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Joined January 2018

Favorites include literary fiction, nonfiction, science, history, and medicine. Southerner. Bow tie wearer. Pronouns he/him. 🏳️‍🌈
Runaway | Alice Munro
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“Her children say they hope she has not taken to Living in the Past. But what she believes she is doing, what she wants to do if she can get the time to do it, is not so much live in the past as to open it up and get one good look at it.” —“Powers” (2004)

—Alice Munro (1931-2024)

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This is 5 years old but I snatched it while browsing the US history shelf. While Muir is familiar to most, I knew little about Pinchot, founder of the US Forest Service. The two men were friendly rivals. The origin of the environmental preservation vs. conservation debate can be traced directly to them. Easily readable, though the second half bogged down in the details of legislation. Both men spent time in my neck of the woods in the Southeast.

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Well, this was quite dark. Keegan read from this at my local bookstore last fall and called out an audience member who was trying to photograph her during the reading. i love her writing. She almost fills the void Munro left, when she retired. looking forward to more.

Ark | Ed Madden
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Ark | Ed Madden
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A little late to Poetry Month but this is lovely. Elegiac poems about death, the fraught relationship between a gay son and his Baptist father, and the natural world of the rural Arkansas Delta. Fans of Silas House will love these (yes, that‘s a waterfall in the background)

Suite for Barbara Loden | Nathalie Leger
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Few people have heard of Barbara Loden, but she won a Tony and was the second wife of Elias Kazan. While she had small parts in several movies, she‘s best known for directing and starring in Wanda (1970), now an art-house classic. My interest? Loden grew up in the same poor Appalachian small NC town that my mother did. I wouldn‘t read this unless you‘ve seen the movie, but it‘s a thoughtful meditation on the film, life, and art.

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Maybe I was still in withdrawal from the Murdaugh murder trial of 2023 when I bought this, but it looked enticing. Alas, it mostly disappoints. The jacket copy misleadingly promises an insider's look at "bro culture" and the "gilded bubble" of contemporary Greek life, and how the "old boy" system is still alive and functioning in the South. But the narrative meanders and the crime story mostly felt humdrum. Juicy but ultimately insubstantial.

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My white dog Pooh Bear is getting older. I am, too. Maybe that‘s why I finally picked up Terry Kay‘s book about a widowed Southerner facing mortality and read it. Though first published in 1990, it‘s still pure poetry to read and a beautiful testament to small towns, the South, and family, and the realities of loss and mortality. And it features a dog who may be a ghost, or a real one. Kay keeps you guessing. Highly recommended!

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I don‘t read much crime fiction. I picked this for my book club, based on glowing reviews. While I found the friendship between Ike and Buddy Lee slightly implausible and the hard-core violence was over-the-top, this ultimately won me over, even though I saw where it was headed early. I guess I‘m a sucker for any work with a message of unity, or calling out hypocrisy whenever you see it. And yes, Sam Elliott should play Buddy Lee in the movie.

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I‘ve read all of her collections, and this is probably one of her darkest, and best. A bonafide Southern-fried Winesburg, Ohio, for the 21st century. It‘s certainly my favorite book cover of all her works.

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“We‘ve been here 200 years. The first Chinese came in 1815…Why doesn‘t this face register as American? Is it because we make the story too complicated? Because we haven‘t figured out how yet. Whether it‘s a tragedy or a comedy or something in between. If we haven‘t cracked the code of what it‘s like to be inside this face, then how can we explain it to anyone else?”
Happy Chinese New Year! Loved this book. Thanks again, @alexus_sb !

Leftcoastzen I thought it was a terrific book as well.🐲 4mo
BarbaraBB Loved this one! 4mo
alexus_sb I‘m so glad that you enjoyed it! 4mo
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The Trackers | Charles Frazier
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Embarrassed to say this is my first Frazier since Cold Mountain. But really, how can you ever follow up such a phenomenal debut without some disappointment? This is no Cold Mountain, but I still found it mostly entertaining. If you‘re a fan of Raymond Chandler, the American West, or 1930s noir, you‘ll enjoy this little romp. There are shades of Gatsby, a Lady Eve, just don‘t take this mashup too seriously.

Bec_lectic Love the cover! 4mo
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Apeirogon: A Novel | Colum McCann
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“The German writer Goethe said that the tone of mind produced by architecture approaches the effect of music – that to look upon a thing is to hear it. Music is liquid architecture, he wrote, and architecture is frozen music.”

Tamra I loved this book - many great insights & perspectives offered. 4mo
plemmdog @Tamra me too! I felt compelled to read it given the state of things. Wish I‘d even read it sooner. 4mo
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The Measure | Nikki Erlick
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My book club chose this. While I think it will probably provoke a good discussion, I felt like the author pushed an agenda at the expense of any substantial character development. I think I‘ll stick with Atwood and Orwell for speculative fiction.

The Rings of Saturn | W. G. Sebald
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First read of 2024 completed. Not for the lighthearted. “Memories lie slumbering within us for months and years, quietly proliferating, until they are woken by some trifle and in some strange way blind us to life.”

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The Fred Chappell Reader | Fred Chappell
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Fred Chappell died last week. I have a signed lithograph of this, one of my favorite poems. I hope he‘s resting in peace with the cool ground‘s mild children.

Anna40 May his memory be a blessing. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem 5mo
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The Sterile Cuckoo | John Nichols
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Last read of 2023, and while there were parts which were definitely cringeworthy and haven‘t aged well, there was also this:
“That‘s what kids are, Jerry—all heart. Big round blueberry hearts. The trouble is—the older you get, the more you grow away from your heart. Like a tree. It gets deeper and deeper inside you, more and more hidden.”
Here‘s to finding your heart again in 2024! Happy New Year!

BoleyBooks I believe I saw the film adaptation of this starring Liza Minnelli. 😊 (edited) 4mo
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Happy #JolabokaflodSwap23 and many thanks to @alexus_sb ! How did she know I‘ve been on an Asian-American reading binge lately? Happy Holidays and wishing everyone peace and joy 🕊️🕊️

alexus_sb Oh yay! I‘m so glad you liked it! It looked so interesting! 5mo
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John Nichols died yesterday. Years ago, I devoured his fiction when I lived in the Southwest. RIP.

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Finally finished this yesterday. The film adaption of this was my favorite movie of 2023 and I‘m glad to say Cognetti‘s writing was equally elegiac and haunting. One reviewer has called this a male version of Ferrante‘s My Brilliant Friend and I don‘t think it‘s an unfair comparison. It‘s a shame more male authors don‘t write about the complexity of male friendships.

Wilderness Tips | Margaret Atwood
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Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid's Tale, turns 84 today.

"Canadians are fond of a good disaster, especially if it has ice, water, or snow in it. You thought the national flag was about a leaf, didn't you? Look harder. It's where someone got axed in the snow."

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I started this book 2 weeks ago and snapped this pic while hiking the Black Mountains. Alas, I lost the trail on descent and ended up bushwhacking through laurel hells to a location 4 miles from my original starting point. Let‘s just say my NOLS training came in handy, and I have a new appreciation for reading these early exploration accounts 🥹😳😬

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Who Wore It Best? This year‘s Halloween work group theme was “hotel”. “You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed, that‘s what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant … Oh, f*%k it…” —Monsieur Gustave

Leftcoastzen 👏😁 7mo
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Solito: A Memoir | Javier Zamora
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While I enjoyed Ted Conover‘s Coyotes and Sonia Nazario‘s Enrique‘s Journey, this first-person memoir takes the experience of migrant children to a whole other level. Beautiful, heart-breaking, and a testament to humanity. Unfortunately it was unable to be nominated for a Pulitzer, as rules still require all authors to be American-born.

Mountain Doctor | LeGette Blythe
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I love coming across obscure old books in antique stores that are well written and a pleasure to read. This is a family doctor‘s account of caring for the people in Balsam Grove, a remote pocket of Appalachia in the 1950s. When he founded the local clinic and hospital, the only thing he charged the patients was to bring two river rocks to help build the walls.

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Science can show us the workings of the universe in ways we could never once have imagined, and it can change our perspective on that universe radically by doing so. But it can‘t tell us what matters in our human lives, and why, and neither can it tell us why we see what we see, and feel what we feel, and what we should do about any of that. Science might be able to tell us how to resurrect a mammoth, but it can never tell us whether we should.

SamAnne I just flamed out, burned out on environment activism. I will return to it at some point after I figure out where to focus my energy. Stacked. 9mo
plemmdog @SamAnne you would probably like this, then, as that‘s exactly the perspective of the author. These are mostly thought pieces, and my favorite one was his reflection on creation and humanity after visiting the cave paintings in France. 9mo
SamAnne @plemmdog wow. Does sound like a good read. 9mo
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Exit West: A Novel | Mohsin Hamid
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Sadly, the backlog in my TBR pile is at least 5 years old, but glad I got to this one (I‘d even forgot he signed it!). I haven‘t read his latest, but this one‘s my favorite, so far.

White | Bret Easton Ellis
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The book cover was more interesting than the content. I think it‘s probably an homage to The White Album by Joan Didion. I had to read this after finishing The Shards and listening to the podcast about Ellis and Donna Tartt at Bennington College.

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The Japanese have a word for it 😬😬

Anna40 😂 9mo
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This got 4.25 on Goodreads, and it‘s a breezy read, but I didn‘t learn much I didn‘t already know, and I wish Hari had spent more time on neuroscience. He tries to tackle too much, and ultimately (and ironically) I‘d say this lacked focus 😂

SamAnne One I‘ve been trying to get to. I did listen to a bit of it and it seemed a bit breezy…. 9mo
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The French Broad | Wilma Dykeman
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The Rivers of America series started in 1937 and 65 volumes were eventually published, usually authored by literary figures, rather than historians. This is an excellent one containing a lot of great stories from early Western NC and Eastern TN history. Dykeman was a regional writer but a pioneer, considering she was a woman and wrote a lot about ecological concerns, long before the 1970s.

The French Broad | Wilma Dykeman
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The Rivers of America series started in 1937 and 65 volumes were eventually published, usually authored by literary figures, rather than historians. This is an excellent one containing a lot of great stories from early Western NC and Eastern TN history. Dykeman was primarily a regional writer but also somewhat of a pioneer, considering she was a woman and wrote a lot about ecological concerns, long before 1970s.

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Someone picked this for my book club. I‘m glad this book exists in the world, but I didn‘t enjoy it.

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It seems inconceivable that poets were once guests on the Tonight Show and on the cover of Life. But they were, and James Dickey was larger than life. Today, however, he‘d be the poster child for toxic masculinity. I usually avoid memoirs, but Dickey‘s son was also a terrific writer, and there are quite a few details in this on the filming and inspiration for Deliverance. I didn‘t realize how exploitative the movie was until reading this.

SamAnne I‘ve been trying to get to this one for a long time. Heard a great interview with the author on Fresh Air. I take James Dickey‘s poetry with me when I do river trips. But yeah, he was a hot mess. 10mo
plemmdog @SamAnne when I was an undergrad, he visited my college. I‘m told he always wore a Tyrannosaurus Tex T-shirt at USC every time he returned graded papers. 10mo
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It‘s meta, it‘s mash-up, it‘s Less Than Zero, Gatsby, American Psycho—dare I say there‘s even a dash of SNL‘s “The Californians”—I‘m still trying to decide if it‘s intentional (“I took Mulholland to the 405…until I reached the 10). You‘ll love it or hate it, and yes, it‘s violent. But here‘s the thing: Ellis‘s nostalgia for the Eighties is also surprisingly tender. Long and drawn out, but I relished this, right down to the last Quaalude.

Leftcoastzen Love your review 😂👏pushing up the pile! 10mo
marleed Totally agree. You say it best! 10mo
batsy What @Leftcoastzen said! 10mo
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I was looking for the perfect summer read. This was it. Not only does Wilson explore coming of age here, it's done in a way that's both wistfully nostalgic, yet lingers with the pain of adolescence like the best ice cream headache. If you grew up in a small town and always felt like an outsider, you‘ll love this. I enjoyed this one more than Nothing To See Here, which I didn‘t think was possible.

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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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RIP Julian Sands. Heaven may not be a golden Italian countryside, but it comes pretty close.

batsy RIP. He was such an interesting actor who took on some weird roles and always pulled it off. 11mo
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The most beautiful description of dusk I‘ve read in a while…Fred Chappell was a poet, first and foremost.

TheSpineView 💓 11mo
Smrloomis So beautiful 💕 11mo
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My pick this month for Pride was an interesting if unconventional (and somewhat academically dry) bio of a minor character in gay history. The wide open American West appealed to many young men and “confirmed bachelors” who eschewed settling down and getting married. An interesting look at gay life, pre-“gay”.

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“Needless to say, technology design is not value-neutral, and military contractors and weapons developers do not want these kinds of questions raised, never mind built into their controllers.” Wow. I‘m a decade late to this, but so far it‘s the best novel I‘ve read this year, and remains timely, considering the AI debate. Sadness and beauty, quantum mechanics, Proust, Japanese history, and meta. Truly everything, everywhere, all at once. 5 stars.

monalyisha I need to reread this. I loved it so much. It‘s on my list of favorite books, ever, but I know I‘ve forgotten so much. 12mo
batsy Great review. Still on my TBR, but thanks for the prompt to move it up! 12mo
TrishB Loved this one ❤️ 12mo
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Spending the weekend in the failed utopia that Thomas Hughes attempted to create in rural Rugby, Tennessee. This is the original library. In 1880, Hughes was the most popular writer, after Dickens.

currentlyreadinginCO Ok, cool weekend 12mo
Centique That library looks wonderful. Hope it was an interesting visit. 12mo
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The Year of the Flood | Margaret Atwood
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I absolutely love Atwood, but I was almost ready to bail halfway through this one. I wouldn‘t recommend unless you‘ve read Oryx and Crake. For me, it didn‘t achieve true momentum until I started to figure out how the stories fit together.

SamAnne Oh, this one was my favorite of the whole trilogy! It was the first one I read. 12mo
rwmg I have to agree with @SamAnne. Although I read “Oryx and Crake“ first, this was my favourite in the trilogy 12mo
plemmdog @SamAnne it definitely grew on me. I think the solo story of Jimmy was easier for me to follow than the back-and-forth between Ren and Toby. 12mo
SamAnne @plemmdog @rwmg I loved the trilogy. But not since I was a child have books prompted such viviv dreams, and in the case with these books, very disturbing ones. And Atwood really does her research. After reading these books, I‘d be listening to the news and hear “Scientists have learned how to grown human livers in pigs…”. Noooo!!! Not Pigoons!! Skip the pigoons! 😳😂😳😂. Or scientists have discovers how to grow meat in a lab…”. Nooo! (edited) 12mo
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On the plus side, my book club forces me to read things I normally wouldn‘t. On the negative side: this. Ugh. I guess I‘ll never appreciate pop lit. I love old Hollywood and gay history, but I think I hated this as much as I did The Help. I know I‘m probably in a small minority…

Decalino It's funny, this review makes me want to read it and see if I agree with you! 13mo
Centique Yeah I bailed on this. I got a chapter in and felt like I‘d read this all before and didn‘t enjoy it the first time around 😂 12mo
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Don‘t hate on Bambi but…deer dominate plant life in sections of the Blue Ridge. “Deer think of orchids as ice cream,” says rare plant specialist Janet Rock. “They always seem to like the rarest of plants.” She calls them locusts with hooves.

Tamra Yes, they are a menace here in MN too. I don‘t have any plants that aren‘t deer resistant, which aren‘t many. 😜 13mo
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Poetry Month was a total bust this year. I had such good intentions but only managed this one, which was so-so, more memoir than haiku.

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We‘re renovating the den/library which has forced me to confront my TBR and long-standing addiction. This little charmer came out in the Eighties as a satire of My First Readers and Yuppies, but I think it‘s aged pretty well!

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Eudora Welty was born on this day in 1909.

"Edna Earle...never did get to be what you'd call a heavy thinker. Edna Earle could sit and ponder all day on how the little tail of the 'C' got through the 'L' in a Coca-Cola sign."

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Less Is Lost | Andrew Sean Greer
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Disappointing follow-up. I can‘t think of many sequels, though, which surpass the originals.

Joan Is Okay | Weike Wang
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Joan Is Okay and I mostly am, too, after a refreshing springtime weekend on the farm. I was a little reluctant to read this (pandemic lit) but I loved it. Lots of dry wit.

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Desmond is visiting our local bookstore tomorrow, which prompted me to pull this from my TBR pile and finally read it. It‘s unflinching and powerful. I‘m curious to see what his latest will offer.