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Fortune's Pawn
Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
Devi Morris isn't your average mercenary. She has plans. Big ones. And a ton of ambition. It's a combination that's going to get her killed one day - but not just yet. That is, until she just gets a job on a tiny trade ship with a nasty reputation for surprises. The Glorious Fool isn't misnamed: it likes to get into trouble, so much so that one year of security work under its captain is equal to five years everywhere else. With odds like that, Devi knows she's found the perfect way to get the jump on the next part of her Plan. But the Fool doesn't give up its secrets without a fight, and one year on this ship might be more than even Devi can handle. If Sigouney Weaver in Alien met Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica, you'd get Deviana Morris -- a hot new mercenary earning her stripes to join an elite fighting force. Until one alien bite throws her whole future into jeopardy.
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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I really enjoyed this sci-fi about a professional security mercenary who takes a notoriously dangerous job on a merchant ship. She starts to realize the whole "merchant" designation might be a front and that everyone on the ship might not be exactly human, including the hunky cook she is trying to drag into her bed to alleviate boredom. Suspenseful, with believable characters

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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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This book and me? That's a no go. Didn't work. The main character is supposed to be strong and independent, but actually she's just a... you know. For deversity there are bird-like aliens, which made me think of the Sesame Street the whole time, so I couldn't take those serious as well. Oh, and the plot just bored me. But yey! I made it through the book!

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Deifio So, Big Bird in space? But not fun? 4y
Jari-chan @Deifio Not fun for me at least... 🤷‍♀️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Glad it's off the list! 😂 4y
Jari-chan @TheAromaofBooks Oh Yeah! 🤣 4y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Fortune's Pawn ♟️ on Kindle for $1.99 today! (Had to share) Woot woot! Great book, starts out a little slow, but soon becomes addictive. BA Chick, alien planets, and suspicious characters. 👍

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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This book is book 1 in a series. It does end with some of the "big" questions left unanswered. Having said that, I did enjoy the kick ass female lead with some pretty decent action scenes. This is also considered a romance. I don't usually like the sexy times to be overly detailed and this book was perfect in that regard. The fight scenes definitely out number the sexy times.
I haven't read much Syfy but I did enjoy this one!

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Awesome read! Totally ready for the next book, Honor‘s Knight. Devi is a great heroine with loads of grit and determination to spare.

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Wow! After years of collecting bookmarks at every bookstore I visit and having friends and family give me others, I have a few bookmarks now 😉 #bookmarks

TiredLibrarian Great collection! 6y
Usagi At least you will always have a bookmark. 6y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Bahahahaha! I just HAD to share! (>﹏

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Is there such a thing as genre slump? I've been having a devil of a time getting through SFF lately. I'm not sure if it's the downbeat tone or slower pacing of recent reads, but I've decided to shelve (pun intended) my reading obligations for a night of mood reading. I'm armed with an evening to myself, a near-inexhaustible supply of tea, and a varied pile of tomes- one of which is sure to get me hooked.

moranadatter Yeah, genre burnout is real. It happened to me earlier this year. 7y
mrozzz Looks great for #LitsyPartyOfOne !! 7y
2BR02B I've now sampled a chapter of each and like them all! But for now, I think I'll spend some time 7y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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For #riotgrams day two, some #yellowcovers and spines.

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Perfect palate cleanser: this fun, action-packed sci-fi novel (with a bit of romance), featuring a heroine who's Ripley crossed with Starbuck. Already have the rest of the series on hold at the library, since I want to find out what happens next.

Hamlet Ripley & Starbuck cross? Say no more! 6y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Great combo of science fiction and romance. #bookclub #scifi

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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I don't read a lot of sci-fi but I absolutely loved this. From the bones up it was so well done, perfectly paced with great characters and a very interesting story. The way information was given gave such great tension to the story & built mystery upon mystery. The construction was like an urban fantasy novel, very readable & didn't get bogged down in too much complicated world building as some sci-fi do. A great read! #romansty #osrbc

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach

I normally don't like futuristic science fiction but someone recommended this one. It was ok; I was not able to get invested until the end. I hated the end of the book because of a Twist I saw coming but was hoping wouldn't happen. Not sure yet if I will read the rest of the series. Overall it was satisfying but not amazing.

Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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This took a couple years for me to finish this trilogy, believe it or not. I dont read a lot of spaced theme books. i am happy to say I pushed through and before i knew it I had finished all three books!

If you love Badass mercenary women,then this is the book for you! Not only does Devi kickass, she is smart, thinks for herself, and her job comes before men. (not that she isnt afraid to get down and dirty with them. *wink wink*)

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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Rather be reading this than doing this cataloging hmwk 😖

MrBook I'd rather be reading than doing most things 😊👍🏻🙌🏻. Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay, I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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It took a while for this to gear up but now I'm hooked!!!

SGJ Reminds me of another cover. 8y
Sue Wow that one looks interesting ! 8y
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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Getting into this one ...

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Fortune's Pawn | Rachel Bach
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Are you a fan of ALIEN? Then you can't miss reading this fantastic adult scifi series, because its heroine Devi is like a badass Ripley with a better spacesuit and weapons. Explosive action, witty banter, and great chemistry between the main characters. So. Much. Fun.

Sue Sounds awesome!! 8y
jeff Yes! Adding to TBR. 8y
Escapismfanatic I love this book. I read it as an audiobook but the third one hasn't come out yet.😭😭 8y
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misswendyd @Sue It is AWESOME. 8y
misswendyd @Escapismfanatic I hope it releases soon! Such a great series. 8y
misswendyd @jeff If that description appeals to you at all, you HAVE to read it. It's so well-written and the world-building is incredibly cool. 8y
cant_remove_my_account Read the whole trilogy and loved it! 8y
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