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Alien Earths
Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos | Lisa Kaltenegger
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1. Tagged. I enjoyed this book which surprised me because I was never interested in Science when I was in school or outside of school but I always liked books in the Sci-Fi romance genre.

2. I‘m looking forward to reading a book called All The Women Of The Bible about the women that are in the Bible. I‘ll read it like a regular book. I‘m not going to study it since I‘m just reading it for fun.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing 💙📖 3mo
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Photo 1 - I watched a livestream hosted by Cornell University on Tuesday for the book Alien Earths. I really enjoyed it.
Photo 2 - The author liked my review on Goodreads for her book.
Photo 3 - I watched The Masked Singer on Wednesday night. It‘s such a fun show to watch.
Photo 4 - A picture I colored on the You Doodle app
Photo 5 - Another picture I colored on the You Doodle app

#5joysfriday #litsycrafters

DebinHawaii Great joy list! 💛 I love the colors you use in your coloring designs — so pretty! 🧑‍🎨🎨 Thank you for joining in! 3mo
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Today, I‘m sharing my #weeklyfavorites. This week, I finished reading a nonfiction Netgalley ARC called Alien Earths about Space and finding life on other planets. This book is being released on April 16th. I enjoyed it which surprised me because I didn‘t like Science in school. I found Science boring in school but this book never felt dry or boring to me. This book got me interested in Science.

Read4life I‘m glad you enjoyed it. 3mo
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Thank you for tagging me @Read4life

Photo 1 - I finished coloring this picture on Tuesday when I got home from my appointment.

Photo 2 - I signed up for St. Martin‘s Press‘s Fall 2024 books.

Photo 3 - I sent my name to Mars.

Photo 4 - I ordered a Stylus Pen and used it to finish coloring my picture.

Photo 5 - I signed up for a livestream event for the book Alien Earths. The author will be speaking. I‘m excited.


Read4life You‘re welcome! I love your items 💙💙🦋💙💙 3mo
DebinHawaii What a fun & joyful list! 🧑‍🚀🪐 💛 Thank you for joining in! 💛 3mo
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Here‘s my progress on my Netgalley Tracker. I have 2 more ARCs left to read. Yay! I‘m almost finished. Seeing this getting filled in with cute little stickers is very satisfying. The 3 stars over 2 of the books is the star ratings I gave them. I‘m interested to see if I‘ll like the last 2 books or not.

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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading.

Release date: 4/16/24

#netgalley #netgalleyarc #bookspinbingo

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I just finished reading this book and it mentioned at the end of the book sending your name to Mars so I decided to do it. It sounded really cool. I saw on my account that I‘ve sent my name to Mars before because the first time I sent my name to Mars was 2015 and the departure year was 2018 so this will be my second time. I don‘t know when they‘re going back over there.

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1. Tomorrow afternoon, I have an appointment with the IDD services office. They want to talk to me about the services they can offer me. IDD means Intellectual and Developmental Disability. I have Autism which is a developmental disability. I‘m nervous about it but I plan to relax after I get home tomorrow.

2. Coffee

3. I use a bookmark

4. My current read is tagged in this post.


Texreader Best wishes at your appointment! I hope for the best for you! 4mo
Cupcake12 Best wishes for your appointment. Thank you for joining in xx 4mo
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I just started this book tonight and I like it so far. I‘m finding it very interesting. This is the first nonfiction book I‘ve read about Space. I don‘t know very much about Space but I don‘t feel confused listening to this and it doesn‘t feel like it‘s dry. I took a Science class in school. I don‘t remember what we learned about but I know that when I was in school, I thought Science was boring but now, I think it‘s interesting.

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I‘m currently reading the tagged book because I have to review it for Netgalley and I just registered for the livestream event for the book. I just googled the book title and found out that this event will be happening. I‘m finding the book really interesting. I haven‘t ever read any nonfiction books about Space. I added the event to my Google Calendar. I‘m looking forward to this event.

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1. The tagged book is a Netgalley ARC being released this month that I‘m excited to read next. It‘s going to talk about finding life on other planets. I think that will be really interesting to read about.

2. Yeah. I preordered a lot of books in 2023 but I don‘t remember what I preordered. When I receive my preorders in the mail, it‘ll be a surprise.


TheSpineView I love book surprises! Thanks for playing 4mo
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I was approved for these 2 audiobooks on Netgalley. This is perfect. I also have ebooks of these books from St. Martin‘s Press. These are both nonfiction books that I‘m reviewing next month. I‘m hoping that I like these books and that I don‘t find them too dry. I like nonfiction but I won‘t finish nonfiction books if I feel like they‘re too dry and if they‘re written like a history lesson. They sound interesting.

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I just received another email saying I have another book from St. Martin‘s Press to read through Netgalley. This is another book I requested because it sounds interesting to me. I have plenty of time to read it. I don‘t have to read it right now. The release date for this book is April 16, 2024.