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Joined September 2016

Books. Detroit. Misc. But mostly books.
These Precious Days | Ann Patchett
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Sunday night with blooming peonies and a new book, rain pouring down, a bellini in hand, and another day off tomorrow. Vibes are immaculate. Books of essays aren't always my jam, but a good friend and reading buddy recommended this one, so here we go! #CurrentlyReading #BooksAndBlooms

LeahBergen I love peonies! 6d
Andrea313 @LeahBergen Same! These ones are so fragrant, I keep wandering by just to get a bit of the scent. Fresh flowers are probably my favorite small luxury. 6d
GinaKButler I loved this book! 6d
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Knowing What We Know | Simon Winchester
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First a stop at Books Are Magic and now some ice cream. Love visiting a new-to-me bookstore on a trip! #BooksAreMagic

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Falstaff: Give Me Life | Harold Bloom
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Happy Shakespeare's birthday to all who celebrate! I'll be spending my evening finishing Harold Bloom's treatise on Falstaff, the second volume I'm reading in his Shakespeare's Personalities series after picking up his book on Lear late last year. Next up- Cleopatra! #Shakespeare

Address Unknown | Kathrine Kressmann Taylor
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I love an epistolary novel, and this one is a killer. A short, gut-punch of a story, written in 1938, about two friends whose relationship unravels as the Nazis rise to power. There's an abrupt shift in the tone and subject of the letters near the end, but the payoff is swift and mighty. I was taken by the story as whole, and even more so by the afterward which posits the idea of "using a letter as a weapon." Chilling and, unfortunately, timely.

Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻❤️ I have it stacked already. 1mo
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My Favourite Mistake | Marian Keyes
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Babe, wake up, new Walsh Sisters novel just dropped! #CurrentlyReading

willaful Do you suppose she's going to catch up with all of them?

I never read Anybody Out There, will have to give it a go before this.
Andrea313 @willaful I'm not sure if she'll do another book for each sister, though I'd love if she did! We got a pretty good look at Claire's life (through Helen's lens) in Mercy Close, and she did give us more of Rachel in the one I'm tagging here. I'm still very early into this one, so we'll see how much of the other sisters we get- either way, I'll take all of it! 1mo
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I mean, I'd pay cash money to read "too many beds". ?? #Tropes

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Too much communication: An introvert dating an extrovert 😉 Introvert to Extrovert: Stop talking!!! 1mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I recently read a good fake amnesia story -> 1mo
Tamra 😂 1mo
willaful Pretty sure I've read soulmates fated to kill each other. Definitely have read lovers to enemies, hate at first sight, fake amnesia, really nice guy and rival teachers. :-) 1mo
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The American Girls Collection | Valerie Tripp, Maxine Rose Schur, Janet Shae, Susan Adler
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Very much same. Long live those white covers and the six stock stories we got for every girl. (No, genuinely, it was the greatest setup!) Any other AG OGs hanging around? #AmericanGirl

BennettBookworm Yesssss! 2mo
Texreader This is awesome. 2mo
Catsandbooks I loved the OG American girl dolls! I was very lucky and had multiple of them 2mo
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Been in my audiomemoir era this week and have finally finished these titles. Some I started ages ago (Herzog, I love you, but not for extended periods) and some I blazed through (Born a Crime for the third time, can never seem to turn it off once I start). But I liked all of them in different ways and recommend each one!

Daddy-Long-Legs | Jean Webster
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Used bookstore treasure- a very early edition of Daddy Long Legs. I know there are many reasons for this story to give modern audiences the Weirds, but I love it without reserve. Judy Abbott forever and ever, amen.

LeahBergen I love it, too! 2mo
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My Work | Olga Ravn
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What a beautiful, unsettling cacophony of a novel. Told in prose, poetry, letters, and journal entries, chronology all out of whack, it mirrors the sleepless, disorienting, disjointed experience of early motherhood, specifically ruminating on art and motherhood; work and motherhood; and the work of motherhood. Also featured: loss of self, shifts in relationships, pain, both physical and emotional, isolation, and brutal honesty. A masterpiece, tbh.

BarbaraBB Wow. Great review. Stacked. 2mo
batsy Sounds great. It's on my list and I really liked this one 2mo
Andrea313 @batsy I've got that one on my list next! If the one I just finished is anything to go by, I'm sure I'll really like it, too. 2mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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I intended to get caught up on a few chapters for the #PemberLittens on today's solo cafe date, but I got so sucked in that I finished the book completely. This has to be one of my favorite Austen adaptations. I love that this Emma fights back when Knightley lectures, and I love the career trajectory the authors set her on. The epilogue sets up the sequel (or companion?) novel really nicely, too, so I'm definitely going to have to check that out.

rubyslippersreads I‘m late in joining the #PemberLittens but I‘m loving this so far. There a P&P sequel coming out later this year: 2mo
Andrea313 @rubyslippersreads Yes, I'm looking forward to reading it! We get a tiny bit of a setup at the end of this one (no spoilers!) that I think is pretty clever. 2mo
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#PemberLittens, go and read the comments. You will not be sorry.

Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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Tonight's chapters show us one of my very favorite moments in Emma- her dance with Knightley. It's a beautiful moment in Austen's prose, and I absolutely die for it in the 2009 mini-series (the version to beat all versions, 2020 adaptation GTFO). But it's very sweet here, too, with Emma dancing barefoot and Knightley internally acknowledging his undeniable feelings. A little over halfway through this book and I am fully bought in! #PemberLittens

Ruthiella I‘m very partial to the Romola Garai version, but I‘ve not seen the 2020 movie (yet). 2mo
Andrea313 @Ruthiella I know a lot of people liked it, so I definitely recommend checking it out and seeing what you think. But it was firmly Not For Me. Romola and Jonny Lee Miller forever. 2mo
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The Watsons | Jane Austen
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Last time I dipped into Austen's unfinished works, I skipped The Watsons, so time to right that wrong! I'm addicted to these gorgeous editions, can't stop won't stop (collecting books I don't need). #PemberLittens

StayCurious We‘re all with you there 2mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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Today we meet our Frank Churchill stand-in, the improbably named Montgomery Knox. He rolls into town like 2024's version of Christopher Hayden, all charming unreliability and aggressive flirtation, and - of course - with a motorcycle. Emma wants to know him better, but she abruptly stops their after-dinner makeout session at the thought of Knightley. I WONDER WHY, EMMA! #JaneAdjacent #PemberLittens

StayCurious Omg I love your posts! 2mo
Andrea313 @StayCurious Haha, thanks! And thanks for leading this group read; this book is really fun! 2mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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Cue "Supermodel"! Emma properly meets Nadine, and after swiftly judging her clothes, boyfriend, and prospective job, drags her around NYC for expensive haircuts, Loewe boots, and a dinner with Emma's loved ones. Knightley turns on the charm for Nadine, much to Emma's disbelief, and is dismissive of her work "transforming" Nadine. Still, he and Emma settle in for a cozy movie together at the end of the night- feelings are growing! #PemberLittens

StayCurious I‘m definitely getting so many Clueless vibes from this book 3mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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We get some real My Best Friend's Wedding vibes in today's first chapter, with Emma taking the stage to belt out a terrible (drunken) number in front of a crowd. And much like Dermot Mulroney in the movie, Knightley is sold on the woman brashly owning her subpar performance. Their coffee not-date in the following chapter shows us some solid banter and the beginning of real sparks. And by the chapter's end? Enter Harriet! Or in this story, Nadine.

StayCurious Ha I just watched this movie recently 3mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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I was excited to start this today! It's been a couple of years since I've read an Austen adaptation and this one seems really cute. I have a notoriously hard time with Emma's self-centered snobbery, but I'm attempting to suspend all of my judgement and just enjoy this new version. It's off to a good start so far- I like the amalgamation of Isabella and Mrs. Weston, and Knightley has already caught my interest! #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent

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Approaching Jane Eyre as a sacred text? Sign me up! Fitting reading for a contemplative Sunday. #CurrentlyReading

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I'm all in on the spirit of this book, as I love to see folks shout from the rooftops about reading for pure enjoyment and pleasure. That said- I'm also a buzzkill pedant and the many mistakes throughout got on my last nerve: the author's name is not Frank L. Baum; the book series about Rose Wilder's childhood was not written by her; there is no book called Ramona and Beezus; and good God, no part of P&P was set in Bath! Where was the editor??

UwannaPublishme 😬🤦🏻‍♀️ 3mo
elkeOriginal omg what 🤯 3mo
janeycanuck What?! Those are pretty glaring errors!! 3mo
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dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
LeahBergen Gasp! 😮 3mo
MaureenMc You have got to be kidding! 😧 3mo
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Sometimes this book truly hits the spot. To me, Northanger is the most outright funny of Austen's works, and certainly the most overtly satiric. Even though I've read it several times, I still found myself cracking up at the way she affectionately mocks literary convention, style, and characters. I love the early scenes in Bath being kind of a boring let-down, and I love Eleanor's actual Gothic heroine arc happening entirely off the page. 😂

LeahBergen I love it! 😆 3mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Henry Tilney! 😍 3mo
Andrea313 @Crinoline_Laphroaig YES, Henry! So, so underrated. But I also love the sly way Jane mentions that he only started to fall for Catherine once he was aware of her own feelings for him. Is our man Henry susceptible to a little flattery? Or is it just the author upending audiences' expectations for undying, love-at-first-sight romance? 3mo
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A short but sweet exploration of the power of comedy via thousands-year-old dirty jokes. Along the way we get meditations on power, patriarchy, suppression, subversion, and the beef between Aristophanes (lauded ancient playwright known as the Father of Comedy) and Ariphrades (writer referenced in Aristotle‘s Poetics, but with no surviving works and now best remembered for his fondness for cunnilingus). Ancient theatre stays teaching us, folks.

LeahBergen My goodness, Ariphrades! 😆 3mo
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Attempting to make my way back to a monthly #PersephonePick with the tagged book. It seems like a good one to draw me back in, hitting a number of topics that I love in Persephone's catalogue - social history, domestic portraits, and London life. Here's to a great read! #CurrentlyReading

LeahBergen I really enjoyed this one! 3mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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"Emma's very good opinion of Frank Churchill was a little shaken the following day, by hearing that he was gone off to London, merely to have his hair cut... There was an air of foppery and nonsense in it which she could not approve." Reading Emma is always a mixed bag for me, as I detest her snobbery and conceit, but you have to hand it to her on this one! Frank Churchill, fuck alllllll the way off; foppery and nonsense indeed. #PemberLittens

BarkingMadRead 💯 emma is definitely a snob, and my least favorite heroine, but i think she means well (edited) 3mo
Andrea313 @BarkingMadRead I think she always means well for herself, and learns to mean well for others. 😉 But through so much of the book, damn, I want to throttle her! 3mo
BarkingMadRead For sure!! 3mo
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This is such a a lovely and interesting biography! Light on the personal details of the life of Frances Hodgson Burnett but heavy on her relationship with the gardens she tended throughout her life, in England, New York, and Bermuda. Naturally it also focuses quite a bit on The Secret Garden and includes three other examples of her "garden writing" that were such a treat to read. Fellow Mary Lennox girls, you should definitely pick this one up!

LeahBergen This sounds lovely! 3mo
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It just doesn't get old. It never stops being timeless and iconic. Emma is perhaps sharper, Persuasion more mature, S&S more deeply personal to me...but P&P is the gold standard, the objective best, sparkling, vibrant, emotional, surprising. I just finished it and I already want to read it 50 more times. #PemberLittens

dabbe It's the go-to romantic novel for me, too. ❤️💜🩷 4mo
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I liked this one more than I didn't, but in taking aim at "boring" theatre, the author comes off as supercilious, as if his tastes, ideas, and aesthetics are superior to all else. I agree that we need more boldness in theatre, that there need to be new approaches to the development of new plays and the structures of arts institutions, that artists need more freedom to fail- but I also wish we could be more "Yes, and..." in our thinking. ???

Andrea313 YES to the plays that wrestle with form and structure, that interrogate the so-called canon and its usefulness. But YES also to glossy Broadway musicals and regional revivals of The Crucible and the children's theatre that brings up our next generation of audience and practitioners. Please, let's let theatre be expansive and multi-faceted and allow more and more and more ways for us to engage with it. Bonus #TomKitten because he's always lurking! 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Cleat Cute | Meryl Wilsner
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This breezy, chill sapphic romance is a perfect read if you're looking for something straightforward and low on angst. Our two protagonists are so much fun to spend time with - Phoebe's blunt extrovert tendencies are completely endearing, and I love stoic, no-nonsense Grace. The soccer aspect was very accessible for a total sports outsider like me, and it kept me engaged while also allowing space to just enjoy the characters and the romance.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute cover 🩷 4mo
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Betsy-Tacy | Maud Hart Lovelace
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Listen up, #BetsyTacy fans! The next B-T Convention is coming for us! Mankato 2025, will I see you there? #MaudHartLovelace #BetsyTacyAndTib #BetsyTacyTib #EmilyOfDeepValley #DeepValley

MaureenMc I did not know this convention existed. Is it annual?? I am seriously considering trying to make this work. Thanks for posting! 4mo
LeahBergen Oh, this would be fun!! 🤩 4mo
Andrea313 @MaureenMc It happens every few years- 2009, 2012, and 2018 have been the most recent. There was supposed to be one in 2020, but we all know how that ended. Finally, finally it's coming around again, and I'll be sure to keep posting about it! If you're in Facebook, you can follow "The Betsy-Tacy Convention" for updates. 4mo
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Andrea313 @LeahBergen I've been several times, it's always a lot of fun! Tours of Deep Valley sites, sometimes workshops, and speakers have included Meg Cabot, Jia Tolentino, and Laura Lippman. 4mo
quietjenn Oh, maybe? Plenty of time to make plans and it would be so fun … 4mo
Andrea313 @quietjenn YES, do it! I love that the date is announced so far out, plenty of time to make those plans.... 4mo
MaureenMc @Andrea313 I followed them on FB. I mentioned it to my daughter & she is definitely interested! 4mo
Andrea313 @MaureenMc Yay! So hope to see you there! 4mo
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Enjoying the Sunday Special, aka an hour alone at a cafe with a book and a coffee. I'm loving this one so far (had me teary in the first chapter) and I imagine I'll tear through the rest pretty quickly. Hope everyone out there found a moment of rest today! #CurrentlyReading

Fleabag: The Scriptures | Phoebe Waller-Bridge
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Been spending the week re-watching this old fave, and rediscovering my deep love for the Hot Priest. Wish we saw more evidence of his bookishness, but I'm gonna take his word for it. 😜 #CurrentlyWatching

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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S&S is the first Austen book I fell in love with, and the one I've returned to the most throughout my life. My relationship with the characters has changed so much as I've aged, and it makes me deeply appreciate Jane's staggering skill. To see myself in a work at 14, at 26, at 35, and at 40, and to laugh and cringe and think back fondly is such a gift. On top of that, to continually take away new discoveries is a rare thing. #PemberLittens

Texreader I read it for the first time this month. She wrote characters so well. 4mo
Andrea313 @Texreader Some of her most true to life, for my experience! 4mo
dabbe Finishing this baby today! Then, the movie! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Andrea313 @dabbe Yay, enjoy!!! Is this a re-read for you, or a first time through? 4mo
dabbe @Andrea313 First time. And I have no idea why I waited so long! 😍 4mo
Andrea313 @dabbe What a treat to read it for the first time! ❤️ 4mo
dabbe @Andrea313 Finished last night and LOVED it. 🤩 The movie will be next. I might have to watch that on my own, though, because my husband will be like 🙄. 4mo
Andrea313 @dabbe Ha! You never know, maybe he'd surprise you. Doesn't everyone love Alan Rickman? 😜 4mo
dabbe @Andrea313 For different reasons. 🤩😍😂 I've watched clips on YouTube, and #hubbahubba! 🤩 4mo
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Smith of Wootton Major | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
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Unfortunately I just don't find much to enjoy in this underwhelming little story, but again, shout out to Pauline Baynes for the most charming illustrations. On the whole, I've enjoyed digging into these Tolkien minor works even if some of the individual stories and poems don't thrill me, and it was lovely spending January in the Professor's weird, whimsical, and singular worlds. #FellowshipOfTolkien

Leftcoastzen Love the cover! 4mo
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Farmer Giles of Ham | J.R.R. Tolkien
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I really enjoyed revisiting this fun short story, and love how it subverts the usual "slaying the dragon" tale. Our hero is not a knight, but a farmer, and the dragon isn't slain, but does return (some of) his treasure. The illustrations in my old late '60s edition were a huge part of the charm; I hope more modern reprints haven't lost them! #FellowshipOfTolkien

Farmer Giles of Ham | J.R.R. Tolkien
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Farmer Giles does his best impersonation of a knight as he attempts to thwart the dragon, one Chrysophylax Dives. I think at this point we can all agree on three things: one, that Chrysophylax, Greek for "gold guard", is the best-named dragon out there; two, that Pauline Baynes killed it with these illustrations; and three, that Garm is the real hero of this story. "What about dogs?' he asks the dragon. "You've left dogs out again." #Justice4Garm

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Farmer Giles of Ham | J.R.R. Tolkien
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Kicked off the tale of Farmer Giles today. I'm glad to have the chance to go back and re-read the two stories in this collection, as I've only ever read them once. Today I got as far as the business with the giant, and a cliffhanger - there be dragons?! We'll see what the next few days bring! #FellowshipOfTolkien

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Amy Colleen asking the important questions! #PemberLittens #AnneOfGreenGables #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

LeahBergen Indeed. 👍 4mo
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What's a trip to NYC without a visit or three to the Drama Book Shop?? Excited to get home and dig into these. #NewIn #BookHaul

mom2bugnbee One of our favorite places in the whole wide world! 4mo
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A snowstorm in Detroit knocked out our power, which also means we have no heat. 😳 At times likes these, I know I'm beyond lucky to have a working fireplace and a house full of books. Curling up with a blanket and this comfort read, and hoping we get power back soon! How are my fellow #MittenLittens doing? #CurrentlyReading

Amiable Stay warm! I have a soft spot for Michigan— my oldest son was born in Lansing when I was in grad school at MSU. 5mo
IndoorDame Stay safe and warm! Enjoy your 🔥📚time! 5mo
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It was really fun to revisit this little collection of Tolkien's poems. They're a mixed bag for me, but where he's good, he's really, really good. My own reading buddy #TomKitten kept me company most nights, so here he is, pictured with his namesake. #FellowshipOfTolkien #CatsOfLitsy

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5mo
ElizaMarie Awe the baby makes a great reading companion! 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🐾😽 5mo
JazzFeathers I've just finished and l appreciated it more than the first time l read it. Which is no surprise, l think 😂 5mo
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Reading "Cat" with my cat! This is a poem Tolkien wrote for his granddaughter, and I can't help but think of all of the other poems about cats that I've loved, from Bukowski to Baudelaire to Atwood. And of course, first in my mind is T.S. Eliot's cat poetry for his godchildren. Anyone out there have a favorite cat poem? #FellowshipOfTolkien #CatsOfLitsy #ColeCat

Leftcoastzen 👏😻 5mo
ElizaMarie Your kitty looks like they were the model for this page :) 5mo
emz711 I bought the ts Eliot cat book for my kids! It's been fun reading. 5mo
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Andrea313 @ElizaMarie Serendipity! The "Every Cat" way of sleeping. ? 5mo
Andrea313 @emz711 It's pure silliness, but I really love it. So glad you've been having fun with it! 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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The Mewlips is a Tolkien poem I love, a departure from the bright, comic pieces elsewhere in this collection. I love that we get almost no physical description of the Mewlips themselves - we are told they have feet and "feeling" fingers - but the danger and fear are still so strongly communicated. It's just atmosphere and setting, and it's all the better for not knowing who or what exactly lives beyond the "slime", the "rotting river-strand".

JazzFeathers I always think that Tolkien had a gothic vein that occasionally comes to the surface. And he's quite good at it 😜 5mo
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Errantry: A Song | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
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Today's #FellowshipOfTolkien poem selections include one of my very favorites among his work: Errantry. The wordplay is delicious- dexterous and charming, telling a whimsical adventure story in a meter of Tolkien's own invention. I dare you to read it and not want to hear it spoken; the language is its own music. Plus it can be sung to the tune of G&S's "Modern Major-General" and that's always a good thing!

JazzFeathers And did you know that this is probably the first story about Middle-earth? 😁 5mo
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All right, nerds, let's do this!

When I first read LOTR (so many years ago now, good Lord!), I didn't get Tom Bombadil- who was he? Why the heck was this twee little thing intruding on what I thought would be a cool, dark adventure story? I have to say I've never quite warmed to Tom over the years, but here's hoping that this re-read of his adventures shows me something new! #FellowshipOfTolkien #TolkienBirthdayToast

emz711 I love that! 5mo
JazzFeathers Tom Bombadil is really such an elusive character. Took me several reread to become fascinate with him. 5mo
JazzFeathers And what's that book about the Inkling? 🤩 5mo
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Andrea313 @JazzFeathers I've had it several years and am finally getting around to reading it! Find it here: 5mo
JazzFeathers @Andrea313 Is it goo? I'd love to read something about the Inklings. This isn't the one by Carpenter, is it? I do have that one, but I haven't read it yet. 5mo
Andrea313 @JazzFeathers This one is by Phillip and Carol Zeleski. I like it so far! If you've read a lot about the Inklings, it could be redundant info, but so far I'm enjoying it. 5mo
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Anyone else partaking in the #TolkienBirthdayToast? At 9 pm, I'll have the tagged book in one hand and a whisky in the other! #TheProfessor #BooksAndBooze

Daisey I‘ll be starting The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and enjoying a toast! 5mo
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Returning to work after the holidays is a total bummer, but a thoughtful gift from a colleague was an unexpected bright spot! I'm very much looking forward to this one.

A Scatter of Light | Malinda Lo
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Bringing in this new year with a much-anticipated book and my buddy #TomKitten next to me. I loved Melinda Lo's Last Night at the Telegraph Club and this one is a lovely companion novel, unafraid to lean into uncertainty, melancholy, and a little bit of mess as the young characters grapple with identities and relationships changing and growing. I'm a Lo fan for life now; excited to seek out her other titles!

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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2023: World War III | Carl Berryman
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The number of books I read per year has gone down significantly recently, but I did achieve a goal in 2023: more than 50% were new-to-me titles. As a BIG re-reader, I'm going to count it as a win- and still celebrate that I exceeded 100 books this year. My 4 faves of '23 are pictured here; predictably, two YAs topped the list, but I'm very surprised that the other two took war as a central theme. Here's to all the titles ahead in '24!

LeahBergen I loved Operation Heartbreak! 5mo
Andrea313 @LeahBergen Yes! One of my first reads of the year, and got things off to a great start. For those who care about such things, it was also turned into a musical a few years ago, which had its West End debut this year. Fingers crossed for a Broadway transfer! 🤞 5mo
LeahBergen That sounds wonderful! 5mo
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Both #TomKitten and #ColeCat are doing their best to thwart my year-end reading. Really trying to knock out a few more titles over here, but cats are gonna be cats, eh? #CatsOfLitsy #BlackCats

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 5mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5mo
Eyelit 😹😻😹 5mo
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IndoorDame 😹😹😻😻 5mo
ElizaMarie They are just the best! 5mo
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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Straight up, these three are my favorite versions of A Christmas Carol and I've consumed them all in the last 24 hours. Tim Curry's narration is unbeatable but Hugh Grant has his moments. And for pure, sweet nostalgia (with a dash of childhood terror, because my GOD, I should not have watched a cartoon character descend into a fiery grave at the age of 4!), I'm going for Mickey every time. Do you have a favorite Christmas Carol, fellow Littens?