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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
8 posts | 7 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
The year is 1930. In a small Tartar village, a woman named Zuleikha watches as her husband is murdered by communists. Zuleikha herself is sent into exile, enduring a horrendous train journey to a remote spot on the Angara River in Siberia. Conditions in the camp are tough, and many of her group do not survive the first difficult winter. As she gradually settles into a routine, Zuleikha starts to get to know her companions. The eclectic group includes a rather dotty doctor, an artist who paints on the sly, and Ignatov, Zuleikhas husbands killer. Together, the group starts to build a new life, one that is far removed from those they left behind. Guzel Yakhinas smooth prose describes Zuleikhas adjustment to a new reality and her discovery of a new form of happiness, and covers a range of cultural, ethnic, religious and socio-political issues. This outstanding debut novel from an exciting new talent has been showered with prizes and is capturing the hearts of readers all over the world.
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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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The great February book haul: I‘m always on the lookout for books for #litsyatoz. And these are literally #letter A to #letterZ

Balibee146 Zuleikha is part of my dog's pedigree name.... I sometimes call her by it if she's being naughty and she gives me The Look when she hears it 🤣 7mo
Texreader @Balibee146 Such an unusual name! I wouldn‘t have guessed it. How cute!! 7mo
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Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes | Guzel Yakhina
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Almost 170p in and I‘m giving up. My expectations where high after reading a review which said it was for lovers of “The Eight Life” and I loved that after the first paragraph and knew I was reading a new favorite novel by the first page.

This book almost pulled me in at page 100, but then it lost me again. I just don‘t have it in me to force read 300p pages by Monday when it‘s due back at the library.

Maybe I‘ll get back to it someday.

AnneCecilie The second half of this I never got to was my #BookSpin for May @TheAromaofBooks 2y
KristiAhlers I‘ve been having that experience with a lot of books lately. So trusting. And yes, life is too short to read something that doesn‘t connect for you. 2y
TheAromaofBooks That's a shame!! But sometimes a book just isn't a good match!! 2y
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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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This was a #bookspin read and although I have a history degree with an emphasis on Russian history this story fell flat for me. Perhaps a bit was lost in translation. What is sad is this has all the elements to be a great read. Unfortunately, I just couldn‘t engage with this one. #bookspin #readingchallenge2022

TheAromaofBooks So sad when a book just doesn't click!! 2y
KristiAhlers @TheAromaofBooks I agree. I really wanted to like this one. I may go back one day and try it again. Who knows. 2y
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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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This 21st century Russian novel, by a woman and about a woman, rose to the top of the novels I was considering for #readingenvyrussia - it is set in the 1930s as the Red Army is moving through rural regions of the country, removing people from land they owned and had worked while moving toward collectivism for all farming. ↘️

ReadingEnvy I had the mistaken impression that Communism was pro-peasant class but learned that landowning people, referred to as kulak, were treated as enemies. Many were killed outright, as Zuleikha's husband is, and many were sent to work camps in Siberia, as Zuleikha is. Neither of these are really spoilers although they take some time to happen.↘️ 3y
ReadingEnvy Other parts of interest - Zuleikha and her husband are Muslim, something I haven't seen much of in Russian literature so far. She also is in service to her mother in law, a terrible woman. The underlying premise seems to be that her life improves in Siberia. There are other memorable characters like a doctor, the commandant, a female soldier, even an artist. But the real star is Zuleikha. 3y
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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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I haven‘t really read any reviews on this, I just got it on a whim! Really hope it‘s good!

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Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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When your mom is a crazy book lady, you have different teenager problems than everyone else.

Kid: Mom, can I invite friends over for Halloween?
Me: Sure.
Kid: Is there any way you could move the books off the couch in the basement so we can watch movies down there?

As if just hosting isn‘t enough, now I have to relocate books and I have no idea where!

Bklover 1. Find a corner of the room where they can be stacked. 2. Pretend to forget to move them. 3. When friends arrive have them stack them in previously selected corner of room. Will take them three minutes. 😊😏 (edited) 5y
BookNAround @Bklover I can totally get behind that kind of evil genius! 5y
Tanisha_A @Bklover Brilliant idea! 😁 5y
LazyDays That is awesome 5y
LazyDays Best teenage problems ever!😆 5y
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Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes | Guzel Yakhina
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A fabulous debut novel with an overwhelming story inspired by the author's grandmother's 16-year experience in a work camp in Siberia

Zuleikha | Guzel Yakhina
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