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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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Another really good novella of Cainsville. I hope Armstrong keeps writing these, as I‘m not ready to be done with this story!

Liv‘s father is finally free, but someone isn‘t happy about that. Police get a tip leading to the body of Todd‘s only victim, but it‘s a complicated web. I wish Ricky was in this more, but it all really worked.
#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView
Oh, and it‘s my #DoubleSpin - I‘ve never had them both done so early in the month!

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2y
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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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#WeekendReading @Andrew65

I usually have less reading time on the weekend, as it‘s family time, but I try!

Currently working on Sense and Sensibility and Wuthering Heights, both chapter-a-day for #PemberLittens and The Odyssey. And I hope to finish the tagged novella this weekend so it can stop staring at me from my library stack.

Andrew65 Good choices. 2y
TheBookHippie I have to catch up my Pemberlitten read! 😂 2y
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Rough Justice | Kelley Armstrong
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I love the art on these novellas (though the interior art doesn‘t match my own ideas of the characters). This was a really good story, Olivia working through the details of her first Hunt and questioning how she will work with the Cwn Annwn. There‘s also a good bit about Liv and Gabriel working out their relationship, which really worked for the characters.

Now back to my regularly scheduled reading…
#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2y
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Rough Justice | Kelley Armstrong
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I‘ve been fretting about keeping up with all the reading I‘ve committed myself to…so, naturally, when it came time to pick a book to slip into my purse for a morning of errands - I grabbed a new one. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Suet624 Of course!! 2y
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Tamsin | Peter S. Beagle
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This was a lovely book, suitable for tweens to adults, about a girl who moves from New York to the Dorset countryside and discovers and befriends a ghost girl from Jacobean times and meets other creatures of the night. It is told in first person with fully developed characters. I remember the Bloody Assizes from Stuart England class and that history is brought to (after) life.

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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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For a short story set after the wrap-up of a completed series, this was excellently done. A new mystery, but still tied into the original plot; set just a tad down the line to give you a glance at where all the principle players are now in their lives and how their relationships are working; plus somehow manage to answer a different question you didn‘t even realize you still had from early EARLY in the series. Perfect way to revisit a series!

JazzFeathers Wow. I'm intrigued. What series is this? I don't think l know it. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Cainsville by Kelley Armstrong. The first book in the series is called (edited) 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers It‘s part mystery, part paranormal romance. But it plays with the Fae folklore. 5y
TheSpineView Way to go!🤩 5y
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Rough Justice | Kelley Armstrong
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I fully enjoyed visiting these characters again, and stepping back into their world to see how things are working out further down the line.

Still working on my #seriesread catching up

TheSpineView I am still working on mine too! 😊 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheSpineView I‘ve realized I‘ll never be caught up, even my completed series have stray short stories like this one that pop up afterwards. 5y
TheSpineView 😃@Riveted_Reader_Melissa My problem is I have started a couple more series this year. I intended to finish the ones I had already started BEFORE I started any more. Well that one is out the window! 😃 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheSpineView Yep, I‘ve done that too! 5y
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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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For fans of the Cainsville series, another mystery novella. Olivia's father is finally released from prison and someone wants him back in. Will make no sense unless you've read the series.

Pictured with my clematis which is flowering nicely 😀

GatheringBooks this is an awesome pic! interesting premise for the book, too! 5y
mreads @GatheringBooks Thanks 😀 5y
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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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Love this series so I equally love the novellas that go with it. The art is stellar.

Mimi28 What book is the beginning of the series? 5y
Amanda23 @Mimi28 Omens is book 1 in the Cainsville series. 5y
Mimi28 Ok cool thanks!! ❤️❤️ 5y
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Cruel Fate | Kelley Armstrong
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A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!! As all the books are in this series 😁

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