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Coming of Age in Mississippi
Coming of Age in Mississippi | Anne Moody
13 posts | 24 read | 36 to read
Written without a trace of sentimentality or apology, this is an unforgettable personal storythe truth as a remarkable young woman named Anne Moody lived it. To read her book is to know what it is to have grown up black in Mississippi in the forties an fiftiesand to have survived with pride and courage intact. In this now classic autobiography, she details the sights, smells, and suffering of growing up in a racist society and candidily reveals the soul of a black girl who had the courage to challenge it. The result is a touchstone work: an accurate, authoritative portrait of black family life in the rural South and a moving account of a woman's indomitable heart.
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Book #5 of the year: “Coming of Age in Mississippi” by Anne Moody.

Thanks to Joelle for the gift ❤️ This book is a must read. It‘s the autobiography of a Mississippi-born and raised Black woman, author, and activist. It‘s not an easy read but it provides an important and usually ignored perspective into the civil rights movement of the Deep South.

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Challenge (to myself) to read *Just* my own books in June. Here are some of the ones I hope to read.

TrishB Good luck 👍🏻 3y
charl08 @TrishB what usually happens is I lose all interest in reading them after a couple of days! 3y
TrishB Yep, I know that one! 3y
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LeahBergen You have some great ones to choose from! 3y
Cathythoughts Looking good ! Good luck ❤️ 3y
charl08 @LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Thanks-and fingers crossed! 3y
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Secondhand #Bookmail
Thank goodness for #RoyalMail in lockdown.

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I read this for Black History Month, and was blown away, tears rolling down my face at the end. Definite 5 star read, and recommended for everyone!

LeahBergen This was an amazing read. ❤️ 3y
SqueakyChu I have this book that someone donated to my #LittleFreeLibrary. I‘ll have to see if I can find it so I can keep it to read. Thanks for the recommendation! 3y
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Second time reading this book. There something about autobiographies that take place in the rural south that peak my interest. Oh The History!

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Reading Envy Podcast 096: Not Without Hope with returning guest Yanira aka @Notafraidofwords #podcast http://tinyurl.com/ReadingEnvy096
And the answer to yesterday's trivia is - Mississippi!

Notafraidofwords Yay. I'm at work. Will be listening here ! 7y
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Highly recommended memoir about a courageous black woman who grew up in Mississippi and had an active role in the Civil Rights movement.

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Got this is the mail today from @Notafraidofwords . Can't wait to read it.

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This is the story of Anne Moody growing up black in Mississippi and eventually her involvement with the civil rights movement in the 60s. My goodness, this book was a blessing. Moody is recounting events in her life without sentimentality. Yet, this book is so powerful. Moody analyzes the difficulties of people uniting and fighting when they have so little. The extreme things done to her in the name of segregation is disheartening. Please read it.

Notafraidofwords If anyone wants it, feel free to comment below and I'll pass it forward!!! 7y
KathyWheeler I'd love to read it. 7y
Notafraidofwords @KathyWheeler sure, send me an email at ryanira9@aol.com with your address or po box and I'll send it your way ! 7y
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KathyWheeler @Notafraidofwords Thanks! I just sent you an email. 7y
Notafraidofwords @KathyWheeler got it. I'll mail it this weekend. 7y
KathyWheeler @Notafraidofwords I got it today! Thanks again. ❤️ 7y
Notafraidofwords @KathyWheeler awesome. I hope you like it. It changed my life. 7y
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Moody's memoir of growing up in, and as a college student, fighting the Jim Crow South. She does a great job of connecting you with her emotional story. Highly recommended.

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I've been assigned this for class three times and I have read it all the way through every time. There are passages of it that are seared into my memory. It's a heart-wrenching story of strength, resilience, and of the Jim Crow South and the Civil Rights Movement. It's unforgettable. - Flannery

TheNextBook Reading this later on this month 7y
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The very last line - published in 1968 - about being black and free in America. It felt like a punch in the gut. A really powerful question, lingering at the end, forcing us to think. Where are we now? Damn.

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A bit long but a really fantastic autobiography about the civil rights movement and Moody's life as a young black woman. It's hard not to love her and feel her emotions. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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