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Bookwormjillk Poor Tess. She totally should have kept that money. And her dad did she actually marry this one. Ugh, he needs a punch in the face. 7mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk that is what I was thinking, like her dad is such a fabulous human or something 🙄 7mo
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TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7mo
Ruthiella Poor Tess. She has no one in her corner (except us). 7mo
dabbe I am 🤮 about Holier-than-thou Angel. #grr And I have a bad feeling that Alec is going to come back into the picture somehow since Angel kept saying “If only he were dead ....“ 7mo
Cuilin I just can‘t with Angel. 😣 Did he think about the woman he was with? What condition did he leave her in? I think he will regret this behavior. I agree @dabbe we‘re not done with Alec. 7mo
Clare-Dragonfly @dabbe I agree… though I wouldn‘t mind if Alec shows up and immediately dies! 7mo
currentlyreadinginCO Can Tess please make a selfish choice at some point! Her parents are the worst & she should have kept that cash! 7mo
dabbe @Clare-Dragonfly Now there's a death I would love! 7mo
Bklover @currentlyreadinginCO I know what you mean! I wish she‘d just take care of herself for once. 7mo
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This is probably old news to many but as I was catching up on insta,I read the above post from Amanda Gorman.Pen America is suing a FL district:

Amiable The ignorance surrounding these book bans is astounding. I don‘t even recognize this country anymore. 12mo
britt_brooke These people are so DUMB. I swear. 12mo
dabbe A similar article from the NYT states this is THE case to follow in the fight against banning books. All it takes these days is ONE person. This person writes “I don't need“ any professional reviews??? And the answer to Q#2 is incoherent. One of our district school board members said she had NOT read the book in question at one meeting but that she trusted whatever the board decided. #WTF If you don't read it, you don't get a say. Period. #grr 12mo
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kspenmoll @Amiable i totally agree with your astonishment & the fact that this country is non recognizable- that is scary in itself. I worry about what kind of world we are leaving to our children & the high schoolers I teach. @dabbe how can you just blindly follow the Board & feel right about not reading the “ evidence” or book? This is nuts, but it does speak to how powerful books are if some parents/school boards do not want their children reading a book 12mo
kspenmoll @britt_brooke Yes, yes, yes! It‘s hard to believe. Can‘t imagine your boys without books! (edited) 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Just checking to see if you received your package 📦 🩷 12mo
dabbe @kspenmoll It's nuts and terrifying. Of course, the upside is that when a book is banned, that pretty much seals the deal that every kid will want to read it. If I were still teaching, I would just “slip“ a banned books list the students and just say, “🤷‍♀️ why they were banned.“ Easy for me to say when I don't have to face parents anymore. 😃 12mo
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I just saw the most heartfelt message about book bans from Amanda Gorman on her instagram account after her poem was banned in a Florida school district. I was feeling all the emotions I typically feel when I hear a story like this, and then I read the details of the single, parent complaint she shared that led to the ban, and now I‘m livid! How can we live somewhere where this was upheld?????

itsjustme40something The Washington Post analyzed the bans and found that 11 people were responsible for the majority of current bans....if I'm remembering correctly it's like 80something %. 12mo
IndoorDame @itsjustme40something wow! Given how many bans and challenges there are right now, that‘s taking on a second job! 12mo
Bookwormjillk Oprah Winfrey? What the heck? 12mo
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IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk yeah…that was one of the things she said in her comment 😂😅 12mo
Bookwormjillk @IndoorDame I feel like that should be an automatic dismissal of a book ban complaint. At least get the author right. 12mo
Amiable @Bookwormjillk Exactly! 12mo
Amiable I can‘t stand this anymore —how is it that such a small minority of ignorant and bigoted people are allowed to highjack the educational process for the rest of us? 12mo
CoverToCoverGirl Very scary … 😲 12mo
IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk SO many things about this form should be an automatic dismissal if anyone was taking it seriously. It‘s only half filled out! They must be rubber stamping every complaint they get in that district 12mo
IndoorDame @Amiable it wasn‘t that long ago you had to remove your kids to private schools if you wanted to micromanage them to this extent. I wish there was some way to get us back to the (relative) safety of that setup. 12mo
britt_brooke The complaint makes zero sense. 12mo
dabbe Glad Amanda joined! Same case I posted on from the NYT last week; it seems to be THE case to follow re: book banning. This parent is completely INCOHERENT, and you know they have not even read the book in question. No read = NO OPINION! People in my English department (and our principal) have lost their jobs because of a 1-parent complaint over a different book. Time to start wearing my “I teach banned books“ shirt everywhere I go. #grr 12mo
IndoorDame @dabbe it‘s terrible that people are losing their jobs over this issue! And I‘m sorry that includes people you know personally. I missed the Times piece, but I see why this makes an especially good poster piece, and I‘m glad Amanda is speaking out personally as well. I guess I have to hope that major media coverage, and the fundraiser her publisher is running, and your new t shirt campaign will push the needle back in a positive direction. 🤞🏼 12mo
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Talk about a discussion book: this one caused such an uproar in my district and high school that multiple “discussions“ occurred at board meetings until we now have a literature list that no teacher is allowed to deviate from. Discussions also resulted in my school's principal being fired, two English teachers having letters in their file, and the English chair losing her position. #grr

SamAnne Wait, what? Good grief. 13mo
dabbe @SamAnne Oh, yeah. Here's just one news clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA3XYFRxCbM 13mo
Amiable Oh, yes —this book scared the poop out of me! The thought that your entire life and reputation could be destroyed by the time you got off an airplane —yikes! 13mo
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SamAnne Oh, so infuriating. We are going to end up with kids completely unprepared for life. 13mo
Amiable @SamAnne @dabbe The irony is that this book is about cancel culture—which that parent who didn‘t read the book would know if she had actually read the book. 🙄 And these are AP English students! If your kid can‘t handle college-level material —which may come with more adult conversations, don‘t sign them up for college-level classes. 13mo
SamAnne @amiable @dabbe exactly. Oh, the irony. 13mo
TheBookgeekFrau I have this on my TBR shelf. I think you just moved it up next in line 😂 13mo
Bookwormjillk What? I read this book a few years ago and can‘t remember what the heck would cause such a controversy. 13mo
ChelseaM6010 Oh my goodness 🫣🤦‍♀️ so frustrating 13mo
dabbe @SamAnne @Amiable @TheBookgeekFrau @Bookwormjillk @ChelseaM6010 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Talk about a book that gets people discussing! 🤣 This is a nationwide issue, and we Littens have to keep fighting the good fight! The ultimate irony is that by taking that book off of our list we ensured that many high school students who would have NEVER read it, now have. #lovethisgroup 💙💚💙
dabbe @Bookwormjillk The author dared to quote verbatim some of the absolutely horrific social media messages sent by some uncivilized people; hence swear words, unflattering references to genitalia, racial slurs, ... unfortunately what we all see/read/hear/feel every day. 13mo
Bookwormjillk @dabbe lol as a parent of a high schooler I guarantee these kids probably hear much worse on the bus 13mo
Amiable @dabbe The thing that strikes me is how necessary the discussions are that arise from reading this book. People like to talk about their First Amendment rights. But what does that mean in practice? The freedom to say whatever you want doesn‘t mean you are free from the consequences of expressing your words. Students —and adults—need to learn how that works. And this —a book about using social media— is the kind of book that kids can understand. (edited) 13mo
Eggs Wow 😯 13mo
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I have been audio puzzling again. This is the second puzzle that has had a piece missing. This time the puzzle also contained an extra piece but not the one I needed. Sigh...

Does this happen to anyone else? 💙🧩💙📖🎧

Ruthiella That is super frustrating! 🧩😡 1y
dabbe That has happened so much to me that I now do most of my jigsaws on an app. That's the only way I know I'll have every piece. Majorly frustrating! #grr 1y
Cinfhen Such a cool puzzle!!! So sorry that piece is missing!!!!!! 1y
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TheSpineView @dabbe I use the app too. I may have to go to that totally. 1y
TheSpineView @Cinfhen It's a bummer 1y
ravenlee I got a Harry Potter puzzle to do with the kiddo as she was just getting into the HP world. It was a really annoying puzzle, weirdly shaped pieces, can‘t identify edge pieces, and then after struggling through it there was a piece missing! I‘ll never buy that brand again. 1y
mrp27 That stinks! But what a great puzzle. 1y
TheSpineView @ravenlee I get that. 1y
TheSpineView @mrp27 A bummer 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve definitely been a victim of the missing piece. I had a dog who loved to eat the pieces that fell on the floor, so that‘s one possibility! 1y
TheSpineView @Hooked_on_books In this case, no doggie snack this time. 😂 1y
eeclayton It happened to my sister. She wrote an email of complaint to the company, and they sent her a new set! 1y
TheSpineView @eeclayton Good idea! 1y
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This was a banned book before it was reissued, so naturally, I had to get my hands on it as I've always been interested in this topic.

This particular one contains various stories from various women of different backgrounds who have been abductees.

Although somewhat repetitive and lacking a solid recap of these events, alien/UFO enthusiasts won't be disappointed.

If you want to hear what others have experienced, this is a great start.

dabbe 👻 to banned books! #grr 1y
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