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I hope you‘ll be able to join me on Facebook, Tuesday March 2, 2021, at 7:30pm, when I‘ll find out which place (1st, 2nd, 3rd) my flash fiction story, Conquer Overcome Vanquish Identify Defeat placed. I‘m a finalist and will be reading the story LIVE!

Link to the Facebook event:

#WriterOfLitsy #Author

HOTPock3tt I don‘t have Facebook but fingers crossed for you! ❤️🎉 3y
CrowCAH @HOTPock3tt thank you! 😊 I‘ll do a follow up post on Wednesday, so you know how it went. 3y
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I was able to listen to this #Audiobook for free via #Audible, because I met the female narrator, Anneliese Rennie, at the local #MittenLitten #RochesterWriters Conference last month. She had a wealth of knowledge about the craft of creating audiobooks and how the narrators put in six hours of prep work for each finished hour of the novel. She performed the female POV well, with distinct voices for each character.

LiteraryinLawrence It‘s cool to hear about what goes into making an audiobook! Thanks for sharing! 5y
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Capturing the Captain | C. K. Brooke
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At the #RochesterWriters Conference with CK Brooke! She‘s one of me crew; a pirate authoress!!! ☠️⚔️⚓️

Getting pumped to write!

bookcollecter Who is who? 6y
CrowCAH @bookcollecter I‘m on the left. 6y
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#Signed #LocalAuthor #MittenLitten

Attended the #RochesterWriters day long conference, with keynote speaker Lev Raphael. Brought my 20 year old book for him to sign!

Flicker | Melanie Hooyenga
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#rochesterwriters #bookhaul #signedbyauthor

Attended the Rochester Writer‘s Conference and met some amazing authors, agent, and creative writers! Gets me motivated to edit my pirate novel. GET IT DONE is the motto I came away with, cause you can't edit what you don't have.

ValerieAndBooks Good advice! And what a great experience to have. 7y
Lmstraubie You can do this!!! 7y
CrowCAH @Lmstraubie thank you! Part of the motivation is sharing my progress with all of you, so then you guys can get excited and keep me accountable for finishing, so then you can read it! 7y
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Lmstraubie @CrowCAH Do you have a working title yet?? 7y
Suet624 Do it!!! 7y
CrowCAH @Lmstraubie Rubies Pierce My Heart, first book in the Renegade trilogy. Of course, this could change, but that's what I've been calling it. 7y
CrowCAH @Suet624 thank you; I'm workin' it! 😁 7y
JazzFeathers Cool! You're writing a pirate novel? What's the story about? Love your green composition ;) 7y
Lmstraubie @CrowCAH Excellent!!! I can't wait to read it! ☺ 7y
CrowCAH @Lmstraubie still about a couple years out, since I'm just starting the first round of edits, but it will be worth the wait! 😊 7y
CrowCAH @JazzFeathers a Golden Age of Piracy adventure romance novel, about a pirate captain taking an English girl aboard as his debt payment. It's Beauty and the Beast meets Pirates of the Caribbean. She will become stronger and learn to fight with a cutlass and he will soften a bit and remember his proper English ways. 7y
flip58 Crowcah Sounds excellent. Finish it. 7y
CrowCAH @flip58 will do! Thanks for the support 😊 7y
Lmstraubie @CrowCAH That will give me time to work on my #TBR pile 😅😉 7y
CrowCAH @Lmstraubie oh yes, most definitely! 😉 7y
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