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I wasn‘t a fan of Blue Nights, but when this showed up on The NY Times “Best books of the 21st Century so far” I thought I should give her another chance. I don‘t like to be negative about a memoir, especially not a memoir about grief. But Didion is not for me. #unpopularOpinion

Ruthiella Totally fair assessment. I love her, but her style and tone are very particular. I feel that way about Marilyn Robinson. I just don‘t get what other readers get from her writing. 9h
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#UnpopularOpinion ‼️ I just can‘t. The writing is just not doing anything for me. I‘ve made it to page 58. I don‘t care about the characters. I‘m not sure if it‘s because I‘m reading the book right before it‘s due back at the library and I really want to read something else or if it‘s just the writing

HeatherBookNerd It was dull 2w
sarahbarnes I‘m skipping this one. 2w
Cathythoughts I tried it too , but didn‘t get too far ! 2w
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Mayflies | Andrew O'Hagan
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#unpopularopinion #definitelymenotyou
Not understanding most of the cultural references and the language/slang the boys use - hear the second half is very good but not willing to keep reading the first half.
Got a #BookSpinBingo although one book a DNF –
Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks
Make a great day everyone

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't a match. On to something better!! 4w
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Pachinko | Min Jin Lee
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Likely an #unpopularopinion but while I liked & appreciated much about this story of a Korean family‘s life in Japan, I didn‘t love it. I suspect that has something to do with the scope & breadth of the story which follows four generations—the sheer number of characters means that many often get surface treatment, motivations sometimes remain elusive, & it‘s easy to feel disconnected from them. Not bad, but I was hoping for more emotional depth.

TheBookHippie Loved the first half was EH about the second half.. 🙃 1mo
TracyReadsBooks @TheBookHippie I would agree—first half was much better than the second. I wanted a narrower focus to give it more emotional depth. Too much of it was surface level or happening off the page. 1mo
TheBookHippie @TracyReadsBooks Exactly!!! Way too much going on or trying to be accomplished. 1mo
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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#unpopularopinion but the movie is way better! I found book Holly bratty, selfish, and completely unlikable. And the book is a lot different from the movie, which I do love and adore. Capote‘s writing is good, except for the blatant racism and homophobia. For such a short book, it took me forever to read it because I just wasn‘t excited to pick it up again.


Jas16 Congratulations for getting it off your TBR! 1mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Oh I thought that was a popular opinion! They are such different beasts. I grew up being totally in love with Hepburn and the movie, I think there was a lot of context in the book that we don't get in the movie (straight up call girl vibes) but overall it isn't a fantastic book. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks This one is on my “one of these days“ list 😂 I think sometimes the movie is better than the book objectively, and sometimes the movie is better because I saw it first, if that makes sense - like I think The Princess Bride is a fabulous book, but I love the movie more because that is the way I learned the story first. 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Fantastic!! 1mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Eddie and April take a wrong turn, end up on a road in a town where hitchhikers regularly get murdered and get caught up in the legend of the Lost Girl. The connections they make about who the lost girl is seems to come out of nowhere. The twist at the end was interesting but did not add to the story at that point. Overall, it was an easy read, not great, not bad - just so-so.
#unpopularopinion #BookSpinBingo
Make a great day everyone 🙂

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I know this is an #UnpopularOpinion but, I really just can't get this one done. I have been working on it for a while now, I am about 65-70% done, but I just never want to pick it up to finish. It's probably just me.

Oh well.
#DNF #HailToTheBail

Ruthiella I‘m curious about this one…wonder where I land. On paper it sounds not for me, but it‘s so popular. 1mo
PuddleJumper I enjoyed it because it was a bit like a d&d story. I wouldn't recommend it to people who like epic fantasy, it's more of a slice of life in a fantasy setting 1mo
TheBookHippie I am not a fan 🤪😅😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
wildwoodreads I've bought it three times and sold each one on my Pangobooks shop every time because I lose interest in it. 1mo
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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I'm going to table what seems like an #UnpopularOpinion here - I loved this #CampLitsy24 selection. I loved the four Flattery sisters, in all their high achieving but emotionally stunted messiness. But mostly I loved how Hughes really made me grapple not just with the story presented, but with how it was presented and why. cont'd in comments

TheKidUpstairs I thought about both the sisters and the structure a lot when I wasn't reading it, and I really appreciate how much it worked its way through my brain.

I can see why this is a book that is not going to work for every reader, and I know there were lots of “no, thank yous!“ among my fellow campers, but for me it is a pick. I'm really looking forward to Week Two of discussion this Saturday!
Suet624 I'm really glad you got so much out of it! 1mo
BarbaraBB Me too! I expected as much and am glad it did. 1mo
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Ruthiella On Goodreads you are in the majority! 😂 So many loved it. 1mo
Daisey Glad to hear you liked it and looking forward to more of that perspective in the discussion. Maybe it will help me get at least a bit more from it. 1mo
sarahbarnes I definitely like the first part of this one! And I agree with you - I am still thinking about it. 1mo
squirrelbrain Oh I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! 1mo
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Mine is an #unpopularopinion, but I was bored to tears through most of this. I‘m sure the audiobook narrator didn‘t help, but there are nonfiction authors whose writing is more compelling, IMO. It wasn‘t until the last visit to the Hawaiian islands and Cook‘s death that things got interesting. I struggled to convince myself to pick it up, as evidenced by the fact that I finished with only 2 hours left on my Libby check out.