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Where the World Ends
Where the World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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My book 2 for 2021

21/1/21 p28

Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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I've decided to bail on this one for now. It's so well written and compelling, but the content makes me too anxious right now when my anxiety is already sky high. I'm going to revisit it when things have calmed down a bit.
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

rockpools Yup. It‘s so hard to find something engaging without being stressful right now. 🌼 4y
TheAromaofBooks I feel you!! I am not able to concentrate on books that are even kind of stressful right now! I am all about the happy reads! 4y
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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The kids and I spend the morning creating a village on our living room rug - mostly a parking garage, a barn for all their animals, and a pretend Paw Patrol tower. Now I'm enjoying a little peace to start my #bookspin title while they play.

Mitch Love that ! 4y
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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Loved it! Lyrical and compelling story telling based on historical events. The remote and wild islands off the Scottish mainland are now vividly etched in my mind. How rampant the imaginations of the abandoned fowlers must have run on that inhospitable rock!

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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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#125 of my year. Only 4 more to go after this 😅 I am going into reading this knowing nothing about it so that‘s always exciting lol I just really loved this cover and title I didn‘t even read what it was about 🤓

Caffeinated_Reader So I didn‘t know what to expect going into the book but my gosh I loved every page. Definitely a great balance of adventure and sorrow. I loved all the characters and the balance religion played in the stories. It was excellent. So much sadness but also so much bravery and the power of will. 4y
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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This cover makes me think of cold days and hot fires. In other words perfect for December.

Out December 2
#CoverLove #YAedition

Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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An atmospheric survival story in gorgeous prose with a slow pace and yet inexorable forward movement. Nine boys and three men are left stranded on a tiny island entirely made of rock in 1727; this is based on a true story. Carnegie medal winner: suitable for ages 10 to adult.

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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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Jesus made all the herring in the world, am I right? So the herring surely came when He whistled? So when He was on the shore & His friends were out on the sea, He whistled up this huge shoal of herring & walked over the water on their backs—to reach the disciples, yes? And Jesus told St Peter to try it too… which Peter did—& managed it, of course! Then the herring said enough was enough & stopped cooperating & Peter started sinking.

Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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What are the odds that I would read two novels in the same week that have characters pondering a explanation for how a person could walk on water?

Ruthiella When someone reads as much as you do it is a possibility !😀 5y
Lindy @Ruthiella Good point. 😁 5y
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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She was nothing akin to anyone Quill had ever met. There was the talking, for one thing. In sentences! Sentences as long as an anchor chain sometimes. They had him holding his breath to hear where they would end. Hirta folk were not great talkers.

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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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Being irretrievably damned had its advantages.

Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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I agree with this so much! I love teaching Max new words and making sure he knows what they mean. The books we read help that.

blithebuoyant Yes! YES yes yes. 6y
Aimeesue A THOUSAND times, yes! 6y
laurieluna @blithebuoyant @Aimeesue I'm glad others agree. I was annoyed when they took nature words out of the childrens dictionary too (tagged book was a beautiful response to that) we're willfully making our children stupid by dumbing everything down. 6y
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Aimeesue One of the biggest mistakes American schools ever made was bringing leveled reading systems into their libraries (it's OK to a point in classrooms, because teachers need to pair kids with books they'll succeed at reading.) When libraries are leveled, though, teachers steer kids to books "on their level" and a lot of kids end up staying within the lanes, so to speak. It's sad. I always used to encourage the rebel readers. ? (edited) 6y
laurieluna @Aimeesue if kids don't challenge themselves by reading outside their comfort zone they don't progress. Not as much as they could anyway. They're brains absorb so much in the first 10 years of life, it's the best time to teach them complex vocabulary. 6y
Aimeesue @miralunasbooknook Exactly. And I'm not saying that it's ALL teachers/ school librarians, by any means. They all work really hard to push kids to be their best. But when you've got 30 kids in a class and 20 Minutes in the library, there's only so much a couple of adults can do. 6y
tournevis Leveled libraries. As in not guidelines? I give up. 6y
Weaponxgirl I saw this yesterday and to me it seems like the biggest problem is not having the variety around. Simpler books can be great motivation to those kids that find reading hard and help build them up to the harder books but they shouldn't be the only ones available. 6y
ravenlee I saw a real problem with AR books when I worked at BN. Kids needed so many AR points for school, so they were pushed to read the "right" books, and parents and teachers discouraged them from choosing books that weren't in the AR system. Totally destroying any love of reading and making kids incapable of finding their own tastes. It was really heartbreaking. 6y
laurieluna @ravenlee thats very irritating! I loved reading at school as we were encouraged to pick what we liked the look of off the shelf. I hope my boys don't get pushed into reading certain books to reach irrelevant goals. I'll do my best to push back. I'll certainly keep a library at home for them. 6y
KGlibrarian This is great!! People always underestimate young children! 6y
laurieluna @KGlibrarian I know! They're total sponges. I think we do them a diservice when we dumb things down, they're cleverer than we think, and are always listening... 6y
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Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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I started with fav books for younger teens. https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/lists-best-of-2017-younger-read... Three #ozya one New Zealand, one US, and one UK. Fair spread. Of the 200 odd books I read this year, probably 40 of them were 2017 releases for this age group. #bestoflists #bestbooks2017 #younger #middlefiction Next up is #mystery on Friday (my time).

Where The World Ends | Geraldine McCaughrean
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Amazing story based on a true story about what happened to a group of boys that got left on a remote sea stack. Absolutely beautiful and totally unpredictable 💙💙💙

Tamra 😯 Stacked! 7y
laurieluna Had this on my Goodreads tbr for a while, completely forgot about it! Stacked here too, hopefully I'll remember about it. 7y
LeahBergen This sounds good! 7y
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TheLondonBookworm @Tamra You won't regret it!! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @miralunasbooknook oooh yeah I hope you do! It's so worth it :) 7y
TheLondonBookworm @LeahBergen It really is!!! 7y
MissSarahLou I love that cover! The story sounds great, too! 7y
Pagehabit Hey Laura!! We're PageHabit, a book subscription box with a twist. We're going to be doing a very large giveaway soon and we'd love to work with you on promoting it on Litsy. We'd love it if you could email us at hello@PageHabit.com so that we can share the details and compensation with you. Thanks for your consideration 😊😊❤️ 7y
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