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Another dollar tree haul with a couple dvds too. But look at that cute pocket copy of everything everything on top. I love it. I really need to start reading faster haha #sendhelp

Has anyone read any of these or want to buddy read any?

#dollartree #dollartreehaul #haul #bookhaul #newbooks #dvds #memoir #fiction #youngadult #ya #dvd #mystery #thriller

Suicide Club: A Novel | Rachel Heng
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A few more things I‘ve gotten at dollar tree lately. Books and a couple dvds.
Also Leo snuck into this photo 🖤

Has anyone read any of these or maybe wants to do a buddy read with any?

#books #dollartree #dollartreehaul #newbooks #fiction #adultfiction #nonfiction #youngadult #ya #dvd #dvds #dollartreefinds #cat #catsoflitsy #cats #haul

The Possessions | Sara Flannery Murphy
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Dollar Tree haul. Has anyone read any of these or if you want to buddy read any of them let me know.

#dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #haul #dvds #fiction #ya #youngadult #memoir #nonfic #nonfiction #mystery #thriller #bookhaul #newbooks

xxjenadanxx Your dollar tree is a lot better than mine! Someone in one of my groups found The Roanoke Girls and the Willie Nelson Christmas book at Dollar Tree so I have been searching and searching to no avail. Great haul! 4y
allureofbeauty @xxjenadanxx I think I did see people finding those (I always check the dollar tree tag on Instagram). I‘d love to find the Roanoke girls. 4y
ljuliel I read Lacy Eye few years ago. Don‘t know much about it now , other than I finished it. That must mean it was a good book, because I don‘t finish bad ones. I haven‘t read any of the others. 4y
TheLibrarian Great haul! 4y
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Idaho | Emily Ruskovich
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Certainly not the best photo but I went to a library book sale today. And even tho I got there three minutes after it opened resellers had already taken boxes out 😕 but I did find these. Spent 8 dollars. Most excited for Sunburn and Idaho I think, it has such a pretty cover. Anyone read any of these?
#librarybooksale #library #booksale #usedbooks #dvds #graphicnovel #thriller #memoir #fiction #ya #youngadult #dvds #houseofcards #bookhaul #haul

BarbaraBB I liked both Idaho and Sunburn a lot! (edited) 5y
allureofbeauty @BarbaraBB im so glad to hear that 🖤 5y
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Beartown: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Went to a library book sale today and snagged these. Also that copy of Sally Field‘s book is signed. And the DVD of Up has never been opened, I also just a few weeks ago had told my friend that I wanted a copy of Usual Suspects and I found both dvds for a buck. I‘m always happy to find botm books too. Also Leo is clearly helping showcase my haul.
#librarybooksale #booksale #haul #dvds #bookhaul #friendsofthelibrary #signed #cat #catsoflitsy #botm

IJustine | Justine Ezarik
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Went to the big Half Price clearancing event at the fair grounds. Didn‘t find much I wanted for books but I did get an audiobook. And then I got home and realized I have two of the movies already. Oops. Guess I‘ll resell them back to them haha
#hpbhaul #halfprice #halfpricebooks #movies #dvds #haul #dvdhaul #moviehaul #halfpricehaul #audiobook #grindhouse #whatsinthebox

Schnoebs I went to that ok Friday and ended up with 3 more books than I was planning on buying 😂 6y
allureofbeauty @Schnoebs that‘s not bad. I just didn‘t see a lot that stood out to me just a lot of the same over and over lol tho I did go on the last day lol 6y
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Oogie Boogie is protecting my Stephen King DVD collection. Which keeps growing, I don't know how that happens.

#stephenking #shelfie #horror #dvds

JessNevertheless Love this!! 🖤💀🤡👻🖤☠️ 7y
SkeletonKey @JessNevertheless - 😁😁😁 7y
TricksyTails 😍😍😍😍😍 🙌🙌🙌🙌 7y
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