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Doctor Who and the Daleks | David Whitaker
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We've come to Durham for a few days' break, which means that the country has had a typical month's-worth of rain in one day! 🌧️☔ Expecting such weather as our usual lot, at least there's lots of indoor things to do.
Books will be bought on this trip, starting with these two that I got from the supermarket charity table ½ mile from my front door when we stopped for takeaway coffee for the journey 🤦‍♂️

The_Book_Ninja I used to bus up to Foyles as a kid and buy Target Dr Who‘s. They used to be so cheap and I devoured them in the holidays. It was the only way to re-live the Pertwee and Baker stories ‘cos, as we know, once it had aired, we never expected to see an episode again. 4w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja The introduction to this 2011 reprint says the same thing - in those days, once it had aired, the novelisations were the only way to catch up. (Why am I repeating what you just said? 🤷‍♂️😄) I've never read one of the novelisations, so (when I get to it in my next regeneration) it will be an interesting exercise. 4w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I remember missing an episode of Dr Who and I was complaining to my dad and he said “One day soon you‘ll be able to record TV and watch it later” My mind was blown, I just couldn‘t comprehend what he was saying. He must have seen a prototype video recorder on Tomorrows World or something. 4w
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While shopping at #target I came across this book! What caught my eye was Sanderson‘s name. Come to find out this is in the larger universe of The Stormlight Archive series! I guess this was a kickstarter campaign for him.

Follow.my.read I loved all his “project books”! I‘ve read and own every book he‘s written! He‘s one of my favorite authors! 4mo
CrowCAH @Follow.my.read I recently read one of his books and fell in love with the characters of the Way of Kings! Looking forward to continuing the series!!! 4mo
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I find the cover art super creepy and don‘t like that the Doctor Who logo is absent. It makes the story look pulpy (which it is, but shhh). This is one of those Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane ones where they get captured about four times and Sarah Jane nearly gets killed twice (not through anything she did, just the fact that she‘s travelling with the Doctor). It‘s a quick read and probably better if you‘ve watched and enjoyed the TV version.

Doctor Who: Marco Polo | John Lucarotti

A solid retelling of a now-lost First Doctor serial. The ending actually differs from the TV series, but I like the book ending better. The author also apparently used Marco Polo‘s actual diaries for inspiration when adding descriptive details.

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Enjoyable enough adaptation of a Dr. Who arc I've never seen. It's a 40-year-old British publication, and the back cover assures us it's for children despite being at least as sophisticated (in both premise and vocabulary) as a lot of current American sci-fi aimed at adults. I'll let that speak for itself.

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This is the book that goes with the Doctor Who episode The Christmas Invasion. David Tennant's first episode and one of my favorites.
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KathyWheeler I still love his “fighting arm.” ❤️ 3y
Jadams89 🎅🏻🎉🎄📚 3y
Jadams89 Definitely one of my favorite episodes 3y
readordierachel One of my favorites too 💙 3y
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I've been in a rut, it's Christmas, and I've been rewatching Doctor Who since July (starting with An Unearthly Child.) I've read a couple of these new Who Target novelizations and they're usually fun with just enough extra detail to make it worth itvwhqh you've seen the episode a few times. Hopefully this is no exception

Chrissyreadit How do you feel about the current Dr? 3y
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🎧 The TARDIS has been stolen. Doctor #2 is off on an adventure with Jamie to find the police box.

They follow clues to an old antiques shop where it becomes evident that IT‘S A TRAP!

Monster of the week? DALEKS!

They are looking for the “human factor”, something they feel will help them TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE!

One of those old series that‘s still missing an episode.
