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Rebecca | Daphne D Maurier
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Ruthiella He‘s definitely a shady character. 😬 5mo
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Bookwormjillk Danny 🤣🤣🤣 5mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I just can‘t 🤣 I can‘t imagine her with any nickname at all ☠️ 5mo
dabbe At least there's a little respite for our narrator who feels more like herself with Maxim away. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone she isn't and can just be herself--for a little while. 5mo
ElizaMarie So much mystery in this chapter!!!! I'm super intrigued! 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly I think it was Mrs. Danvers in the cabin threatening Ben!!! Rebecca would have no reason to keep her cabin activities a secret, and would probably think Ben is beneath her. Mrs. Danvers fits the description better and is definitely acting fishy. 5mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly ohhhhh that‘s a really good theory and I could totally see Danvers doing that! 5mo
Bookwormjillk Jan is really reminding me of a person at work who decides that each time she has a scheduled check in with our shared supervisor she‘s going to get fired then when I tell her she‘s not she gets mad when she‘s not promoted. The stories she tells herself in her head. Cool it Jan. Max isn‘t dead just because he went to London. #DontBelieveEverythingYouThink 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - Seriously! I was reading that section like COOL YOUR JETS, my word! 5mo
kwmg40 Jan really has an overactive imagination! 5mo
julieclair @kwmg40 Yes, and that imagination is not doing her any favors. 5mo
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