century, all six of Elizabeth Fair's irresistible comedies of domestic life. These new editions all feature an introduction by Elizabeth Crawford. "light-hearted, shrewd, diverting"--New York Times "Miss Fair makes writing look very easy, and that is the measure of her creative ability."--Compton Mackenzie
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Seaview House | Elizabeth Fair
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Such a lovely read & just right at the moment! a comfortable English countryside romance— pairs well with Apple tarts & tea ☕️🫖#furrowedmiddlebrow

LeahBergen Lovely! I have this one waiting on my shelves. 2y
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Seaview House | Elizabeth Fair
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It's obviously my lucky day because your parcel arrived today too, Leah! It must have been on a leisurely cruise across the Pacific because there was no sign of it having been on any detours 😆 I'm just delighted with it all, thank you so much. Friendship across the miles is the Litsy way and I'm beyond grateful for yours💕

vivastory I hope you enjoy The Fire-Dwellers. I thought it was brilliant! 2y
TrishB Lovely ♥️ 2y
erzascarletbookgasm ‘leisurely cruise across the Pacific‘ 😂 Lovely gifts 💝 2y
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MrsMalaprop How lovely 🥰 2y
LeahBergen What?? It finally arrived? 🤣🤣 I‘m so glad! 🤣🤣 2y
Cathythoughts Oh how lovely 👏👏👏 2y
TheAromaofBooks I definitely enjoyed the mental image of this package sunning itself on a deck chair whilst sipping something pink and bubbly 😂 2y
BarbaraBB Such a lovely gift! 2y
LeahBergen @TheAromaofBooks Well, that‘s a Christmas card so you KNOW it was having a really long and lovely voyage… shuffleboard on the Lido deck, dinners with the Captain… 🤣🤣 2y
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Seaview House | Elizabeth Fair
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#SevenSeas (or maybe just a view of one of them? 🤷🏻‍♀️)


ephemeralwaltz Lovely photo! 5y
Cathythoughts Gorgeous 5y
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