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The Cure for Dreaming
The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
20 posts | 32 read | 62 to read
Olivia Mead is a headstrong, independent girla suffragistin an age that prefers its girls to be docile. Its 1900 in Oregon, and Olivias father, concerned that shes headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, an intriguing young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: shes able to see peoples true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness, while also unable to speak her true thoughts out loud. These supernatural challenges only make Olivia more determined to speak her mind, and so shes drawn into a dangerous relationship with the hypnotist and his mysterious motives, all while secretly fighting for the rights of women. Winters breathes new life into history once again with an atmospheric, vividly real story, including archival photos and art from the period throughout.Praise for The Cure for Dreaming "A smattering of period photos adds authenticity to this gripping, atmospheric story of mind control and self-determination." --Kirkus Reviews
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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My very first book by Cat Winters and I was in love by the end of the first chapter 🥰 A wonderful interesting take on a young woman‘s life in the early 1900‘s where women had very few rights- one being the right to wear “trousers.”

I‘m not a feminist. However, I believe in treating all humanity with kindness and decency. This was a delightful read where the struggle for equality was an atmospheric backdrop & not a political agenda ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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This book is so well done, written so well and includes many archival photos and art from that time period, 1900's. It was fun and upbeat, and captivating.
I am interested in reading more of Cat Winters.
Full review goodreads.com/overtheedge

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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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Olivia Mead is a teen suffragist living with a controlling dad who wants to silence her so she'll learn her place (in the home with children 🙄). Her dad decides hypnotizing her into submission is the cure for her dreams. While this YA novel covers an important era and does it relatively well, I felt the characters were lacking development so I didn't connect with any and all the men were so one dimensional it was irritating at times. (Cont'd)

kyraleseberg Great story line executed too quickly without enough character development and resolved too easily (my usual gripes with YA). 6y
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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I have enjoyed the other two Cat Winters books I read so was excited to see The Cure for Dreaming available for checkout through Amazon Prime. I recommend her!

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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I will admit the cover drew me in. It isn't entirely what I expected. A quick read yes and the beach read I was hoping for, also yes. But I wanted a bit more. There is something missing. Some great pics inside though. Have you read it? What did you think?
#117in2017 #augreads #thecurefordreaming #catwinters #bookstagram #bookish #instabooks #instareads #foreverya #ireadya #supportyourlocallibrary #libraryhaul #librariesarethebest

Shaunesay I actually liked it quite a bit, though Henry's abilities seemed pretty magical, it's usually a bit harder to hypnotize someone than what he did, or maybe I'm just a skeptic! 7y
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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*scoff* 🙄🙄😝😝😝😝

I would have gotten into sooooo much trouble at that time!!! I love my husband and daughters, but silent and submissive, I am NOT 😂😂

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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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What to read next? I really don't want to start another series, and after The Handmaid's Tale, I think most of my usual reads might feel sort of... shallow? Empty? Dealing with book hangover, guys 😶
This one sounds interesting, had a strong female characters, historical details, and I can read it for free while on the Amazon Prime trial. Sold! 😁

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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I am obsessed with Cat Winters and all of her books. This was probably my favorite one that she has released so far and I am so sad that I don't have any more backlist books from her to read. All of her books have current ideas and problems weaved within their plots and great characters. This one dealt with women's rights as a main part of the plot which I enjoyed. Loved it.

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters

I started this on Halloween and finished it today. Such an important book to remind us as women how important our right to vote is! This fictionalized account of suffragists made me laugh and reconfirm how necessary it is to vote next Tuesday!

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters

I started this on Halloween and finished it today. Such an important book to remind us as women how important our right to vote is! This fictionalized account of suffragists made me laugh and reconfirm how necessary it is to vote next Tuesday!

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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It‘s 1900 in Oregon, and Olivia‘s father, concerned that she‘s headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, a young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: she‘s able to see people‘s true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness. These challenges make her more determined to speak her mind, so she‘s drawn into a dangerous relationship with Henri.

KellyTurner That sounds so good!! 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 I love Cat Winters! 💕 8y
RedLeaves This sounds good!! 8y
Cspen113 This sounds like a good one! 8y
SuperPunkNinja I love me a rebellious girl story! 8y
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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I picked this novel up from my local library and I really enjoyed it. I actually picked up two others by this author. They just had that creepy vibe to their covers that spiked my interest.

This was about a young suffragist woman, who's father has her dreams (voting, going to college, having a voice in a man's world) removed.

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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Picked up a few books from the library. Do you have a stack yet? Tag me! I want to see! #readathon

Boghunden That's one big stack! 8y
BethFishReads Great choices 8y
valeriegeary Ahhhhh! The Book of Strange New Things! I wish I could read that one again for the first time. #nicestack 8y
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kspenmoll Just a few!!! 8y
Aquedita Will be volunteering in the morning and working in the evening so not as much reading time as I was anticipating. Will participate reading some selected short stories :) 8y
Krissajeldy Is it too late to sign up? 8y
Addictedtobooks1 I have a stack, but as I am away from home they are all ebooks instead of physical books. Got my snacks, got my drinks, got Soccer Saturday on the tv, I'm ready to get started. 8y
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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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I never thought I'd like this as much as I did. Such a vivid story.

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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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It just keeps getting better and better.

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The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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Love this so far! I'm not sure why it took me so long to get around to reading this!

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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Starting off sharing great historical fiction reads with one of my newest favorites. Read this in one sitting, wonderfully developed characters (fell in love with Henri), and loved the natural weave of the historical with the supernatural. Extra bonus: feminism. 😉 Can't wait to read again!

The Cure for Dreaming | Cat Winters
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"Just because I want to vote doesn't mean I'm going to turn savage."

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