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The Lake
The Lake | Natasha Preston
8 posts | 8 read | 11 to read
Hot on the heels of The Twin, the undisputed queen of YA thrillers is back with a scary and suspenseful read about a summer camp filled with dark secrets. Esme and Kayla once were campers at Camp Pine Lake. They're excited to be back this year as CITs (counselors in training). Esme loves the little girls in her cabin and thinks it's funny how scared they are of everything--spiders, the surly head counselor, the dark, boys . . . even swimming in the lake! It reminds her a little of how she and Kayla used to be, once. Before . . . it happened. Because Esme and Kayla did something bad when they were campers. Afterwards, the girls agreed to keep it secret. They've moved on--or so they say--and this summer is going to be great. Two months of sun, s'mores, and flirting with the cute boy counselors. But then they get a note. THE LAKE NEVER FORGETS. And the secret they've kept buried for so many years is about to resurface.
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The Lake | Natasha Preston
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Whew. I am glad to be done with this one. An 8th grade student of mine gave it to me to read because she knows I like horror and thrillers. It‘s definitely a younger YA. Maybe I would have liked this when I was little, but for adult me, it didn‘t work. But I read it, and I‘ll tell her and I enjoyed it, because she was so sweet to think of me.

The Lake | Natasha Preston
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Two teens with a dark secret return to their old summer camp. Childhood friends Esme and Kayla can't wait to return to Camp Pine Lake as counselors-in-training, ready to try everything they couldn't do when they were younger: find cute boys, stay up late, and sneak out after hours.
#TheLake #NatashaPreston #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #Mystery #Thriller #YoungAdult #Horror #MysteryThriller #Fiction #Contemporary #Suspense 💟💟💟💟

The Lake | Natasha Preston
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The Lake | Natasha Preston
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We‘re returning to camp, to new friendships, to songs and s‘mores around the campfire . . . and to the scene of our crime.
I lean between the front seats to get a better look out the windshield.
#TheLake #NatashaPreston #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #Mystery #Thriller #YoungAdult #Horror #MysteryThriller #Fiction #Contemporary #Suspense 💖

The Lake | Natasha Preston
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I am 25 books behind schedule on my good reads challenge this year 😅 and trying to catch up before fall semester starts in 4 weeks!

The Lake | Natasha Preston
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Reading and snuggling 🐶💤

dabbe Too cute! Want to cuddle that sweet face! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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The Lake | Natasha Preston
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