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Lavender's Blue: A Book of Nursery Rhymes | Kathleen Lines, Harold Jones
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#CoverLove #Lavender I bought this several years ago when Oxford University Press had a sale. I‘ve browsed it , haven‘t read it cover to cover, need to get to it . #TBRMountain

Eggs Enchanting💜🤍 1d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 💜💛 11h
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Saul Bellow: Letters | Saul Bellow
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼🎩🧡 5d
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Breath of Snow and Ashes | Diana Gabaldon
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤩 2w
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 2w
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#StorySettings #College it‘s been on my #TBRMountain a long time !📚📚📚

Eggs This made me chuckle-“sex kittens and co-eds” 😅 2mo
Leftcoastzen @Eggs me too! 😄 2mo
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Stones from the River | Ursula Hegi
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#StorySettings #River There were raves about this book when it first came out, this copy was passed to me by a friend & it languishes on my #TBRMountain as well. I have heard it‘s really good though a dense read . Historical fiction dealing with Germany in the WWII years will be covering difficult things. Hope to get to it soon.

LeahBergen I liked this when I read it way back when. 😆 3mo
Librarybelle I read this years ago and liked it! 3mo
Eyelit I read it forever ago and really liked it 3mo
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jlhammar I‘ve had this on my shelves for so many years! Must get to it one of these days. I remember really enjoying Hegi‘s 3mo
BarbaraJean I LOVED this book!! A friend of mine and I still reference bits of it to each other. It turned me on to a lot of Hegi‘s other work as well—she has a couple other books set in the same town/with related characters. (edited) 3mo
Eggs It sounds great 📚💚 3mo
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Fire on the Mountain | Edward Abbey
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#StorySettings #Mountain playing catch up. This is Abbey‘s 3rd novel ,originally published in 1962 . Still on my #TBRMountain

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So many and so little time! 3mo
Eggs Story of my existence 📚📚📚 3mo
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The Seducer | Jan Kjaerstad
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#ItTakesAllKinds #WomanFacingAway One of those books I found at a used booksale that looks interesting, still on the #TBRMountain

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 4mo
Eggs Well done 👍🏼 4mo
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Thank you @dabbe for the #TLT tag! 🤗

Hard to narrow it to three, but…

1️⃣ The tagged book-love & grief in the life of a teenage girl in 1987. If you haven‘t read it, you must. 💙

2️⃣ Little Women -it‘s a classic & my first bildungsroman love. 💚

3️⃣ Never Let Me Go-I find people either love or really dislike this one, but it‘s love for me. Bleak, dystopian coming of age.🩶

Who else wants to share their three? Consider yourself tagged! 🤗

dabbe I'm making a list, and checking it twice; gonna share with everyone whether they're naughty or nice! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
Leftcoastzen I‘ve been meaning to read tell the wolves for a good long while #TBRmountain 4mo
AmyG @Leftcoastzen Move it to the top. Such a good book. And great choice! 4mo
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Our Strangers | Lydia Davis
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#BookMail is the best mail! Lydia Davis decided that her new collection of short stories would not be available on the A word. a bookshop.org published title, their proceeds share with an independent bookstore you have selected, or indies in general. Bought Trust too. On & off about it ,finally decided yes ! Add it to #TBRMountain

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#BookBinge #TrueCrime a highly praised & popular title still on my #TBRMountain

Suet624 still on my TBR as well. :(
Eggs So good and creepy!! 12mo
Cheshirecat913 Such a good book. But yeah, super creepy. 12mo
DivineDiana Joining with you and @Suet624 #stillonmyTBR 12mo
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