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Not really book-related, but is anyone else going to miss #MrsMaisel as much as I am?

IndoorDame Yes! I still have a few episodes to watch, but so sad it‘s over! 1y
Leftcoastzen 😔💔 1y
mrp27 Yes!!! I adore that show. 1y
EKonrad So sad it‘s over!! 😢 1y
GidgetsTreasures75 Love this show so much!! 1y
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When Franny Stands Up | Eden Robins
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As an avid #MrsMaisel fan, I can‘t wait to read this #ARC about a stand-up comedian getting her start during WWII. She looks a bit like Midge to me. 😊

DisneyFan Love how you took this pic! 2y
batsy Love the photo 2y
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Greengates | R. C. Sherriff
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Muster the courage to make your happiness, take the leap!*Fine print reads: “A leap by its nature is not without risk.”😬

I am going to order Sherriff‘s The Hopkin‘s Manuscript now. 😊

@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @CarolynM @elkeOriginal @quietjenn

quietjenn @Tamra haha, I opened up the Persephone website last night to see if The Hopkin's Manuscript was in stock. 😅 Trying to resist the urge to place an order - my collection of Persephones is rapidly outgrowing the shelf it is on - but not sure I'll manage very long. (edited) 2y
Tamra @quietjenn such a sad state of affairs! 😆 I didn‘t order a Persephone edition this time. 2y
Tamra @quietjenn I preferred Fortnight in September. The ending of Greengates almost seemed like a different book because the emotional temperature was very different from the rest. Fortnight seemed more evenly written. What do you think? (edited) 2y
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LeahBergen I prefer Fortnight in September, too, I think? 🤔 I haven‘t read Hopkin‘s (although I‘ve heard good things) and only have one other of his books on my shelves to read 2y
quietjenn @Tamra I agree. There were a few bits at the end that felt discordant with the rest of it. I think it would've been better if that last chapter were an Afterward, instead of a regular chapter. Overall, Fortnight was more consistently itself. 2y
Tamra @LeahBergen ohhhh yay, I hadn‘t run across that title. Must investigate - thank you for mentioning it! (edited) 2y
quietjenn @LeahBergen Oo, that sounds great too! 2y
Tamra @quietjenn I like the way you describe it! 2y
CarolynM While I was happy for the Baldwins that the risk was worth it, I was a bit surprised that the money issues apparently disappeared once they'd made the move. How much did a subscription to that club cost, I wonder? I was also a little nonplussed at how easily they discarded Ada. 2y
Tamra @CarolynM I know! I had the same thought about Ada. 😒 I guess it is part of the frenzy of acquiring the new. Indeed, it seemed liked they were going to have to live like misers to get by with a mortgage and then that seemed to have miraculously become a nonissue. 🤔 2y
quietjenn @Tamra also, thanks for the non-Persephone tip. I just got the Penguin 😂 2y
Tamra @quietjenn 👏🏾 2y
rubyslippersreads Maybe it‘s because I‘ve been watching the new season of #MrsMaisel but I pictured Jason Alexander as Van Doon. 😂 2y
rubyslippersreads @CarolynM @Tamra I know—poor Ada! (edited) 2y
Tamra @rubyslippersreads 😆 good one! 2y
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