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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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IndoorDame Hahaha definite Mr. Collins vibes! 🤣 1mo
Bookwormjillk Mr Collins vibes 😂 1mo
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AllDebooks 🤣🤣Mr Collins, absolutely 🤣🤣 1mo
AllDebooks It was common practice not to baptise infants until at least 6 months, due to infant mortality. Could still call him somrthing other than baby, tho! 😅 1mo
Cuilin Oh, you‘re a teenage mother postpartum, you have no prospects, you have no family, you are an orphan, but could stop crying and just learn how to make a bed cheerfully. Thanks 🙄 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin right? Omg 1mo
TheBookHippie 🏆 Mr Collins indeed 🤣 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love Sally 😂 1mo
mcctrish @Cuilin 🤣🤣 although moving out to live in squalor taking in dressmaking that is doomed to be subpar isn‘t the greatest plan 1mo
mcctrish Sally rocks 1mo
rubyslippersreads I love that the only thing that tempted Sally about the proposal was the 🐷. 1mo
BarkingMadRead @rubyslippersreads it‘s all about the 🥓🥓 1mo
Cuilin @mcctrish agreed 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO At this moment I feel like things COULD be okay and this could be the end of the story -- Ruth has shelter, support, she's working on her education and the cover story seems to be working ... not ideal, but something made of a bad situation. And yet 71% remains. 1mo
Cuilin @currentlyreadinginCO there‘s a storm a brewing 🌪️ 1mo
julieclair I‘m listening on audio, and whoever is narrating Sally‘s part is a gem! Even if I do have to replay it sometimes because her accent is pretty thick. 😎 1mo
BarkingMadRead @julieclair I love when audiobooks have different actors for each character! 1mo
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