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Were Gabriel and I going to fall in love? Be together forever? Live our lives happily as soul mates? Who the hell knew something like that? I sure didn‘t. I can‘t see the future.
All I knew was that I would love finding out.
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Clare's special power is psychometry: she can touch an object and see scenes from its past. In the first novel, Clarity, Clare used her ability to help solve a murder mystery.
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A Stone Sat Still | Brendan Wenzel
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This is a lovely exploration of perspective, perception, and the passage of time. A rock can be so much more than a rock-it has a unique purpose for all living things 💗

#EasterOMC Readathon Day 2
#AwesomeApril Readathon Day 1

Andrew65 You‘re flying 👏👏👏 1y
Clwojick Awesome job! 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 🥰🤗 1y
Eggs @Clwojick Thanks 🙏🏻 1y
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Ways of Seeing | John Berger
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My April Christmas gift …. That‘s what I read this month (( one of many reads ))

The Mind's Eye | Oliver Sacks
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Thank you, @TrishB! 😘😘😘

Not only an addition to the #YellowNFShelf, but also a book about my greatest fear. I suppose it's not only my greatest fear. Looking forward to reading it. 😘
Also appreciate that both books have 'seeing' as a common theme. 😉 Cassandra has been on my TBR for a while. 😁

Cathythoughts So nice 💛 1y
TrishB Yeah!!! So glad they arrived on time. Have fun ♥️ 1y
julesG @TrishB Arrived yesterday. So perfect timing. 1y
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I really wanted to love this book. I *love* the idea of looking at the world through expert eyes. But I feel like this author heard “conflict makes the story“ and took it to heart. She positions herself in opposition to the expert somehow - and is generally gradually won over. But the pervasive negativity really took away from what I wanted, which was unabashed enthusiasm. Great idea, executed in a way that made it unpalatable to me. DNF.

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I can‘t remember where I saw this book mentioned, but it intrigued me. It‘s about how our perceptions of our reality, including the everyday, are determined by our very specific interests. We can be in the same environment, but we will all notice very different things. She walked around her block with 11 experts in various fields to see how what they paid attention to would differ. It‘s my new walking book. #audiowalk

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I picked these up today, the Huxley for the cover by Max Ernst, as it has an "old money" price, and because for a drug book to be published in 1967, the Summer of Love, seemed apposite. I've got it in a more recent edition, so this was a bibliophilic purchase!
The Unholy City I haven't read before, but enjoyed Finney's Circus of Dr Lao and The Wizard Out of Manchuria, so happy to give this a spin. Also, cover love again, as it's a Peter A. Jones?

LeahBergen Very cool covers! 2y
Aimeesue Aww, lizardy friend looks like she needs a snack! 2y
bibliothecarivs Three pounds six shillings? 2y
Bookwomble @Aimeesue She Hungers! 😄 2y
Bookwomble @bibliothecarivs Goodness! That would practically buy you a car in 1967! "Three-and-six" is three shillings and six pence ? Although my childhood was in the time of the "old money", and I clearly remember the old coinage, I grew up in the decimalised era, so I can't readily convert one too the other without thinking it through. You might find this page interesting http://projectbritain.com/moneyold.htm 2y
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