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I Wish You Would | Eva Des Lauriers
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Oh wow this was so good. I read it easily in one setting. I just couldn't put it down. This was such a good YA novel and so relatable. The story is told by both Ethan and Natalia giving it more depth and emotion. There's so many extra little parts to the story going on making it very full on but easy to follow. The ending was perfect and I liked how it all came together for them all. #ReadersFirst 5*

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Well what a thrill ride this was. The plot is quite a quick build up to a really great ending. I love a good showdown. This is the first in a trilogy and i definitely want more. I love Steven and his attempts to protect those around him. We then have the best friend who is sassy and amazing. Add in the typical grumpy boyfriend and the cute love interest and you have a story. This does give me Carry On by Rainbow Rowell vibes.

#ReadersFirst 5*

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Wow I love this series so much and was really looking forward to reading this. Its very dark and does deal with some very triggering themes but I think it handles it well and shows some interesting persepectives. Esepecially between Sara and Sloane. The plot is a slower burn but it does fit with the story and wow what an ending. I had an idea but how it all came together was brilliant. #Netgalley #ReadersFirst 5*

TrishB Looking forward to it. 13mo
kezzlou85 @TrishB I hope you enjoy it. 13mo
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This was a really interesting read. I was hooked from the very beginning. I've read many a fake romance story and the various ways it can end. I liked this one. I'm glad Zara came to realise what she truly wanted so she could be happy. I liked the text and discord message format dotted through the book. The plot is a steady build with a really satisfying ending. Zara is likeable and fun. #ReadersFirst 4*

Fledgling | Lucy Hope
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The premise sounded interesting and the book really delivered for me. It leaves you wanting a second one to see more of the family as they deal with what they now know. The plot is quite quick and I read this in a couple of days. The ending was good and I loved the twist though I had guessed some of it. I like Cassie and Raphael, they're good characters and this focuses really well on their close friendship. #ReadersFirst 4*

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The Swift and the Harrier | Minette Walters
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After not using #Readersfirst for ages I finally win a book I entered the contest for because I enjoyed her Plague series it arrives with the seal of the envelope on the book itself I know I shouldn't moan because it's a free book but...


TrishB Oh I would be disappointed too😞 3y
LeahBergen That would bother me, too! 😟 3y
DrexEdit Darn! Such a shame! 3y
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Rewind | Catherine Ryan Howard
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This is my second thriller by Howard, and I think I loved it more than the first! (And I don‘t often say I love thrillers!) I enjoyed the perspectives from multiple characters both before and after the murder that happens in the opening pages. While I had guessed a lot of it, she still left a nice surprise for the end!

Thanks for recommending this @vivastory 👍🏻

squirrelbrain I‘ve had this on my shelf for aaages - I think it was a free ARC from #readersfirst. You‘ve made me want to pick it up now! 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain ah yeah! Lucky you! It‘s a definitely recommend from me. 3y
vivastory I go back & forth on if I like this one or 56 Days more, but the ending for Rewind is much stronger IMO 3y
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Megabooks @vivastory totally agree! I didn‘t see that final twist coming when there was the book excerpt at the end. 56 Days is fantastic too. I think Rewind is 0.25⭐️ higher for me, though. 3y
Cathythoughts I already have this stacked 👍🏻 nice review ❤️ 3y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts thank you!! 💜 Have you read CRH before? 3y
Cathythoughts I havnt , I need to remedy that 😁 3y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts yes for sure! Especially since you‘ll know a lot of the places she talks about! 3y
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This is a really comprehensive look at his life and how everything transpired. We hear from those involved in the case and his own family. Its a fascinating read trying to understand his motives and the subject is handled with detail but it doesn't overwhelm the reader. This doesnt glamorise the story but gives an honest account of all the facts which is always better for me. #ReadersFirst 4*

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False Witness | Karin Slaughter
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It was a bit of a slow start and took me a little while to get into it but by the end I was hooked. The story is interesting and does get you thinking. Leigh is not the most likeable but by the end you want her to succeed. In fact most of the characters are not. The ending was well done and perfect for the story. I liked the very last couple of lines.The writing is well done and descriptive, you really get a sense of each location #readersfirst 4*

Body Language | A. K. Turner
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This was such a fascinating read. The mystery of the murder coupled with Cassie's abilities makes for interesting reading. The plot is steadily paced and builds to a dramatic and clever finish. I had worked out part of the mystery but the extra twist towards the end was a brilliant idea. I love when a thriller catches me out. Cassie is instantly likeable and she's a brilliant lead. #readersfirst 4*

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