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Quien de Nosotros
Quien de Nosotros | Mario Benedetti
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La primera novela de Mario Benedetti. La aparicion de Quien de nosotros fue celebrada por la critica uruguaya, que califico la obra como -el libro mas prometedor que nuestra literatura de ficcion haya producido en estos anos-, y desde entonces ha sido reeditada continuamente.La historia de un triangulo amoroso, como el que forman Miguel, Alicia y Lucas, es utilizada por el autor para ofrecernos una imprevisible e ironica exploracion de la soledad humana, con un final abierto que se resumira en la ultima frase del libro: - Quien de nosotros juzga a quien?- English Description "Celebrated by critics as the most promising work in Uruguayan fiction at the time, Mario Benedetti s first novel has never been out of print, being constantly reedited since it was first published. Using a love triangle formed by Miguel, Alicia and Lucas, the author presents an ironic and unpredictable vision of human solitude. Summarized through the last phrase in the novel Which one of us can throw the first stone?, the open ending invites us to reflect on our human nature. ""
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Quien de Nosotros | Mario Benedetti
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In a country where people read an average of 1.6 books a year, most of them have never walk into a library. Libraries in Costa Rica are underfunded and outdated. This is the reading room of the National Library. I stopped by today and found out they are only beginning to put codes on their books to be able to loan them. However, they offered me a room to host my book club :) I think it is through active engagement that we can make them better

sofiaga If you have a wonderful library close by, really take advantage of it. 7y
CaroPi I think that to have your book club there is a great way to promote the library. 7y
Notafraidofwords Wow. That's a fact I never knew. I think you have a chance to make the best out of it. 7y
sofiaga Yeah. The attitude of the people I met was really nice. I think they just don't know how to reach out. I am also gonna do some research on the local libraries do the communities that do have one. Maybe I can write something and post it for people to know. 7y
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Quien de Nosotros | Mario Benedetti
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Este es mi compañero de la semana para hacer frente al tráfico.
This book is my company for the commute.

Quien de Nosotros | Mario Benedetti
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"Ma l'arte non smette mai di essere illusione e, quando è verità, cessa di essere arte e diventa noia, perché la realtà è soltanto un insanabile, assurdo tedio."