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hp⚡️ twain⚓️ shakespeare🕯beatles💎 alaska🏔 | GR: www.goodreads.com/kimberlone | IG: @readerlykimberly | Storygraph: @kimberlone
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Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Eva Luna | Isabel Allende
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This made for good beach reading. I love a cheap mass market paperback that you don‘t have to worry about getting beat up. I‘ve been reading this as a #buddyread with @hclaird and tracking our progress on Storygraph (awesome buddy read feature now!).

Allende‘s prose style is really beautiful, but the Dickensian coming of age story focuses less on an overarching plot and more on character sketches and episodic adventures in the MC‘s life.

Texreader Excellent description of the book 6h
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Seven Year Slip | Ashley Poston
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Enjoyed a lovely week of reading on the beach! I finished Eva Luna in paperback and read 3/4 of The Seven Year Slip on my Kindle!

BarbaraBB Great pic and Eva Luna, wow, I read that decades ago 👵🏼 (edited) 14h
Kimberlone @BarbaraBB I read House of the Spirits in college but this was my first Allende since then (almost 15 years!) 14h
BarbaraBB And did it was as good as I remember? 14h
Kimberlone @BarbaraBB just posted my review…I thought the writing was beautiful, but it is much more character driven than plot focused (not a bad thing but I remember loving House of the Spirits a lot more when I read that years ago) 11h
BarbaraBB Yes, me too!! 8h
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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The best EH since Beach Read! Even though the premise and tropes seem a bit unrealistic at first glance, I thought that Henry somehow made the forced proximity, opposites attract, fake dating romance really work. I was rooting for the unlikely relationship between Daphne and Miles. The side characters are all so unique and add a lot of color to the story, and I even got a bit teary eyed towards the end!

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Educated: A Memoir | Tara Westover
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This was an extremely well-written and self-reflective memoir. It was truly heartbreaking to read about the level of abuse and neglect that Tara and her siblings experienced due to their survivalist, fundamentalist Mormon parents (one of whom seemed to have severe mental illness). This just missed being a 5 ⭐️ read for me due to a few inconsistencies. While the author very effectively describes her childhood in vibrant detail, 👇🏼 (cont‘d)

Kimberlone and demonstrates a lot of reflection on the effect of those experiences (especially her lack of traditional schooling), the book lacked introspection about the role that her family‘s extreme religious beliefs played. She actively seemed to avoid discussion of Mormon ideology. Anyone who‘s read Under the Banner of Heaven can see the direct connection between the religion and the manipulative, gaslighting, patriarchal upbringing she describes. (edited) 3w
Kimberlone The timeline was also rather difficult to follow; other than vague references to Ruby Ridge, until the mention of Y2K & 9/11, I honestly thought the author‘s childhood took place in the 1980s and it blew my mind that she is actually only a couple years older than me. I found it hard to believe that even with only intermittent access to technology that she could know so little about current events and world history. 3w
TheBookHippie @Kimberlone I know ppl like this here in town and they have zero knowledge of current events or popular culture. Small churches, home schooled, everything controlled. They fear all outside their circle as the devil and a fast ticket to hell. 😵‍💫 3w
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Kimberlone @TheBookHippie I absolutely know these people exist (I live in Alaska & we have no shortage of survivalist, anti-gov, off the grid types). It was hard for me to square that she had computer access (how did she apply to college & sign up for the ACT without it?), local library visits, and interaction w/people outside her family, but was never curious to look up/find out information on her own? 3w
TheBookHippie @Kimberlone I agree ODD. I didn‘t like this book. 😵‍💫🤣🤭 I‘m so fun. 3w
Kimberlone @TheBookHippie I thought it was a very good memoir when it focused on her own life experiences and family life, but lacked introspection when it came to the religion she was raised in (she actively avoids discussing it) and the bordering on preposterous level of luck and help she needed to get to where she did in her academic achievement. 3w
TheBookHippie @Kimberlone Agree 💯! The religion thing and not owning it or maybe she doesn‘t see it to own it. At any rate it grated on my nerves everything you saw I did as well. 3w
CarolynM You‘ve summed up my problems with this book. They left me unsure about how much of it to believe. 3w
Kimberlone @CarolynM yeah for me it was less doubt about the veracity of what IS depicted and more questioning why she chose to omit certain things (such as any criticism of Mormonism which seemed core to the circumstances of her upbringing) 3w
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I had zero expectations going into this audiobook, but found myself really enjoying it. The audio format worked really well with the narrative: alternating narrators for the dual POV and podcast excerpt sections. The romance was a bit rushed, but the tension and relationship still worked for me. The true crime Serial-esque podcast plot & coinciding road trip investigation was interesting to follow along with.

Good Material | Dolly Alderton
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I wanted to like this book more than I eventually did, but overall still enjoyed it. Listened to the audiobook through my Spotify subscription. Being inside the mind of a sad, self-pitying 35 year old struggling comedian, who is reeling from a recent breakup, for 10 hours was frustrating at times. Probably what I appreciated most was the accurate depiction of mid-30s millennial life, when everyone around you is getting married and having babies.

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I‘ve been a fan of Anthony Bourdain since the No Reservations days and have read all of his non-fiction (including a couple co-written with this author), so this has been on my Kindle TBR for ages. I was a bit disappointed with the Roadrunner documentary, so I was happy that this book delved a lot deeper into Bourdain‘s life before Kitchen Confidential and the early TV days before he was a household name. Unfortunately, 👇🏼 (cont‘d)

Kimberlone I do think this book had a similar flaw to the documentary, in placing far too much blame on his last relationship for the chaos of the end of his life (and eventual suicide), rather than putting the responsibility with him (an incredibly successful, rich, 60-something man with full autonomy, but plenty of decades-long personal demons that preceded that relationship). 3w
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This was a fun palate-cleansing read. There‘s a lot going on for ~300 pages: pirates, assassins, flying houses, cartoonishly evil villain, secret identities, and extensive literary references to the Brontës. Based on what I was expecting from the cover and blurb, it had a surprising level of spice (which was pulled off well). While I had a fun time with this, it only gets 3.5 stars due to cramming in a bit too much plot for such a short book.

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I enjoyed delving back into the world of literary criticism, reading and annotating this book, but I think my enjoyment was probably hampered by not being familiar with Smiley‘s books (which she references A LOT) and the inclusion of a sizable number of rather obscure novels. Smiley had a lot of insightful things to say about the art of novel writing & reading, but I did skim a lot in sections about books I didn‘t have personal experience with.

plemmdog She has relatives in my hometown. I met her once. She‘s 6‘2”!!! 3w
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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Finally put together my May #BookspinBingo card. Looks like I have two nonfiction in the queue for this month‘s #Bookspin and #Doublespin!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!! 1mo
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Final April #BookSpinBingo card. I finished my #Bookspin (tagged) and read 7 total books last month.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 1mo
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On paper, this should have been a 5 star read for me: historical fiction, lovely prose, siblings separated by WWI, PLUS fantasy & romance. While I did end up rating it 4 stars, there were a few things that didn‘t quite work for me in execution: Faland & his magical mystery hotel, the slowest slow burn romance(s) that don‘t come to fruition until literally the final chapters of the book, and some of the plot logistics of the climax and dénouement.

Saknicole I was just recommending this to Sara. She‘ll love the fiddler. We both really love books with those types of figures. Like Tigers Wife or The Book Thief. 3w
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I never felt like the author had anything really all that insightful to say about the female character archetypes she sought to examine in this book. There were some sections more interesting to me than others, but I did find myself skimming a lot in some parts. The author‘s inclination to dissect historical/period characters from an intersectional/2024 modern feminist lens was flimsy at best and disingenuous at worst.

The Phoenix Crown: A Novel | Kate Quinn, Janie Chang
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I had high expectations for this one because I have loved all of Kate Quinn‘s feminist historical fiction. The setting around the San Francisco earthquake was so intriguing to me, but unfortunately this one fell flat in execution. The romantic subplots didn‘t work for me at all, so it was hard to feel invested in the way they tied into the broader plot. On audio, I felt like the book went on ~2 hours too long. Listened using my Spotify account!

Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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Both of these just edged into Pick territory for 3 ⭐️ reads. I appreciate that Ali Hazelwood is finally branching out from the (now very) repetitive trope formula established in The Love Hypothesis (Grumpy/Sunshine, extreme height difference). Check & Mate still featured a very nerdy subject (professional chess) and Bride‘s FMC is a Vampire Princess-in-STEM, but exploring new genres (YA, Paranormal Romance) has breathed new life into her writing.

Saknicole I‘ll have to borrow bride from you when I come through town next. The wait on Libby is hilariously long. 3w
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Done and Dusted | Lyla Sage
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These contemporary western romances were cute enough, but the prose was far too simplistic (bordering on juvenile) to really enjoy the reading experience. The romance/plot felt a bit more developed in the 2nd book, but they are both so short that any strong character development was impossible. I do love the pulpy western-style covers (definitely what convinced me to try), and I could see them being adapted into Hallmark/Netflix-style Rom-Coms.

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The Bridge Kingdom | Danielle L Jensen
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3 stars, but more So-So than Pick for me. Entertaining enough for me to finish the 1st duology, but I won‘t be continuing. I was curious since A Fate Inked in Blood by the same author is a BOTM on my upcoming TBR (still excited for). This feels incorrectly marketed as romantasy - yes, there‘s a steamy romance, but no magic or fantasy elements (unless you count characters‘ inexplicable ability to run/climb/swim/fight while fatally wounded).

Saknicole I listened to the audio of the first two books. A Jenna recommendation. I didn‘t hate them but def more romance than fantasy although that was there. I haven‘t read the third about the brother. 🤷‍♀️ The audio production was pretty good though so kudos to that department. 3w
Saknicole Also these covers are better than what I saw lol. I definitely read these when I had audible premium and they were on that. 3w
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Plotted: A Literary Atlas | Andrew DeGraff, Daniel Harmon
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I should have loved this book, and I had high hopes based on my previous experience with Cinemaps by the same artist/author. This one was disappointing because the books featured in the illustrations were overwhelmingly obscure. Even with an English degree, I found myself skipping about half of the books, since there were so many I hadn‘t even heard of and had no context for. Highlights were the “maps” of Pride & Prejudice and A Wrinkle in Time.

Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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I really enjoyed this duology; the fact that it‘s a complete duology was a big factor in its favor. While I definitely preferred the first book, overall it had a satisfying arc. A really good combination of gloomy, gothic vibes, a truly unique magic system (although I have some questions about the total # of Providence Cards), engaging action scenes, and a swoony romance.

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Well, while it‘s still snowing at home, I‘ve found a couple nice, warm, sunny spots to read while on a work trip further south in Alaska, and I am loving soaking up the vitamin D. I had a yummy mocha earlier and now sipping on a strawberry basil smash canned cocktail. Wishing I had packed sunglasses today!

Suet624 Yum!! 2mo
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Old Harbor Books | Sitka, Alaska (Bookstore)
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Stopped by this sweet bookstore in Sitka, AK while I was visiting for work. They had a great selection of books (I resisted) and store merch (couldn‘t resist a cozy crewneck and tote bag).

BarbaraBB Looks super cozy! 2mo
lil1inblue So cute! 2mo
LeeRHarry Sitka will forever remind me of The Proposal movie 😊 looks like a lovely spot for a browse! 2mo
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April #BookspinBingo card! My #Bookspin is Bourdain (excited to finally have the impetus to read this Kindle book I bought on a deal ages ago!) and my #DoubleSpin is Green Dot (an ARC I won from a Goodreads giveaway a few months ago).

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 2mo
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Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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I did finish my #Bookspin for March, but didn‘t get to my #Doublespin. I came very close to hitting a bingo, but as usual my mood reading distracted me from focusing on that. I did read 10 total books in March, and I have a couple that I am almost done with to get April off to a good start. Overall, I did a good job of balancing reading books from my TBR and those new releases that pull me in from Libby.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 2mo
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I just wasn‘t that interested in the options this month. There were a couple I would maybe get from Libby if/when they become available, but I am trying to be more judicious about only choosing something I really want to read. I have way too many BOTM books that are still on my physical TBR.

marleed I‘m still waiting for that month when I have the control to skip - I ordered 5 this month and all 5 are new selections for the month. I have no control! 2mo
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This was the appropriately named brewery in Charlotte, NC that I hung out at yesterday!

vivastory I loved this book. Hope you had a good trip! 2mo
Kimberlone Thanks! Loving her insights so far. Surprisingly, I‘ve never read a book by Jane Smiley, but this might be the impetus to finally dig into A Thousand Acres, which I‘ve had a copy of for I can‘t remember how long! (edited) 2mo
BarkingMadRead I don‘t think we‘ve been to this brewery yet, I‘ll have to tell my hubs about it 2mo
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Kimberlone @BarkingMadRead it is in the same area as OMB and Brewers @ 4001 Yancey. I really liked this sour! The flavors were subtle but really complemented the sour ale! If you are in Charlotte, let me know if you have a good bookstore recommendation…I have some free time tomorrow before I have to drive back to Raleigh for my flight home. 2mo
BarkingMadRead Where in Charlotte are you? There‘s one called Park Road books that‘s in the same plaza as a yummy bakery and also a Jeni‘s ice cream! 2mo
Kimberlone @BarkingMadRead I saw that one in my research but it was a bit out of my way when I looked. Might try to fit it in tomorrow, if I have the time. Trying not to have to rush my drive back to Raleigh! 2mo
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In Charlotte, NC for a work trip this week, and yesterday I spent some time at a local brewery with the book I brought. Book accompanied by a yummy pretzel and tasty Plum-Rosemary-Orange Sour Ale. I was impressed, you can really taste the rosemary in this drink!

Side note: any Charlotte/Raleigh Littens around? I have one more day here (I have to drive back to Raleigh tomorrow from Charlotte) and would love a good bookstore recommendation!

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This sequel really lived up to expectations! It is everything you could want from the cozy academia fantasy romance corner. Even though it leans into the cozy genre, there are still serious stakes for Emily & Wendell. Emily is following up her encyclopedia with a a mapbook of the Otherlands, and Wendell tries to return this kingdom while avoiding his stepmother‘s assassins. The faerie world is broadened and endearing new characters introduced.

Saknicole 💕🧚 3w
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Sneaking in some reading this morning before I jump into chores for most of the day. Hoping to finish this book today!

I have been so pleased with this sequel; fans of Encyclopedia of Faeries will love this one too!

JessieKB Fun cover!!! 3mo
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I kept seeing this series hyped for romantasy readers and thought I‘d give it a chance. It was free on Kindle Unlimited, so I signed up for a free trial to try it out. It wasn‘t any worse than the average romantasy (it felt very ACOTAR meets Hunger Games), but I found its utter mediocrity and tropey-ness to be a turn off. I skimmed A LOT to finish this one, and won‘t be continuing with the sequel, despite a vague interest in knowing the ending.

Bookish_Gal I‘m about to write my review, and I‘m lost as to how to go about it. The ending saved it, politically, though it dragged long for me. 3mo
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Turned in my winter reading challenge bingo card to the local library today; I got 6 entries to the final giveaway, 2 coupons for a personal pizza, and 3 cute stickers (I declined the bookmarks because I already have far too many), but resisted checking out any physical books, since my physical and Kindle TBR are already overflowing.

Leftcoastzen I agree with that quote! 3mo
Cupcake12 Great quote! 3mo
Saknicole I love this library so much 💕 3w
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The Seven Year Slip | Ashley Poston
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Limited work this week due to spring break. I had a dentist appointment at 8 am, now biding the time for a bit at a local cafe, so that I can hit up the nearby library when it opens at 10 am.

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Fireside Books | Palmer, AK (Bookstore)
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Impromptu bookstore popup at a local brewery! I resisted buying anything, but they had a lot of Alaskana options, as well as popular bestsellers.

The Atlas Complex | Olivie Blake
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An unfortunately disappointing finale to the trilogy. I absolutely love Olivie Blake‘s writing style and characterization (which is still highlighted in this book), but the plot was basically incomprehensible to me. I honestly couldn‘t describe what happened outside of a few set piece scenes and character deaths. I‘ll credit my lack of comprehension partially to distracted audiobook listening, but I didn‘t have that problem w/the first 2 books.

Meshell1313 This seems to be the consensus. I‘m reading it now! 3mo
Kimberlone @Meshell1313 yep, I will eventually give it another try, I have the hardcover so I might understand the plot better if I read the physical book. I want to do a full reread of the series, so I hope I‘ll appreciate the final book more in that context. 3mo
emz711 Oh no! I just finished the first and requested the second one quick from the library 3mo
Kimberlone @emz711 I really liked the first two! 3mo
RamsFan1963 @Kimberlone I was pretty disappointed by the final volume also. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found the story incomprehensible. 3mo
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Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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March #BookspinBingo card. My #Bookspin is Two Twisted Crowns and #Doublespin is Ask Again, Yes.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!!! 3mo
vivastory What did you think of Dune 2? 3mo
Kimberlone @vivastory amazing adaptation! I think it did a great job of translating the very complex Bene Gesserit/messiah stuff from the book. The visuals were incredible. I‘ll be curious how the series moves forward, though. I‘ve only read Dune but I‘ve spent enough time on Wikipedia to know things get real nuts in the second book. 3mo
vivastory I think that it's a safe bet that he will get the third film that he has planned. I thought it was as good as the first one & although I read book 1 years ago & was happy stopping there, but I am now seriously contemplating continuing. I'm thinking of seeing it again before it leaves, which I very very rarely do. I'm glad that you liked it. 3mo
Kimberlone @vivastory I only saw part one at home on streaming…seeing part 2 in theaters really made the experience exceptional. 3mo
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One Dark Window | Rachel Gillig
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Overall, a good reading month. I finished 8 books, and have two in-progress carrying over to March. Higher than average ratings for me, which means I read a lot of good books in February! My top read of February is the tagged; I finished it in 2 days and immediately started the sequel. According to Goodreads and Storygraph, I am 6 books ahead on my 2024 reading goal (75 books).

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Technically The Fragile Threads of Power and The Atlas Complex are still in-progress, but I am marking them off because I don‘t plan on including them on the March bingo card. No bingos, but I did clear all the free spaces (I always leave those to account for my mood reading tendencies).

Now off to plan for March #BookspinBingo!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 3mo
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The Lily of Ludgate Hill | Mimi Matthews
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I‘ve enjoyed all the entries in this historical romance series (I feel like Mimi Matthew‘s is becoming an auto-read author for me). This one especially nailed all of the romance tropes it includes (childhood friends > lovers > enemies > lovers), by actually making the scenario feel realistic based on the characters‘ circumstances and the timeline of their relationship.

Frog and Toad All Year | Arnold Lobel
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Happy Leap Day (aka bonus reading day), Littens!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You too!! 💛 3mo
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Holly: A Novel | Stephen King
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Holly was my favorite character from King‘s The Outsider, so I‘ve been looking forward to reading her stand-alone since it was announced. I haven‘t read the Mr. Mercedes series, although I‘m interested now to go back to the start of her story. Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I kind of feel like giving away who the serial killers were right at the beginning took away some of the suspense. Didn‘t care at all for the heavy handed COVID commentary

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I‘ve been really underwhelmed with the BOTM picks recently, so I was excited to see several interesting options for March! I ended up choosing A Fate Inked in Blood, but I almost picked Annie Bot. If I see good feedback on that one, I might add on later.

The BOTY winner and other finalists were really not my jam this year (plus I‘d already read 2 of them), but I feel like Shark Heart is one I might actually enjoy.

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Trying to post more regularly on my bookstagram. I love this sweatshirt I received as a gift from my SIL. It‘s my favorite reading outfit! I also have a lot of reviews overdue to post on Litsy!

If you want to follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/readerlykimberly?igsh=ZW9keXpreTVpZW0y&utm_source=qr

BarbaraBB Reviews are never overdue on Litsy 😉❤️ 3mo
bthegood cute pic and sweatshirt! 3mo
Saknicole 😍😍❤️ 3w
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Thoughts on this year‘s BOTY finalists?

I had a lot of issues with the content and execution of Weyward, and I thought The Wishing Game was very mediocre with juvenile writing (despite a promising premise). Really surprised that they were voted that highly. Not interested in the romance or mystery/thriller options, so I guess I‘ll be choosing Shark Heart.

BookwormAHN I'm not very impressed with any of them 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4mo
Kimberlone @BookwormAHN right?! I just feel like the overall quality of the finalists have really declined. Just glancing at the monthly picks in 2023, there are a ton of books better (and more popular?) than what was included here. 4mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Also not impressed. The lack of diversity is expected but disappointing. I only read one. Shark Heart and I found it very average. 4mo
JenReadsAlot Huh those surprise me... 4mo
Laughterhp I own all but Shark Heart… 4mo
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The Lily of Ludgate Hill | Mimi Matthews
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It‘s only appropriate that I should be settling in for a quiet Valentine‘s night in with a sweet historical romance. Unfortunately, my husband headed back to his work yesterday (he has a 2 week on, week off schedule), but at least I have a swoon worthy duke to spend my solo evening with 😉.

Side note: the page turner remote that @Saknicole gave me for Christmas has completely revolutionized my Kindle/iPad reading!

Crazeedi That's a very cool tool! 4mo
lil1inblue I am obsessed with the idea of that remote. I find I'm always hovering my thumb over my kindle in anticipation of a page turn, and sometimes it actually gets sore holding in that way! 😂 4mo
Kimberlone @lil1inblue @Crazeedi now that I have one, I am totally reliant! Can‘t go back! 4mo
Saknicole So cozy! Happy late Galentines! 4mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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Does it count as a Target run if you *don‘t* get sucked into the book section? A pleasant surprise for me is that these books ended up being BOGO 50% off at checkout, so I got to feel less guilty!

TheBookHippie My adult daughter loves Target book and movie section. She‘s gotten some really good deals. 4mo
Kimberlone @TheBookHippie I like that they usually have the paperback versions and they are always at least 20% discounted! 4mo
TheBookHippie @Kimberlone She prefers paperback as well. 4mo
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TEArificbooks Target also lowest price matches on books as well. You can even ask the cashier to check the low price online for you. Sometimes their sales make the books cheaper than Amazon 4mo
Kimberlone @TheBookHippie Yes, I feel like I am unusual that I prefer paperbacks! 4mo
Kimberlone @TEArificbooks oh my goodness, I never knew that! 😲 4mo
TheBookHippie @TEArificbooks oh I‘ll tell my daughter! Wow! 4mo
vivastory The Target BOGO def sucked me in last week 4mo
Ruthiella Any time I get out of Target without spending at least $50 is a miracle . 😆 4mo
Tamra My paychecks should be direct deposit to Target. 4mo
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Happy V Day, Littens!


TheBookgeekFrau Happy Valentine's Day 💝 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! 😍 4mo
BooksNBowls 😂😂 love it! 4mo
Ruthiella Happy Valentine‘s Day!💘 4mo
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Bookshelves and Books | Alfred H. Wall
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Shelves and drywall patching are done and arranged for now. So happy that at least a portion of my books are now on display! Decided to focus these shelves mainly on my nicer hardcovers.

Still need to figure out shelving in our office for all of my paperbacks (10 boxes worth 😬 packed away), but that‘s a project for another week. We also want to display some of our framed artwork around the shelves on this wall.

Enjoy the #bookhusband cameo!

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Ruthiella Nice work! 👏👏👏 4mo
IndoorDame Looks awesome!!! 4mo
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UwannaPublishme 🙌🏻📚🙌🏻 4mo
TheBookHippie Whew. Looks so wonderful. 💕 that‘s a lot of work. I never know what to do with paperbacks. 4mo
Kimberlone @dabbe @Ruthiella @IndoorDame @UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie my hubby did a great job installing the shelves! I‘ve been looking forward to having them since we moved into our place in October! The paperbacks are going to be their own beast 😬 4mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile Your sofa looks super comfy too! 4mo
TieDyeDude 🎉 Looks so good! 4mo
TheBookgeekFrau Bravo BookHusband!! 🎉 4mo
Gissy 😍📚📚📚👌Beautiful 4mo
mabell Turned out so pretty! 4mo
kspenmoll They looked great! Wonderful hubby!!! 4mo
BarbaraBB Wow that looks so attractive! The ahelves I mean, or rather all of it 😃 4mo
marleed It looks great! 4mo
Saknicole What a cutie 😍 I‘m so happy you went with shelves. I was a proponent of that plan from day 1! 3w
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I made all the snacks (not pictured: nachos and second round of wings still currently in the oven) and now I get to enjoy the game (i.e. read my book) until the half-time show (who else is excited to see Usher?!).

Ignore the book boxes I emptied yesterday when filling out living room shelves.

Bookzombie I‘m not watching the game but I will definitely look up the halftime show later. 🙂 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yeah, yeah, yeah 🎤 🕺🏾 🙌🏻 love Usher! 4mo
Kimberlone @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks he brought it! 🥵🔥 4mo
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Just finished my re-read of this series in anticipation of finally reading The Fragile Threads of Power. While it can be a common fantasy series pitfall, I really appreciate how Schwab uses the increasing lengths to deepen the character development, expand the world building, and add complexity to the continuing plot. Each book still tells a distinctive story that builds upon the overarching narrative. I ❤️ Kell, Lila, Rhy, Alucard, and Holland.

TieDyeDude Nice! I read Darker Shade a couple years ago, and I'm really anxious to continue the series. Hope you like Fragile Threads! 4mo
Kimberlone @TieDyeDude it‘s really a wonderful series! 4mo
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Bookshelves and Books | Alfred H. Wall
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Shelves are partially filled. My husband has to finish the drywall patching before I can finish the top shelf.

I will probably also be reorganizing the bottom shelf, moving most of the fiction hardbacks to the top, where I am also going to display my non-fiction and then fill in the bottom with more fantasy books to go along with the HP collection.

Will be happy when this project is done, so we can push the couch back towards the wall.

Ruthiella Looking good!👍 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Gissy Yes, looking good 👌 (edited) 4mo
See All 6 Comments
TheBookgeekFrau Looks good! 🤩🤩 4mo
BarbaraBB That looks absolutely gorgeous 😍 4mo
Bookzombie Looks great! 4mo
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Bookshelves and Books | Alfred H. Wall
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Status update on my husband installing shelves in our living room! I can‘t wait to fill these with books!

The plan is to use these living room shelves for my nicer hardcovers. We still have to figure out shelving for the rest of my books; there are still 15 boxes worth packed up since our move back in October!

Bookzombie Can‘t wait to see what it looks like! 4mo
Kimberlone @Bookzombie of course I will post the final result! 4mo
Leftcoastzen I bet that‘s going to look great! 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
BarbaraBB Such great things to worry about ❤️ 4mo
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