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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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I don‘t know if I have ever been more relieved to reach the last page of a novel! Truly, if it had not been for the dogged perseverance of @BarkingMadRead and others who offered hashtags that assured me I was not alone in this crazed wasteland of #blahblahblah, I would never—I repeat never—have finished this. Honestly, I enjoyed the last 300 pages more than the first 500–again, a sentence I hope never to write again. My expectations were high…

BarkingMadRead I think you are in good company with this 🤣 he should have just cut to the chase 🤣 2mo
KAO …and high expectations are sometimes the first hurdle for me to enjoy a book. I feel like I just didn‘t get what makes this an extraordinary book that deserves its reputation, and as I read rave reviews on GoodReads or other sites, I think I also just don‘t have solid context (Russian history, culture, literary traditions) to appreciate it. My loss, I guess. In any case, I was determined to finish this, and I thank you all in the group! 2mo
KAO Thanks too @Aimeesue for the remarkable portraits, chapter by chapter! 2mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 “Hurrah for Karamazov [and the ending of this monstrosity of a book!]!“ 2mo
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Having gotten through MIDDLEMARCH, ANNA KARENINA--even WAR AND PEACE, I was never so happy to reach 100% on my Kindle. As a former high school English teacher, the one thing I stressed to students over and over when writing was to SHOW and not TELL. Oh, does this novel have too much telling. It's brilliant in parts and overall a compelling story, yet, all that remains in my head is #blahblahblah. Couldn't have finished without the #hashtagbrigade.

TheBookHippie Seriously the blah blah blah 😵‍💫 2mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤩😃🤗 2mo
Suet624 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
dabbe @Suet624 🤩😂🤗 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks I skimmed a LOT of this chapter. Haven't we heard all of this already!? 2mo
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AllDebooks Isn't this book over, already? Going round in circles 2mo
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks @AllDebooks it felt like a cruel joke 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
mcctrish “Reaching this point in his speech, IK, who had plainly opted for a strictly historical method of exposition..” bottom tier Bloom‘s taxonomy- repetition of story - FD doesn‘t think anymore is still with him #idontknowwhyweare 🤣🤣 2mo
Bookwormjillk I couldn‘t sleep at all last night until I pulled out #TheBros. This chapter > melatonin 2mo
dabbe @Bookwormjillk I ended up taking a nap in the afternoon while doing the same thing! 🤩😂😘 2mo
TheBookHippie I had to finish 😵‍💫🤣🤯😳🤷🏻‍♀️😅🤦🏻‍♀️I cannot deal with this one more day. Or bring it into April 😅🤣🤣🤣 2mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Librarybelle I love how he just keeps going and going and going…if there was a word count need, I‘m fairly sure Dostoevsky hit it about 300 pages ago. 😂 2mo
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BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle so.many.words. 2mo
Bookwormjillk Blah blah blah 2mo
TheBookHippie Charlie Brown teacher speech … wonk wonkwa wonk wonkwa 2mo
dabbe The dude is definitely in love with his own voice and oratory skills. Yowza! 🙄 2mo
mcctrish Again, a chapter just to retell the whole book pertaining to one character. WHY?! SO MUCH BLAH BLAH BLAH ( it‘s cuz no one else in the history of this book actually read all the fucking words like us - we are being punished) 2mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Ippolit Kirillovich began his speech for the prosecution feeling chill and fever by turns in all his body. He later described it thus. He considered this speech the chef d‘oeuvre of his entire life, his swansong. To be sure, nine months later he died of an acute consumption, and had he had an early premonition of his end, he really would with justification have been able to compare himself to a swan singing its final song.


Ruthiella Having read now the entirety of that speech, I‘m not surprised he died soon after. It was EXHAUSTING! 😬 2mo
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mcctrish @Ruthiella it almost killed us so ……. 🤣🤣 2mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish WORD. 😵‍💫😅🤪 2mo
Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
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dabbe “Blah, blah, blah. I'm the devil. Blah, blah, blah. Devil. No, it's me, but my bad me. Devil. Blah, blah, blah. Throw wine in your face. Blah, blah, blah. Skim .... skim ... blah, blah, blah ... Alyosha to the rescue! End of chapter. #thankgod #ivanandreligion #arantinglunatic #oytothevey as @TheBookHippie would say. Whew. 😥🥱😵‍💫 2mo
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BarkingMadRead @dabbe exactly 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 #wtfwhewoytothevey 2mo
mcctrish I would like to read @dabbe‘s version from here on out 2mo
mcctrish Also so much blah to get to Smerdy and his long game to frame Mitya #holyshitwhensmerdycommitshecommits 2mo
dabbe @mcctrish And he's hanging against his wall on a nail! The wall with 🪳🪳🪳! 😱 2mo
dabbe @mcctrish 🤩😂🤩 It was the only way I could survive that chapter. #lordybe 2mo
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead gotta admit I was looking for A Christmas Story tongue on the flagpole reference here 🤪 2mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣 #missedopportunity I do have another My Cousin Vinny pic coming up in a few chapters 🤣 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Ivan being like “don't come at me with your philosophy“ SAME 😂 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO Omg we finally get somewhere and now the brother who knows what happened is raving 😂 2mo
mcctrish @dabbe the roaches be having a PARTY tonight 🤢 2mo
mcctrish @TheAromaofBooks 🤣🤣🤣 exactly keep your philosophy to yo‘self 2mo
mcctrish The whole time Smerdy was spilling his guts @currentlyreadinginCO I was thinking “is Ivan processing this? Is Ivan remembering this? Is Ivan sane?” Does it even matter now that Smerdy can‘t be questioned ?! 2mo
dabbe @mcctrish 😳😵‍💫🤢 2mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Look that‘s all I got, people. If you read it, you know!

mcctrish #iyiyk #blahblahblah 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣🤣OMG Mitenka. Shut up! (edited) 3mo
BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3mo
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BarkingMadRead I‘ve never been so proud 🥹 3mo
Aimeesue @mcctrish 😂😂😂 3mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella I‘m starting to think Mitya‘s got untreated ADHD at this point - just all over the place random and he can‘t stop talking 😳 (edited) 3mo
Aimeesue @BarkingMadRead 💙🩵💙 3mo
dabbe I couldn't survive this book without you, #dioramadiva and our #hashtaghero, @BarkingMadRead. 😂🤩😍 3mo
Bookwormjillk Lol that chapter was all blah blah blah 3mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 #dioramadiva is perfection 3mo
Aimeesue @dabbe 💙💙💙! 3mo
Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk The only fun part was hearing about Rakitin‘s evil poetry plot! 😂 3mo
TheBookHippie It‘s the BLAH BLAH BLAH for me. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
Aimeesue @TheBookHippie They DO go on! 3mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Bookwormjillk Isn‘t that what the Swedish Chef used to say on the Muppets? 4mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yesssss 4mo
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Ruthiella At least poor Aleksey gets to take a load off and have some fish soup 🥣 and cherry preserves 🍒 . 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO I liked this one, too! Ivan and Alyosha are an interesting pairing 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Ruthiella such an odd combo 4mo
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk he says “bork, bork, bork” Swedish for blah, blah, blah ( probably) and @Ruthiella thank goodness Aloysha gets to eat after all the running around 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @Ruthiella I thought the same thing! But what a combination! 😊 4mo
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk yes. 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼 4mo
dabbe @Ruthiella That boy was hungry! 😂 4mo
Aimeesue @mcctrish Right? He‘s gonna be nothing but skin and bones! 4mo
Bklover I‘m really sorry, but I‘m going to have to drop out. I‘m very disappointed- I tried to catch up, but this month I just don‘t have it in me. It‘s been a difficult month, and of the books I intended to read this month I‘m only keeping up with one. I seem to have lost my focus. Love you all, and I‘ll be back for the next one. (Can‘t remember what‘s next). ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
BarkingMadRead @Bklover we will see you in March! (It‘s 4mo
Bklover Oh good! I love Rebecca! That will be a fun reread. 4mo
rubyslippersreads Even though I bailed, I‘m glad to finally know what a hurdy-gurdy looks like. 😂 4mo
willaful @Bklover I dropped out ages ago, I'm just really enjoying the posts. 😳

I don't think I've ever seen a hurdy gurdy, which is odd, because it's heavily featured in one of my all time fav books.
Cuilin I hope Alyosha got to eat the soup and preserves. That was some serious conversation. Not sure I could eat while some was talking about the torture/suffering of children. 4mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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IndoorDame If the whole thing is this heavy on religious philosophy it‘s going to go over my head 4mo
5feet.of.fury Solid cohesive arguments pretty much all around. Fyodor stirring the pot as always. 4mo
5feet.of.fury @IndoorDame the LitChart shows some chapters are very heavy on the Faith v Reason theme, but looks like we will have some respite from it after the next chapter 4mo
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame same here @TheBookHippie so accurate 🤣🤣 4mo
Cuilin Smerdy is that one kid at Sunday school or R E that the teacher hates and still manages to turn the class agnostic in a few weeks. Lol 4mo
SamAnne @Cuilin 😂😂😂😂 yes!! 4mo
Aimeesue @Cuilin Yesssss! I may or may not have been that kid myself 😂 4mo
Cuilin @Aimeesue moi aussi, 🙋‍♀️ 4mo
CatLass007 I have a friend who was that kid. He was of Jewish heritage and about 5 when his adoptive family decided he needed to go to Sunday school. The teacher was telling everyone how wonderful heaven is when my friend, whose cat had died during the week, asked if his cat would be waiting for him in heaven. She said no, cats don‘t have souls. He said if his cat wasn‘t in heaven then he didn‘t want to go either. The other kids took up the (cont)⬇️ 4mo
CatLass007 complaint and eventually the whole class was in tears. His dad decided he wouldn‘t be going to Sunday school anymore. 4mo
Bklover @Cuilin I do believe that is me too! 4mo
mcctrish I don‘t get why a man would die for Christianity instead of forced faith conversion, most religions think men are great so its not like their freedoms would be constricted 🤷🏻‍♀️ then it all went blah, blah, blah with Schmigadoon repeating himself 4mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish the amount of #blahblahblah in this book is concerning 🤣 4mo
CatLass007 @BarkingMadRead I think it‘s such a hilarious story. My friend has studied the Bible and other religious texts and decided he is an atheist. I imagine it all began in that Sunday school class. The damage people can do to kids is unforgivable. I was tormented by nuns from grades 1-7 and I went through an atheist phase. I now am a member of a progressive, forward-thinking Presbyterian church. 4mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin 💯💯💯 4mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I kept hearing the Charlie Brown teacher 😂😳🤷🏻‍♀️. 4mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie that is exactly the voice (edited) 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO @CatLass007 that exact story, but with a dog, lives on in my family as well 😂😂 4mo
CatLass007 @currentlyreadinginCO Were you the impetus for the story? My Mom had some cringe worthy stories about me in church but turning a classroom full of happy kids into crying kids who didn‘t want to go to heaven was not in my repertoire. (edited) 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO @CatLass007 not me! But I have an aunt who left Judaism at a young age because she was particularly bereft over the death of a dog and learned that the dog wouldn't be going to heaven ... an oft-repeated story. I was raised Catholic, but these days the closest that I come to religion is books like our current read 😂😂 4mo
CatLass007 @currentlyreadinginCO I strongly believe that animals have souls and will be with us in paradise. If anyone requests proof, refer them to Isaiah 11:6 and Isaiah 65:25. For those who claim that the quotes weren‘t meant to be taken literally, I usually ask if Jesus‘s death and resurrection are meant to be taken literally. 4mo
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