He hadn‘t even asked her across the past days what she recalled from inside the school, as if knowing she‘d been in French class was enough. His pain the sun. Everything about him the center always of their orbit
He hadn‘t even asked her across the past days what she recalled from inside the school, as if knowing she‘d been in French class was enough. His pain the sun. Everything about him the center always of their orbit
“He senses a certain receptivity in her expression, like she‘s gathering information about his feelings,something they have learned to do to each other over a long time, like speaking a private language.”
I decided to read Normal People after watching the Hulu adaptation. Sally Rooney does something beautiful in the book that the adaptation loses. The dynamic between the two main characters, Connell and Marianne is beautifully messy and complex and shown to us over years and midnight conversations. I highly recommend!
Ruth Ware never disappoints and Turn of the Key gives the perfect twists that one so craves in a thriller. Set at a perfect picturesque smart home in Scotland, Rowan becomes a nanny for a picture perfect family but sometimes behind the perfect facade something menacing lies.
Perhaps it‘s the symbolism I don‘t like. For what are nets for, after all, but to catch things?
“When I looked up I saw, appearing in the condensation, two letters traced on the surface of the mirror, and L and an S...”
Find yourself a boy who spends Saturday reading with you.
Just starting this exciting thriller! Best part is the copy is signed!
“Behind the library, the spindly green cafe chairs were scattered along the slate walks among the ivy, the daffodils, and budding sycamore trees.”
“All I am is literature, and I am not able or willing to be anything else.” - Franz Kafka
"The river spoke to her in the darkness, as her dreams turned into nightmares in which water was all around her and the weed and the mud was clinging, pulling her down. It told her then that she would never be free, that one day it would come for her, and the next time there would be no escape."
"If passers-by were curious enough to find a way inside, they'd see that, tardis-like, the interior is so much bigger than its external framework suggests..."
A Doctor Who reference in my thriller. I'm delighted.
What is broken in me, that makes me loathe so intensely the bright and sunny days?
I am tired of squinting,
of the sun and the shine,
I am tired of covering my eyes.
Bring me the clouds, send them with haste and teach them to fill the sky
to stay.
I was born for storms.- 1998
I am made for autumn. Summer and I have a fickle relationship, but everything about autumn is perfect to me. Wooly jumpers, Wellington boot, scarves, thin first, then thick, socks. The low slanting light, the crisp mornings, the chill in my fingers, those last warm sunny days before the rain and the wind.
“This strangely still pause between summer and autumn, greenery and gold, and the heat and rising wind that is once again readying itself to rush it all away in a climactic symphony of color and scent is ~ in my opinion, one of the best parts of living on earth.”
6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days,
and I still don‘t know which month it was then
or what day it is now.
I replace cafés with crowded bars and empty roads with broken bottles
and this town is healing me slowly...
I feel entirely dehumanized by sun now and wish for fog, snow, rain, humanity.
I sat still
and watched a leaf
crawl itself
entirely across
the road before
and the realization
swept across
my mind
that every
tiny thing
in this world
is bursting
with a life
all its
Update: Comma splices have added to the hardship.
I've been trying to read the book for three days. There are so many fragments that it hinders the reader from enjoying the book. I'm trying not to bail but lord it's hard.
I really get annoyed when I'm trying to finish a novel and someone is on their phone. Granted, I am in Barnes and Noble, sipping tea, but good lord.
Literature is open to everybody... Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.
Why does Samuel Butler say, 'Wise men never say what they think of women?' Wise men never say anything else apparently.
To the right and left bushes of some sort, golden and crimson, glowed with the colour, even it seemed burnt with the heat, of fire.
"She was lucky to be wanted not desired though, worse pain is the feeling of being unwanted in love."-- Pushpa Rana "Just the way I feel."
Not in this book.
I am unlovable...I have tried to involve myself in other people, in relationships, and even - in my sillier moments - in love. But it doesn't work. Something in me is broken or missing and sooner or later the other person catches me Acting or one of Those Nights comes along.
The third book in the Lacey Flint series does not disappoint. After the horrendous events that happened in Cambridge, Lacey, traumatized, decides to take a break from the MET, ignoring everyone including Mark Joesbury. But when five, ten year old boys are murdered, Lacey teams up with her bright 11 year old neighbor to figure out the killer. Unlike her 2nd novel, which fell a bit flat, this novel thrills the reader and harkens back to her debut.
I'm not very good at making specific plans. Just meet me under the sky somewhere and be alive with me.
Although not as thrilling as Now You See Me, and somewhat predictable, Dead Scared gives more character development to our heroine and her "partner." Picking up a few months after the copycat Ripper murders burn through London that left everyone scarred, including Lacey. When Mark Joesbury recruits Lacey to pose as a Cambridge college student to get to the bottom of a string of suicides, Lacey has to push the emotional scars her last case left.
I loved this book. It was great first part of the series. The author did a fabulous job at throwing the reader for a loop. Once the entire plot was revealed, it had me swearing as the entire thing was brilliant. I highly recommend the book! Lacey Flint is the perfect badass women for these twisted, copycat Ripper murders. Mark Joesbury is the perfect match to her wit. But, will this push Lacey too far? Who is Mark Joesbury?
"This isn't your car..."
"Isn't it?"
Now she was in it the car smelled gorgeous; like sweet oranges and tiny white flowers on a tropical evening, and what the fuck was he now, a poet?
"When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things."
Maybe guilt would be like a heavy downpour from above, the first drops hardly noticeable, but gradually seeping through him until his entire being was drenched in it.
"They say snow covers everything that is mean and sordid and ugly in the world and I guess that's true...but beneath the carpet of white, the ugliness remains, and the snow will melt and there'll come a day when it's visible again. At least, that's what we have to hope."
I do not like using kindle. I had to borrow this from my father. It was the only way to get this novella. The story picks up a couple of weeks after the events of the first novel, Now you see me. I definitely had to read it before I read the second novel in the series.
"The world we know has more than enough to scare us,without us conjuring up imaginary fears of our own."
Finished my last day of my internship. Archival work is so amazing. Looking to the future and getting ready to begin my Library Science program.
I got to visit Quarry Farm yesterday. It's only open to scholars but we got to go because of our internship! No pictures are allowed of the inside so here we are on his porch, over looking the Chemung River.
Reading this before my internship starts tomorrow. Sometimes I find it so sad to read biographies of authors because I know that like most of Upstate New York, the places that these authors lived are all run down now, have an extremely poor population, and are in ruins.
My aunt got this book for me. Apparently, these tales were used for school children to introduce them to Shakespeare: " Claudius did no way resemble her late husband in qualities of his person or his mind, but was as contemptible in outward appearance as he was base and unworthy in disposition."
Just finished the book and I honestly didn't see the ending coming. I really good at guessing but whoa. I think at one point I did figure it out but the author definitely plays games with the reader, making the reader question everything. This is the first of five books in the series. I will definitely be picking up the next.
You know you are a bibliophile, and it's a good book, when you've been away from the book all day and can't stop thinking about it.
"I could see horrified blue eyes, the river gleaming like black ink and coloured lights from north bank reaching across it like ribbons."
Not a quote in this book!
"Our surroundings fade and we exist in unison, two people who once shared cups of coffee, unprecedentedly ourselves in a changing world."-- Caroline George
Just got home from my dad's surgery and I learned of this new release! Can't wait! I love her. She's the modern Agatha Christie.
I'm cheating on real books. First time reading on a kindle and it freezes. Real books don't freeze. But alas, I am in a bind because I need to read a Mark Twain Biography before heading to the Mark Twain archives.