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Craft Club: A 6x9 Inch Matte Softcover Journal Notebook with 120 Blank Lined Pages | Getthread Journals
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MINIMALIST AND STYLISH JOURNAL Whether for your desk at home, your work or in your bag on the go this professionally designed 6x9 notebook provides the perfect platform for you to record your thoughts. This Journals pre-lined pages are ready and waiting to be filled. DETAILS: 120 Blank Lined White Pages Simple Stylish Typographic Cover Art DIMENSIONS: 6x9 inches PERFECT FOR: Everyday Dairy Personal Journal Wedding Planning Work Lists Creative Doodles College Planning
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I have a goal of making a necklace for every month of the year. Some months have been easier than others, but here are my creations for January through March. Yes, I used my cat as the background for January‘s picture. #LitsyCrafters

IndoorDame Very cool!!! 3mo
BookmarkTavern Lovely! 💖 3mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
Catsandbooks Those are beautiful! And cat fur is a great background 😂 3mo
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Hello #LitsyCrafters ☺️ How is your 2024 going so far?

This year I'm crocheting a book blanket! Each color is a different genre and the number of rows is the star rating I gave it. Above is what I have so far!
One of my goals this year is to complete more projects that I've already started.

If you'd like to be added or removed from the #LitsyCrafters tag list let me know.

Lauredhel Omg I love this idea! 3mo
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TheBookHippie Oh my word this is so cool. 3mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve been doing good on my collages. I‘m looking to expand that. 3mo
Larkken Lovely! What a great idea. 3mo
Larkken I‘ve been teaching myself how to use procreate and knitting and tinking… knitting and tinking 😎 3mo
Texreader OMG, I love this Leila!! 3mo
Lindy Very cool idea for a blanket! I‘m knitting myself a pair of gloves. I will make separate post about them. 3mo
Texreader @Gilly18 : Leila, or @catsandbooks as well know her, runs #LitsyCrafters and crafts cover the gamut. She‘s much more talented than me… I stick to paper crafts but here she is knitting!! 3mo
kelli7990 I started a cross stitch picture on my cross stitch app but I haven‘t finished it yet. 3mo
AnnCrystal Wow! That's fantastic 🧶👏🤩👍📚💝. 3mo
julesG I like that you're basing the rows of your blanket on your star rating. I've finished a shawl and am currently working on a top-down raglan-ish sweater (the very first jumper I'm making for myself). 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I LOVE this idea! 😍 Unfortunately I haven‘t had much time to work on any of my crafts yet. Free time has been in short supply and when I do get it, I read. 😅 3mo
bthegood great idea and beautiful - 🙂 3mo
Amiable That is fabulous! 3mo
Chrissyreadit great idea!!! I have a few projects i‘m going to attempt this month… one is easy- printing stationery and cards- the next step is embellishing, and my third project is to try and make a crossbody using cloth napkins i fell in love with. I have not had the bandwidth to be crafty for several years so i‘m crossing my fingers. 3mo
Chrissyreadit i‘m excited to see how your blanket turns out! 3mo
mcctrish What a fabulous idea for a blanket ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
peanutnine Love your blanket!! The only craft I've worked on this year so far is my reading journal. I do have a blanket that I've been crocheting for years, that I'm determined to finish this year! I'll keep you posted 3mo
vlwelser The blanket is so pretty. I love the colors you picked. I'm still plugging along on my epic cross stitch project. We're full time back in office so commuting cuts into my craft time but whatever. 3mo
CrowCAH What a neat genre review blanket idea! I crocheted a prayer shawl. And am in the process of crocheting a baby blanket for whenever the need arises I‘ll have one ready. 3mo
TheSpineView Cool idea 😎 3mo
kwmg40 Great idea! I've been working on several knitting projects but trying to get back into sewing. After not sewing for 10 years or so, I'm trying to first reclaim some sewing space in my house! 3mo
KateReadsYA I'd like to be added to the list 🤗 3mo
MaureenMc I love this 😍 3mo
Meshell1313 I love this idea! Will have to try it sometime. I‘m still in scarf mode. I find a pattern I like and then make it in every single color. Anyone else do this? 😂 3mo
CatLass007 @julesG What is tinking? I know that in crochet, unraveling work already done is referred to as frogging. Is that what tinking means or does it mean something else? 3mo
CatLass007 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I started listening to audiobooks while I crochet in 2011. Before that I didn‘t think I would like audiobooks. Audiocrocheting is the only thing I multitask. I can‘t audio-crosstitch. What craft do you do? 3mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @CatLass007 I knit, do junk journal, and I dabble in sculpting and sewing. I‘ve tried audiobooks several times and I just can‘t seem to get my brain to focus. I always find myself daydreaming and I snap back to the audio and have no idea where I left off. 🤦‍♀️😅 3mo
CatLass007 I think you have a great idea for your book review blanket. It‘s going to be a great finished project in December. I have posted projects that I planned to work on twice now, and haven‘t even started working on either of them. So my first goal is to pick up my crochet hook and start on fingerless gloves that I promised for December. Let me rephrase, I told three people that I would be making something for them but I didn‘t say what. 3mo
julesG @CatLass007 Frogging is unravelling for knitters, too. But if you "knit backwards" because you don't want to unravel your work it's called tink (knit backwards). Unravelling is harder when knitting, you have live stitches on your needles all the time and unravelling means you risk stitches slipping for several rows. 3mo
CatLass007 I also have five afghans that are almost finished plus two that I started a couple of years ago and have not gotten much done. So, fingerless gloves then afghans. That‘s my crafting goal for the year. 3mo
julesG Where did my comment for @Larkken go? Anyway, I said that 'tinking' is the worst and I had to tink p3tog several times. 3mo
CatLass007 @julesG I tried learning to knit several years ago. I was constantly crocheting at the time so I never had much time to knit. I know the basics of knitting and I know that frogging is more difficult in knitting. Do you use straight needles or circular needles? A friend of mine who can do everything that can be done with yarn or thread got her first circular needles several years ago and now that‘s all she uses. 3mo
julesG @CatLass007 I've always used circular needles. I know how to knit with the straight ones (a friend taught me Irish cottage knitting method - not sure whether that's how it's called) but find circular needles more comfortable. 3mo
bookandbedandtea Your blanket is so cool! I've been cross stitching lately but not painting recently. I've been clearing out my craft closet so I can actually find things I look for which has (temporarily) created a far bigger mess than I had. 🤷‍♀️ 3mo
BookwormAHN Fantastic idea for a blanket. I have a wobble kit I want to try this month. 3mo
Larkken @julesG I wonder wheee that comment went! Ugh, tinking anything higher than a 2tog is rough! And tinking in lace is beyond me. Might as well frog entirely and start fresh. 3mo
Larkken @CatLass007 @julesG “tink” is just knit spelled backwards and the action is similarly mirrored. I usually find it somewhat therapeutic (but frogging is more so 😜). Have you heard of flexiflip needles? They‘re dpns with a flexible section in the middle and are my new obsession since circulars mess with my gauge. 3mo
CatLass007 @bookandbedandtea Isn‘t that the way it‘s supposed to work? Create an even bigger mess to get organized? That‘s the way I always do it. 3mo
bookandbedandtea @CatLass007 That is absolutely the way it works! I always remind my husband "worse before better." ? 3mo
CatLass007 @bookandbedandtea I don‘t have to answer to anyone else but my cats. They never complain about the mess and I think they actually enjoy it. I‘m the one that gets frustrated by the mess because I want everything done immediately. I want to twitch my nose or blink my eyes and it‘s magically done. 3mo
OriginalCyn620 What a cool idea! I kinda want to learn to knit or crochet…maybe one day I‘ll try it, but with something super simple. 3mo
SusanLee That‘s such a neat idea! I have been crocheting gingerbread man 😅 No crafting goals this year as I have many WIP so need to finish those first 😢 (edited) 3mo
julieclair Love the blanket idea! I‘ve been cross stitching. My goal this year is to finish my many works in progress. I‘d also like to try paper crafting (edited) 3mo
Kenyazero This is such a cool temperature blanket idea! 🤩 I hope it‘s been fun to work on so far! I haven‘t been working on my own crafts but am assembling a book nook kit right now. 3mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie That's wonderful! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @Larkken I would love to try procreate! 3mo
Catsandbooks @Texreader Thank you Karen! ☺️🩷and welcome to Litsy @Gilly18 🎉 3mo
Catsandbooks @kelli7990 cross stitch is so fun! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @julesG That's amazing! I'm sure it will be beautiful! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm totally understandable 😊 3mo
Catsandbooks @Chrissyreadit sounds like you have great plans! 😊 3mo
Catsandbooks @peanutnine you got this! I actually have another blanket I started back in 2015 that I still haven't finished 😅but I just keep starting other things 😂 3mo
Catsandbooks @vlwelser dang commuting! It looks wonderful though! I remember when you just started it! 😊 3mo
Catsandbooks @CrowCAH that's wonderful! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @kwmg40 you got this! 💖 3mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA added you! ☺️ 3mo
Catsandbooks @Meshell1313 love a good scarf! 💖 3mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 you got this!🙌🏼 sometimes the hardest part is starting 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @bookandbedandtea that's great! 🩷The craft organization can be so stressful! Good luck! 3mo
Catsandbooks @BookwormAHN sounds fun!! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @OriginalCyn620 easiest project to start with is a scarf, it's just a long rectangle 😂 3mo
Catsandbooks @SusanLee gingerbread man sounds fun! 🩷 And I hear ya on the WIPs... It's Neverending lol 3mo
Catsandbooks @julieclair love cross stitch! And such a good goal! 🩷 3mo
Catsandbooks @Kenyazero that sounds so cute! 💖 3mo
Catsandbooks Thanks for all the love on this project y'all! 🥰 3mo
CatLass007 I was just thinking… What do you do about DNFs? I learned how to bail because of Litsy. It‘s very liberating. 3mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 I just don't stitch those. Only books I finish and give a rating will I stitch. 3mo
CatLass007 That makes sense. I tend to give most books a high rating because it would be really foolish of me to waste time on a one or two star book. 3mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 yeah most of mine are 3 and above for the same reason. Only if I really want to know how it ends or it's a buddy read, can I be persuaded to stick it out lol 3mo
CatLass007 I understand. If it‘s a buddy read, I sometimes stick it out. I did bail on The Brothers Karamazov pretty early on. And I started late for The Golden Notebook. Since no one who read it seemed to like it, I chose to return it to Audible and use my credit for something else. 3mo
SusanLee @Catsandbooks I know right! 🙏🏻😅 3mo
rretzler Please add me to the tag - I‘ve almost always got some project going on, usually knitting, but am actually between projects right now. 3mo
Catsandbooks @rretzler added you! ☺️ 3mo
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