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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Clare-Dragonfly Did Ruth say no to F paying for Leonard to go to school? I missed that. And yes, obviously as soon as Benson said he hadn‘t gotten his bonus I suspected Dick! I‘m sure he finished Bradshaw‘s bottle of wine, too. 3w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I know she said she wasn‘t liking the idea, not sure if it was a hard no 3w
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AllDebooks Dick is completely leaning into his name there 🙄 3w
mcctrish Of course it‘s Dick! But Bradshaw‘s parting words about the world being better off with more people like him instead of Benson sum it up perfectly, his kind made Dick! Following rules out of fear = shitheads and following rules B/c of empathy and community = where I want to live aka Benson ❤️ 3w
Ruthiella The Chekov‘s gun that was Richard just went off! 😆 🔫 3w
Cuilin Dick is a dumb ass, first rule of crime, you don‘t 💩 on your own doorstep. Bradshaw is about to see the evidence of his parental failings. (I realize I sound criminally inclined, nope I‘m just married to a prosecutor lol). (edited) 3w
willaful @Ruthiella yes, phew! I'm glad it wasn't something worse happening to Ruth! 3w
willaful @Cuilin I sure hope he will! He doesn't seem inclined to as yet. 3w
Bookwormjillk Finally something bad happened that didn‘t involve Ruth🤣 3w
willaful @Bookwormjillk Yeah, just to another sympathetic character who didn't deserve it! I hope he gets paid back!

I admit to feeling a touch softer towards Bradshaw for what he said about never planning for Benson to refuse his pew money. His liking to be generous isn't completely without merit.
Bookwormjillk @willaful I was assuming Bradshaw will pay Benson back. At least I hope he will. Unless he decides it was his own fault for being too nice which is very probable now that I think about it. 3w
dabbe @Cuilin 🤩😂🤩 3w
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