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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Posting for #BlueMondayGiveaway compliments of @coffeenebula 🙂I'm grateful for this past weekend, spending time with old friends and I'm excited for this upcoming weekend, when I get the chance to finally meet my new Litsy friends at the #PhillyMeetUp ❣️If you are in or near Philly stop by Sunday, Barnes & Noble ~ 1805 Walnut St ~ 1pm 🎉🎉🎉

Mdargusch I wish I was closer to Philly! 7y
Cinfhen I wish u were as well @Mdargusch 😉 (edited) 7y
Lizpixie I wish I could be there too!❤️ 7y
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Cinfhen We really need an official worldwide Litsy convention @Lizpixie 🌏🌻✨ 7y
DebinHawaii Why can't Philly be next to Hawaii?!? 😢 So many great Littens there. I'm lonely. I'll be looking forward to see pics of your meet up! 👍 7y
Cinfhen Wish u could join us @DebinHawaii 💖 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen I'll be there in spirit! 😆👍💕 7y
94 likes7 comments
Windfall | Diksha Basu
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It's not too late to win this ARC in my #BlueMondayGiveway ... Just create a post about something you're grateful for or looking forward to, tag me @coffeenebula and #BlueMondayGiveaway by Tuesday, 8pm ET. Feel free to share with your friends! Anyone can enter. Good luck!

Cinfhen Ooh, yay!!! Thanks for the opportunity 🙏🏻 7y
coffeenebula WINNER WINNER CHICKEN 🍗 DINNER! @PandaPanda wins this ARC! Congrats! 🎈😊😍 Send me your address to t_schroeder@earthlink.net and I'll pop it in the mail for ya! 7y
PandaPanda OMG yayyyy!!! This totally made my day!! 7y
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coffeenebula @PandaPanda I got your email - I'll let you know when it goes in the mail 😊 7y
PandaPanda ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
coffeenebula @PandaPanda It's in the mail - they said you should have it by Monday! Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy 😊 7y
PandaPanda I'm back from vacation on Saturday so that's perfect! Thank you! 7y
44 likes7 comments
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bought a new rug and spent yesterday finally tackling my library room. Alfie is a big help! I'm very much looking forward to having everything tiptop someday 😜so far i've taken 3 boxes of books to the library sale book drop 👍#BlueMondayGiveaway

tpixie Awesome! Great work! The room is getting cozier! 7y
Lcsmcat That looks great! 7y
Lola I love your Library Room! 😍 7y
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Scurvygirl I love it and Alfie! 7y
emilyhaldi I love the random stacks everywhere- leave it just like that! 7y
shawnmooney Oh that looks like heaven! All you need are more books! 7y
Hooked_on_books 🐶💙 7y
Bookishlie I aspire to have a room like this!!! I love it❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
specklife Love so many things about that room, I don't know where to start!! 7y
83 likes9 comments
England, England | Julian Barnes
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I am a little down at work but really looking forward to a trip to England I have coming up at the end of the week for my husband's grandmother's 90th birthday! Thursday please come sooner! @coffeenebula #bluemondaygiveaway

Smangela That sounds amazing!! Can't wait to see any pictures you post :) 7y
Ms_T Which part of England are you visiting? 🇬🇧 7y
PandaPanda @Ms_T we will be in Surrey mostly 7y
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Ms_T @PandaPanda The south! I hope you have a great time over here 😃 7y
PandaPanda @Ms_T yes I'm excited! I lived there for 4 years as a child so it's really nice to go back. 7y
Libby1 Surrey is lovely. I lived there from 2011 to 2014. My little boy still has an English accent! I hope you have a lovely trip and that work will get better. 7y
CouronneDhiver How exciting! I'm going back for another holiday there next year. 7y
67 likes7 comments
Windfall | Diksha Basu
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Anyone else feeling the post #24in48 Monday blues? Maybe winning this ARC of The Windfall will help?

Make a post about something that cheered you up or that you're looking forward to today, tag me, @coffeenebula and add the tag #BlueMondayGiveaway. Post by Tuesday 7/25 8pm ET and I'll randomly send one Litten this delightful story. Anyone can enter!