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Night Circus
Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
Waging a fierce competition for which they have trained since childhood, circus magicians Celia and Marco unexpectedly fall in love with each other and share a fantastical romance that manifests in fateful ways.
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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The descriptions were petty vivid and the idea of the circus itself was really cool. I just felt the story was lost on me unfortunately

KathyWheeler I know people who absolutely love this book. I thought it was perfectly okay (but just okay)when I read it, but years later I cannot remember a single thing about it. 4d
Ruthiella Yup-that‘s because there was no story! 😂 I really did not like this book because it was description after description of the circus but with flat characters and a very thin story. (edited) 4d
Susanita Same! 4d
quietlycuriouskate Same here, too. 4d
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Starting this again after I DNFed it years ago

Crewgurl I love this one!!! 2w
Reggie I feel like you either love it or hate it. I loved it, my close friend actually hates it. 2w
AkashaVampie It's on my TBR. Hoping it will be good. 2w
5feet.of.fury Some day I will get to this one 2w
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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“The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.”


#MagicElement ?


ladym30 My favorite book of all time!!! Enjoy!🌻 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ladym30 I need to get to it! 1mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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emz711 Read the starless Sea next! 2mo
monkeygirlsmama Read this years ago and remember thoroughly loving it. 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this cover 🖤🤍❤️ 2mo
Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes One of my favorite books. ❤️📚 2mo
Eggs @emz711 thanks for the recommendation ❤️ 2mo
Eggs @monkeygirlsmama Agree🙌🏻🙌🏻 2mo
Eggs @dabbe 🤗🥰🥳 2mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It was well written and I usually don‘t read fantasy 2mo
Eggs @Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes 🙌🏻🙌🏻 2mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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This was a trip. For a while, I was certain to be disappointed by finding out it was all a drug induced haze. Thankfully, I was wrong, and I have to admit that even though I dream quite vividly, I started dreaming of the circus from the day I started reading it.

dabbe I still want to go there!!! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
angieinwonderland I feel like I did while I read it, but even in my sleep, I knew it wasn't as good as going there. 2mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I‘m kind of sad to give it a ‘so-so‘. Bought this copy many years ago for my mum, then borrowed it to read because she liked it. I also bought a copy for my sister, who loved it. It has sat patiently on my #tbr shelves for about 10 years. I‘ve moved it on & off my bedside table, never getting into it.
A buddy read popped up on Insta & I decided to commit. And now I just feel underwhelmed. It wasn‘t for me I guess. Glad I finally read it 💪.

maich I didn't like it too🤷‍♀️ 3mo
Caroline2 Yep I didn‘t like this one either. 3mo
Susanita I loved the world building but thought the story was kind of meh. 3mo
quietlycuriouskate It made me want to go to the night circus but as for the story... was there even a story? 🤷 3mo
Rissreads It‘s always sad to give a book a So-So or Pan because you know that the book is a writers baby and important to them and they worked hard on it. But as readers we can‘t like everything all the time. This book also did nothing for me. 2mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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This was a reread for my bookclub and it was so lovely to revisit. I think I appreciated the atmospheric meandering more, knowing what I was getting into. The Starless Sea is still my favorite of her two books though. She really knows how to create a magical world that you want to step inside

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I've been rereading The Night Circus and these two words popped up as chapter titles. I don't remember noticing them my first read through and had to look them up this time but I really like the idea of using cats to predict the future 😺
#WeirdWordWednesday #weirdwords @CBee

CBee Ooo, these are so cool. And I LOVED that book ♥️ 3mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Managed to finish another audio and a physical book this week. Out of the two I preferred the tagged.

Goal this week is to finish Outlawed for work and then make headway into Grass.

emz711 Yess! Now you need to do starless Sea. 3mo
emz711 I really enjoyed the night circus audiobook 3mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I might have the unpopular opinion here - but I found this book underwhelming. I really tried to connect with the characters but could not.

However, the detail surrounding the circus aspect was beautifully written so for that, I give it 3 stars.

Ruthiella Oh, I really disliked this book. 😂 For me it was beautifully described nothingness. 3mo
darklydreaming @Ruthiella agreed haha. I‘ve been looking through countless reviews of this book and have found a lot of others who felt the same way too! 3mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern

“The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.”

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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This was as dreamy and surreal as the titular circus itself. I found myself coming up with theories trying to tie the three separate narrative timelines together. The audio was good but I feel like in this instance it might have been a more immersive experience reading the text.

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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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1. I always have a long “to do” list with two little ones at home; however, I‘m most looking forward to a Mom & Baby group tomorrow AND reading more of tagged book.

2. Lists on the notes section of my phone are helpful. I try to stay organized but it doesn‘t always happen!

3. Somewhere sunny! Hawaii comes to mind. Anyone else in Southwestern Ontario? Lots of grey days here (although a sunny weekend finally!)


darklydreaming It appears I misunderstood question 3! My current read location is all across Europe from late 1800‘s to early 1900‘s (tagged book) (edited) 4mo
Andrea4 Yes to the being in SW ON, had a couple blue sky days in a row that felt wonderful!! 4mo
Cupcake12 Thanks for joining in x 4mo
darklydreaming @Andrea4 yes!! Thank goodness. Too much grey! 4mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Both my girls are asleep, hubby is out and I‘m settled in on the couch reading this one from my own bookshelf (as opposed to buying new or borrowing something else!)

I‘m intrigued and appreciative of the writing…


Kimberlone This is such a magical book ✨🎪 4mo
Reggie I love this book. 4mo
darklydreaming @Reggie I‘ve heard such amazing things about it! I‘m usually a fast reader but I‘m really taking my time with this one. Soaking it all in! 4mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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It's super cold in Austin, TX today.... so this... 👆🏻

#coldweather #gooddayforreading #hotshowers #goodbooks #coffee

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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November: THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern

What a wild ride this one way! 🤩🤩🤩

Andrew65 One of my favourite all-time books! 5mo
IndoorDame One of my all time favorites!!! 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I love this book! 5mo
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dabbe @Andrew65 @IndoorDame @CoffeeNBooks ... I can't believe I arrived late to this one! Did y'all like her other book, too? I have yet to read that one. 🤩😍😃 5mo
IndoorDame @dabbe I love it just as much! But a lot of people don‘t, I think because it‘s super different, so I waited a few years between reading them because I didn‘t want to be disappointed that I wasn‘t back in the world of The Night Circus. 5mo
Andrew65 @dabbe I started the second one but wasn‘t in the mood for it, so still to properly read it. If you ever want a treat listen to the audiobook of The Night Circus read by Jim Dale. He does a brilliant job with it - totally sublime! 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @dabbe I haven't read her other book, but perhaps should put it on my tbr list. 5mo
dabbe @IndoorDame Good idea! 'Cuz I want to still be following that circus around the world! 🤩 5mo
dabbe @Andrew65 The only two audio books I've ever loved were THE GREAT GATSBY read by Tim Robbins and OF MICE AND MEN read by Gary Sinise. Maybe it's time to try something new. 😃 5mo
dabbe @CoffeeNBooks Sorry to even make the suggestion of having to add another book on the never-ending TBR! 🤩😂😍 5mo
IndoorDame @dabbe haha, I felt the exact same way! 5mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 🖤💙🖤 5mo
dabbe @CoffeeNBooks 🖤💙🖤 5mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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First read of 2024.

dabbe LOVED this book! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Here‘s my review for a book I didn‘t finish. I read this book for a readalong on StoryGraph. I‘m not counting this towards the #wintergames or doing a #wordsearch on it.

darklydreaming Ugh yes! I managed to finish it but felt much like you!!! Meanwhile I‘ve heard nothing but rave reviews 🙄 3mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Here‘s my reading progress for this book I‘m currently reading. I was enjoying the first 2 parts of this book but now, I‘m considering bailing on this book. I still don‘t understand what‘s going on. There‘s a romance in here but I just don‘t buy it. I thought this book was going to be more exciting based on the book summary but it hasn‘t been that way. It‘s been kind of boring. This story is moving too slow for me.

Liatrek I got about 30% into this one but ended up bailing was taking to long to get to something. I might try to go back it was interesting just too slow. 6mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Here‘s my progress on my Advent Calendar. I‘m liking The Night Circus but I‘m not sure where it‘s going. It just seems like there‘s a lot going on and I‘m trying to figure it out.

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I‘m sharing my reading progress in this book I‘m currently reading and sharing the game I‘m playing on my iPad. I‘m doing cross stitch on the Cross Stitch World app and using a stylus instead of my finger for my cross stitching.

Deblovestoread I became curious about this app from your other posts so tried it last night. It was fun way to spend time when I‘m too tired to actually stitch. I‘ll have to try with a stylus as my finger seemed too big. (edited) 6mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I decided to start this book because I‘m participating in a readalong for the book on StoryGraph. I read the prologue. This is my first time reading this book. The way the prologue ended has me intrigued about what‘s going to happen next. I have a feeling that there‘s something magical about the circus. I want to keep reading so I can find out more.

Balibee146 I've just joined Story Graph... Nice little app for stats and readalongs 👍 6mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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November Pick: THE NIGHT CIRCUS. Can't believe we're close to picking the read of the year! 🤩

Meshell1313 Seriously! Where did the time go??? 6mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I decided to buy the audiobook for this book on Audible with my 1 credit that I have so I can participate in the readalong that StoryGraph is hosting for the book in December. I was hoping I could borrow it for free on Libby but there‘s a 11 week wait time for it and if I placed a hold on it now, I wouldn‘t get it in time for the readalong. I‘m just glad I saved my credit after it came in this month because I had a feeling I would be using it.

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I just found out that The StoryGraph is hosting their first readalong in December for this book. I wanna join in because I‘ve never read this book. I‘ve heard that the writing is beautiful. I would probably like the writing. I‘ll have to see if I can get it on Libby next month. If it has a long wait time on Libby or I can‘t get a copy of the book somewhere else for free then I probably won‘t join in.

kelli7990 (Continued in comments) I just looked on my Libby app for the audiobook of this book and the wait time for the book is 11 weeks. If I place a hold on it now, I won‘t get it in time for the readalong. I do have a credit on Audible that I can use to buy the audiobook. Maybe I should get the audiobook on Audible instead. 6mo
LocalTXLibrarian How did I not know about this?? I might have to join in - I love Storygraph! #ghostsofxmas 😁 6mo
claudiuo Thanks so much for mentioning the readalong @ Storygraph, I had no idea they had this feature. Also, big thanks for the link, I kept digging and couldn't find any way to join, only to create my own. Thank you! 6mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I'm not a fantasy reader, but I guess I am a phantasmagoric reader because I sucked this 500+ pager down in two days. I think I'll have to read it again just to catch everything. Morgenstern certainly worked her magic on me. Yes, there's magic; yes, there's love; yes, there's even a Hunger-Games-like game to the death, but the real star is the circus itself. I wanted to visit it and follow it all over the world. I will for probably a long time.

KristiAhlers Love this cover! 6mo
dabbe @KristiAhlers 🤩🤗😘 6mo
IndoorDame This is one of my all time favorites!!! I love the cover on your version! 🖤🤍❤️ 6mo
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Catsandbooks I absolutely LOVE Erin Morgenstern! Her writing is so beautiful and totally sucks you in. This is one of my favorite books and her other one is my favorite book ever! 6mo
Deblovestoread In my top ten of all time! And I would totally follow this circus where ever it went. 6mo
dabbe @IndoorDame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks sent it to me. I had no idea about this book or the author! Loved it; love her! 💜🖤🧡 6mo
dabbe @Catsandbooks Is that one THE STARLESS SEA? On the TBR! 🤩🤗😘 6mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread We'd be like the Swifties only better! 🤩🤗😘 6mo
GondorGirl @Catsandbooks Yessssss! Night Circus was great, but Starless Sea was BRILLIANT! 6mo
TheBookgeekFrau I just picked up a copy from a little free library. A friend recommended it to me when it first came out, but it didn't appeal to me at the time. 6mo
Catsandbooks @dabbe yes! It's confusing for a lot of parts because it jumps around to different stories within a story, but I promise when it all comes together it's pure magic! This now has me wanting to do a reread! I think for January that will be my plan. Lol 6mo
Catsandbooks @GondorGirl Absolutely!! I feel like people either don't like her books or are absolutely in love with them. No in between 😂 6mo
IMASLOWREADER @dabbe its one of my favorites especially because it was narrated by jim dale 6mo
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau Sounds like you're a mood reader like me. I usually think “I'll give it a chapter and see if it moves me.“ This time boy did it! 🤩🤗🤣 6mo
dabbe @Catsandbooks Might have to read after #WinterGames are over! 🤩 6mo
dabbe @IMASLOWREADER I love when books are discovered without my input! I would have never picked this one up on my own. 🤩 6mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe HUGE mood reader 😂 Your review made me glad I took it when I found it 🖤🤍🖤 6mo
Catsandbooks @dabbe maybe we do a buddy read! 6mo
dabbe @Catsandbooks I'd love that! 😘 6mo
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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Thanks for the lovely package, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks! I already started reading and am 1/3 done after less than 24 hours. Woohoo, what a read! 🧡🖤💜
All the little goodies will be put to good use, too! For future #LL letters, of course! 🤩 #LitsyLove

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m happy you like it!! 🤗 7mo
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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Went for a walk, came home with a book. Love #LFLs

marleed The best kind of walks! 7mo
TheBookgeekFrau @marleed Absolutely! 🙌🏼 7mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Found this beautiful hardcover at goodwill! Everything about the cover and dust jacket is beautiful 🖤🤍❤️ now to read it!


Soubhiville Wow great score there! 7mo
ErikasMindfulShelf Great book! 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Soubhiville 3 bucks!! Have you read it? 7mo
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AnnCrystal 👏Great find 🪄👍. (edited) 7mo
Soubhiville Yes, twice! It‘s wonderful. 7mo
intothehallofbooks I love this book! Enjoy! 7mo
Lizpixie On my Top Five Of All Time list! It‘s beautiful, magical & heartbreaking.🎪🖤🤍❤️ 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Soubhiville yay!!! ❤️🖤🤍 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lizpixie oh wow!! I may read it next!! ❤️🤍🖤 7mo
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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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A mysterious circus that only comes at night? Sounds magical (and it is)! This has been on my re-read list for awhile. I hope to get to it soon. 🎪 #scarathlonphotochallenge #night #blackcatcrew

BookwormAHN I also still need to read this one 🐈‍⬛ 8mo
Soubhiville I‘ve been eyeballing Starless Sea for a reread. It‘s an every-fall book for me 😁🍂. 8mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Soubhiville I have not read that! I need to! (edited) 8mo
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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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emz711 🧣🧣🧣 8mo
dabbe Lovely! 🖤🧡🖤 8mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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StayCurious great choice! 8mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Not sure I‘ll have time to pull this old favorite off the shelf this month, but I‘m definitely due for a reread. #night #scarathlonphotochallenge #skeletoncrew @Emilymdxn

Emilymdxn That‘s a gorgeous piece of artwork! 8mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Just finished a re-listen!

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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‘The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it, no paper notices plastered on lampposts and billboards. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.‘

This is just a beautifully written, magical story. I read this once a while ago. Glad I finally got around to it again.



DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Who else is a member of “The Books Became the Room” Club? 🙋🏻‍♀️

IMASLOWREADER loved that book especially when you read along with jim dale 9mo
wanderinglynn 🙋🏼‍♀️ that is a great description! 9mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Books and dogs. Name a better combo.

Soubhiville Books+dogs+cats+tea(or coffee) 9mo
Soubhiville +snacks 😆 9mo
Itchyfeetreader Ooh lovely - is he a beagle? 9mo
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dabbe + Baileys in the coffee? 😃 9mo
dariazeoli I like the way you think, @Soubhiville & @dabbe 😁 9mo
dariazeoli @Itchyfeetreader She is! We‘re pretty sure she‘s mixed with another type of hound as she‘s tall. Maybe a tree walker coon hound? 9mo
dabbe @dariazeoli She's adorable! 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Starting a reread of this. It‘s been so long I barely remember it.


DieAReader ❤️‍🔥📚🤓🎉 10mo
Andrew65 I love love love that book ❤️ Enjoy! 10mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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30 book recommendations in 30 days...

Day 23: A whimsical, yet at times a bit dark, magical story. I listened on audio and I feel this was the best choice for this book - the narration was masterful. There are no good comps for this book, it really just needs to be experienced. Content warning for minor discussion of suicide (not graphic or prolonged). #30recsin30days

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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currently reading the night circus for one of my book clubs. i'm v confused but overall enjoying myself

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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern

The main feeling I couldn‘t shake whilst reading this was how much it felt like an extended love letter to the indie fragrance house Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, and its ‘Carnaval Diabolique‘ series (which had different theatrical circus-themed acts)! It‘s weird but amazing to think of this novel as perfumes rendered in words?

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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1. Younger me would have ADORED Howl‘s Moving Castle. Like if it was a character driven fantasy, I was/am all in.

2. I typically go full librarian on my friends and cater to their tastes when I recommend stuff, but if I‘m just giving them one of my favorites, it‘s gonna be The Night Circus.

3. I would love love love to meet Deborah Harkness and Gail Carriger. I would make an ass out of myself, but whatever. #wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs 🖤 Night Circus 🎪 12mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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This tea smells like the most beautiful fall evening! So excited it‘s here…and it‘s making me even more anxious for fall 😂

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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My current bedtime reading; started last night and pretty excited to keep reading!

Have finished Toast by Nigel Slater which was wonderful but also heartbreaking so it was an emotionally rough read. There‘s so much warmth in his food writing; his cookbooks feel like they‘re written by a supportive elder relative cheering you on in the kitchen.

It does also feel good to be reducing my piles (yes, piles, sigh!) of unread books.

MrsMalaprop I‘ve had this on my #tbr shelves for so long… 12mo
mspixieears @MrsMalaprop me too, so far it reads like it‘s going to be such a fun adventure! 12mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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The dreamy, disjointed story didn't draw me in.

Bookbuyingaddict Me neither 😕I was going to try it again as dnf‘ed when it first came out , 12mo
jlhammar This didn't work for me either. 12mo
hopebeths I tried this In high school but I struggled with it as well. Will always just be one that sits there on my shelf waiting to be finished 12mo
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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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There are a number of books that I regularly recommend so hard to know which one I recommend the most, but this one will be right up there.

Simply love The Night Circus.

#EasterOMC @LadyKatrina @Clwojick

CBee Such a fantastic book!! 14mo
Clwojick Ooooh good choice! 14mo
Deblovestoread Gets all my stars! 🌟💜🌟 14mo
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annahenke Just the best. Love the audio too! 14mo
AllDebooks Great choice 👌 14mo
Andrew65 @annahenke The audio was superb, Jim Dale put in an exceptional performance. 14mo
Sapphire I loved that one too 14mo
ATB Night Circus is amazing. 14mo
melzen Have meant to read this hope you‘ll enjoy it 14mo
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