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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Librarybelle The dress present was creepy, and the fact that he watches her while she prays…I‘m not sure where this will lead. 1mo
Bookwormjillk Yeah a lot going on here. We‘re not all that far into the book and so much has happened already. (edited) 1mo
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TheBookHippie Only chapter 15 😳🤯 whew. 1mo
Ruthiella @Librarybelle Oh yeah. Mr Bradshaw = creepy. 😱 1mo
Cuilin My prediction is the Bradshaws will be Ruth‘s doom. Mr. Bradshaw using gifts as a controlling device, gave me the ick. 1mo
AllDebooks @Librarybelle total creep. 1mo
mcctrish I agree @Cuilin Bradshaw wants a side gig 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO Sigh leave Ruth alone 1mo
dabbe I want Ruth to grow a spine! I want her to get tough like Tess! It seems like everything is happening TO her and that she's not doing anything to FOR herself. Maybe that's why there's still more ... I hope so. 1mo
AllDebooks Did anyone else think this chapter went from 0-60? Ruth was newly pregnant and dumped, and then she has a baby boy and a new lurking pervert! I'm looking at you, Bradshaw. 🤮 I hope we really start to see her character develop now she's a mother. 🤞 1mo
KAO I did like that in the last part of this chapter, Ruth finally looks back on Bellingham and becomes aware of his “selfish, worldly nature, unnoticed at the time” and recognized in his speeches “a low standard, of impatient self-indulgence, of no acknowledgment of things spiritual and heavenly.” I was hoping that a spine was born—but then came self-reproach for “judging the absent father.” Oy! 1mo
Bookwormjillk @AllDebooks yes, seemed really abrupt 1mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m glad Ruth finally recognized Bellingham for the cad he truly is. Now if she can just fend off the icky Bradshaw. 😠 1mo
julieclair I hope you‘re wrong, @Cuilin , but I‘m afraid you‘re right. 😕 1mo
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