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Jewels: A Secret History | Victoria Finlay
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The author travels all over the world, chasing the (hi)stories of various jewels.

A very well structured book. Each jewel gets its own section, and we pursue it from the ancient times to the modern, and from the jeweler to the mines it was dug up in (the author visits those mines, and often tries mining herself). It‘s fascinating, coherent, and flows really well.


eol Also, after reading this book, I‘m even more in favor of buying artificial, lab-produced gems—at least no one got hurt, died, or got cheated while digging them up... (edited) 1y
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The Love of Stones | Tobias Hill

Ugh. You know when you can just tell that a man has written a female character? The lead character was unrealistic and came across as arrogant and one dimensional. The story is dull, the passion about the precious jewels was OTT and I didn't really care by half way through whether she found them or not. The description of some of the locations was evocative and I enjoyed it, but that wasn't enough to save this story.

The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson
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#3books #thatmademewanttotravel
Middle grade books edition!

These made me want to travel to Vienna & the Alps; London & its vicinity; and Paris!

OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 4y
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Another home-run for Michelle Griep! Set in Victorian England of 1861, this story follows two unlikely pair - an opera singer hiding away and a runaway convict - in a tale of justice sought, forgiveness received, redemption embraced, and renewal begun. Wrapped in intense intrigue and mystery, the story combines the best of suspense and historical romance to bring a tantalizing read that you won't be able to put down.

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The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep is a FANTASTIC #HistoricalRomance that is not to be missed. Check out my thoughts, then purchase your copy today!
#MustRead #ILoveThisBook #VictorianMystery


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The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson
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Set in Vienna during Emperor Franz Joseph's reign, this engaging story is rich in history & humour. 12-yr-old Annika, fostered by 2 servants since she was a baby, is happy living in the beautiful city of music. She is whisked away to live in a castle in Germany by an aristocrat who claimed to be her mother but things are not what they seem. Love the characters, the setting.
#ReadingEurope2020 #Austria

katy4peas Oh, I love Eva Ibbotson! I haven‘t read that one of hers! 4y
Librarybelle Pretty cover! 4y
megnews Sounds really good. Stacked. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @katy4peas It‘s my first of hers, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will look out more of hers. 4y
katy4peas @erzascarletbookgasm I loved “The Secret of Platform 13“. If you like hers, you should also try Edward Eager's “The Time Garden“ and “Half Magic“ and the rest of his as well as E. Nesbit's “Five Children and It“. All magical, easy reads that are a lot of fun! 😊 4y
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The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson
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The 450-year-old Spanish Riding School, one of Vienna‘s most popular attractions....‘This equestrian show is performed by Lipizzaner stallions formerly kept at an imperial stud established at Lipizza (hence the name). The graceful stallions perform an equine ballet to a classical-music program while the audience watches from pillared balconies..‘

One of the many interesting things about Austria I learnt from my current read. #MiddleGradeMarch

Crazeedi Very cool!! 4y
megnews Wow! That‘s really neat! 4y
Lcsmcat I saw the Lipizzaner Stallions when I was a kid. They‘re amazing! 4y
Butterfinger That is so cool. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I saw the Lipizzaner Stallions perform once and it was genuinely awe-inspiring! Marguerite Henry's book about them is on my TBR for this week, too! 4y
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The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson
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We love book maps! The story is about a young girl who has been brought up by a cook and a housemaid staying with three eccentric professors in Vienna. I love tracing and referring to the girl‘s journey using this map. And the mentions of Austrian foods make my mouth water! Sauerkraut, dumplings, Apfelstrudels, and all those wonderful descriptions of pastries! 😋


Kalalalatja I love Apfelstrudel! I went skiing in Austria every year from I was 8 till I was 18, and I loved the food 😋 4y
Texreader Book looks great. Would an adult like it? 4y
megnews I love book maps too! 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm @Texreader If you enjoy MG novels, you‘ll like this. There‘s adventure, mystery, and humour. I recommend 👍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Kalalalatja how exciting! When I‘m reading the book, I googled all the foods and places mentioned. It‘s like #armchairtravel ! 4y
BiblioLitten I love book maps too!! 4y
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The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson

Sum: Annika is a servant in a grand house in Vienna, a great city famous for its great emperor. Her life would be perfect for her real mothers mystery. Annika has been found in a Church as a newborn baby, and no one knows where she came from. Yet her mind swirls everyday with visions of a lovely mother who finally come to claim her. Then Annika finds out the amazing truth about her past and is going to go on a great, yet serious, discovery danger.

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The Star of Kazan | Eva Ibbotson

Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Children‘s Literature
Author: Eva Ibbotson
Date Started: Friday, October 11, 2019
Date Finished: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Why I chose this book: Because i was given this book by my old school and said I could keep it.