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Joined April 2016

I am 50+ and enjoy reading horror, mysteries, thrillers Bookstagram @readingover50 Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2423216-julia
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The Handyman Method: A Story of Terror by Andrew F. Sullivan, Nick Cutter
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This Ravenous Fate by Hayley Dennings
Threads That Bind | Kika Hatzopoulou
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I generally love books about the 3 fates, so I was very interested in this. This book has complex world building. A little too complex for my tastes. There was too much information to process and I felt confused most of the time. Io and Edei were a cute couple, but that didn't make up for the rest of the book. I found myself forcing myself to finish the book, and that is not a good sign.

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage So… not interested in the sequel then? 😉 2d
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I saw this and the sequel hyped by Owlcrate, but never picked it up 2d
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
ReadingOver50 @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage no, not interested at all. It felt amateurish. 1d
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The In Crowd | Charlotte Vassell
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I can confirm that I still love Caius Beauchamp and this second book in the series is just as good as the first. Caius and his partners Amy and Matt, make a great team. I am glad they are getting a series. There are some repeat characters from the first book, I guess to help with continuity? I would prefer not to have Rupert show up again. I'm just here for the detective story and the banter. I will definitely read the next in the series.

Verity | Colleen Hoover
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For all the hype, I really liked this. There are lots of twists and turns in this mystery/thriller. As the book progressed, I started reading faster and faster, and couldn't wait to get back to the book to see what would happen next. Verity's diary plays a big role in the story, and seemed a bit unbelievable, though still very compelling. As new revelations come out, it's hard to know what to believe and who to trust. Overall, a really good book.

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A Botanical Daughter | Noah Medlock
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Wow. Who would think to use a human corpse and a fungus to create a new life form. I am impressed with the creativity of this book. It flirts with Frankenstein themes but is a unique creation. I felt for all the characters. For a self-made paradise that is also a prison. This was very enjoyable.

Clare-Dragonfly Just your first sentence had me rushing to Libby! This sounds awesome! 2w
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Tiger Chair | Max Brooks
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Rambling musings on an imaginary war. Started out interesting but I was glad when it ended. The title comes from the name of the chair the prisoners sit in when being tortured.

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Thirst | Marina Yuszczuk
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Reading this gave me a nice feeling of just going along for the ride. I didn't find it terrible exciting but was drawn in by the rhythm of the words. I enjoyed the first part from the vampire's point of view more. The second female lead didn't resonate as much with me, she was a more annoying character.

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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I'm not sure how historically accurate this is, but I enjoyed this tale of a pirate and her adventures. We are introduced to many mythical creatures and I enjoyed the battles. I feel the tone of the story moves between YA and adult. There is no explicit sex, just people getting together off screen. Since I would like more of Amina's adventures, and more of her relationship to her daughter, I can see myself reading the next book in the series.

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I have been wanting to read this book ever since I first saw it. The premise sounded so intriguing and if definitely was. This is how the world ends. Will anyone survive? It's possible but not likely. I read this book in one sitting. It was fast paced and interesting the whole way.

The Haunting of Velkwood | Gwendolyn Kiste
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20 years ago 3 girls escaped from a neighborhood that disappeared into a ghost realm. It is still visible to outsiders but no one can enter except these girls. Now Talitha has been offered money to return.
This book is loaded with secrets and mystery. As childhood memories are dredged up, we learn the truth about what happened 20 years ago. I was very interested to learn what happened in Velkwood. A unique and creepy story.

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A nice cozy romance about two college students from different backgrounds. It was a fast read and made me feel happy.

Untitled | Unknown
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Sace 🌹 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️📚🎈 1mo
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This is an entertaining series, and I enjoyed this book. I did feel the plot was a little more convoluted that the previous books and it was hard to suspend my belief with much of this. I just hope that this story arc is over, and we can get to something else, where Finlay doesn't have to lie so much to Nick.

Cut & Thirst | Margaret Atwood
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An interesting story about a group of older women plotting revenge on the men who harmed their friend's writing career. I liked the depiction of a group of friends who have stayed together since their college days. Not much action here, this was more of a descriptive story.

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Ghost story, murder mystery. More fairy tale than horror. Lovely writing.

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The Pram | Joe Hill
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I enjoyed reading this. The ending left me a little unsatisfied. I had some questions.

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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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My TBR for the month of April. I just finished Forgotten Sisters and am about to start Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice.

TieDyeDude The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi was a lot of fun! 2mo
dabbe Loved BABEL! 🤩 2mo
Pruzy I‘m intrigued by The Haunting of Velkwood 2mo
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I love books about people in extreme conditions. This book sounded great. The beginning 1/3, when they were preparing for the trip to Everest, was a little boring. It goes into detail on the preparations and the history of mountain climbing. The rest of the book, once they actually make it to Everest, was amazing. The story was interesting and moved a lot faster. I enjoyed reading this.

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I read this book in one day. Reading it gave me a warm happy feeling, just like I get when watching The Great British Baking Show. The contestants seem so nice, like family, and I am happy the baking show in the book felt the same. I liked that the main character was 77 years old and living her best life. This book was a fast read, and should appeal to fans of cooking shows and following your dreams.

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Wow, what a great story. A wealthy woman wants to clone her cat. The results are not what she expects. The story moves quickly, with not a wasted moment. Right from the first page, I was invested. Even though you know the cat is evil, it is still fun to see how far things go. My favorite from Felix I.D. Dimaro so far.

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

JenniferEgnor I have a friend who has a black rescue cat named Ferdinand. She loves him and spoils him but he is so mean to her! Based on your comments here I immediately thought of them and sent her a recommendation. 2mo
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Nestlings | Nat Cassidy
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This book was not what I thought it would be, and I enjoyed it very much. A young couple with their first child wins a lottery to move into a luxury apartment building. The author took the whole creepy, old apartment building trope and went places I was not expecting. It combines the horrors of vampires with gargoyles and was very imaginative. The second half of the book moved quickly, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

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Day of Fallen Night | Samantha Shannon
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The prequel to Priory of the Orange Tree, I enjoyed this just as much. This is epic storytelling with a rotating selection of narrators. We begin by following 3 different women from 3 different cities. Although they don't know each other, their stories become intertwined as they fight a common enemy. There is political intrigue, and I felt I learned a lot more about the Priory. Overall, I enjoyed my time with this book.

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I have never read the Dear Sugar column before. I find it annoying that people are apparently writing to her with real problems, and she always responds with some long rambling story about her own life, and no real advice. The book started to feel repetitive after just a few short chapters.

BookishMadHatter I love your Gillman 2mo
Suet624 I felt the same way about this book 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Kitta I gave it a so-so, I used to read Dear Sugar when I was younger and liked it then but reading it now I‘m like what kind of advice is this?? 😂 2mo
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The Wehrwolf | Alma Katsu
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This is an enjoyable story about a small German Village at the end of WWII, that is being protected by a group of werewolves. As they become more corrupted by the wolf within, their actions become increasingly more vicious to the other locals. This was a nice, fast read by an author that I like.

Reggie I just hope that if they make this into a movie we get full frontal when the guys are undressing because they know they‘re turning into wolves. lol 2mo
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A good end of the world horror story, as aliens take over the world and quickly destroy all survivors. There are only a few people left after the invasion, but new hordes of aliens scour the earth looking to kill any remaining survivors. A man finds two children and tries to outrun the aliens and find a safe place for them to settle. The imagery is amazing and unique, and the actions of the people feel realistic. This is a very good story.

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Started out interesting, but soon got confusing. The main character, William Day, is trying to redeem a failed mission to the Artic. On this new expedition, he quickly devolves into a hallucinating mess. The reader doesn't know if he is seeing ghosts, or just descending into madness. For me, the story became hard to follow. This is a soft pick for me, mainly because I am fascinated with the Artic and the people who explore it.

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Harrow the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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Portions of the book I enjoyed, but for the most part I felt confused. I didn‘t understand what was going on, and why Harrow‘s memories were so different. I was really looking forward to this book, but unfortunately it was not what I had hoped for.

Untitled | Unknown
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Lovers at the Museum by Isabel Allende.
A short story about strangers experiencing a night of love in an empty museum. It is a mystical, fantastical story. Cute and easy to read.

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We witness Andrew‘s descent into madness. This book is pretty disgusting. The cottage he is staying in is a breeding ground for fungus. He lives there even though fungus is growing on the walls and everything is damp. That really makes me squirm. Andrew is not a likable character. Really no one in the book is. Not my favorite book.

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Starting this today. This is not my usual genre but I‘m in the mood for something different.

peanutnine Oh I loved this one! Hope you enjoy 😊 3mo
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The Bedmakers | John Boden, Chad Lutzke
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Since I received this in my NightWorms subscription box, I was expecting this to be a horror novella. Instead it was more of a mystery thriller. So I was disappointed in the book. It was ok, just not what I was expecting, nor something I would have picked up on my own. I read this in approximately an hour and a half.

Karkar Good to know I am starting this one now and would have been disappointed for sure if I had not seen this post! I was also expecting horror. 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Books read February 2024. My favorite was The Gathering by CJ Tudor.

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The differences between the hunger games in this book vs the future books was fascinating. Truly, this version of the games was pretty boring. Hours of nothing followed by minutes of action. Snow‘s character is pretty despicable. Other than his own family, he has no real feelings for anyone else. He only acts if it will make him look good. His relationship with the tribute Lucy Gray is a joke. Snow only wants her as a captive, dependent on him.

Bookshops and Bonedust | Travis Baldree
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Another great book in the Legends and Lattes series. I really hope they continue on with Viv's adventures. Taking place before the events in the first book, Viv is just as loveable as before. She helps save a bookshop and battles a necromancer. The supporting characters are great, and I hope they make an appearance in future books. I love this cozy fantasy series.

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Cursed Bunny | Bora Chung
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3.5 Stars

A collection of short stories. The Head, the first story in the book was the most unsettling for me. Truthfully, I enjoyed the first 3 stories the most. After that, the rest of the book just felt average to me. Not bad, but the stories weren't that engaging either. I would give this author another try.

Dark Beauty | Blake Rudman
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The story of identical twins, Tessa and Kristin. Tessa is good, Kristin is evil. I really hated Kristin. She gets what she wants by manipulation. She is so self-centered, rude and psychotic her personality made me not want to read any further. Otherwise, this was a fairly predictable plot. Will good triumph over evil? You have to read this to find out.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is a short novel at 230 pages. Charity works at Camp Mirror Lake, and runs an immersive horror experience for her guests. That is a great idea, and I would have enjoyed reading more about the actual mechanics behind the experience itself. But the story becomes an actual horror story, as counselors go missing and it is revealed that someone wants to murder everyone working at the camp. This is a young adult book, so a bit juvenile for me.

TieDyeDude I've heard such mixed things about this book. I think I still want to read it, though 🙂 4mo
ReadingOver50 @TieDyeDude it is a soft pick for me. Good but not great. It didn‘t live up to its potential 4mo
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The best book I‘ve read this year. Set in a world where vampires live in colonies adjacent to humans in an uneasy truce. This is a murder mystery, with both human and vampire suspects. Barbara, the detective, must walk a fine line as tensions cause both groups to be on the edge of war. This was a fun read, and very interesting. I was never bored.

I received a copy from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

TrishB Looking forward to this one 4mo
Missusb Vampires making a comeback! 4mo
monkeygirlsmama I am intrigued. Adding to my stack. 4mo
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Remarkably Bright Creatures | Shelby Van Pelt
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3.5 stars
A lovely story. I really liked Tova‘s story. A widow who also lost her only son at 18. I also liked Marcellus the octopus, although his narration seemed a bit corny. Cameron was my least favorite narrator. This is just a sweet book about unlikely friendships.

Deblovestoread I liked the book but love the adorable face you paired with it! 🐾 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
The.Great.Catsby Holy crap, your dog is so stinkin' cute!!!! 3mo
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I have read 4 of Dugoni‘s thriller books, and I was surprised to find this one. It came highly recommended. This is a straight fiction book, telling the story of Sam Hill from childhood into his forties. It is a testament to the author‘s skill as a writer that I found this very interesting and flew through it in 2 days.

Kshakal I absolutely adored this book! 4mo
SilversReviews LOVED this book. 3mo
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I like this series very much and it is an autobuy for me. The fourth book in the series, this advances the stories of Elizabeth and Stephen, and of Ibrahim. I really like these characters and the fact that they are all elderly and still having adventures. It gives me something to aspire to.

andreadmw I‘m about to read book 1. I‘ve heard such good things. 4mo
ReadingOver50 @andreadmw it is a really good series 4mo
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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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Part 1: This section felt overlong and a bit boring. I really missed the dragon school part of the first book. I was hoping for more of that. Instead we get more politics and so much torture. Uggh.

Part 2: was more exciting and I found myself enjoying the characters again. I still wish there was not so much politics. All of the high ranking characters are terrible people. I liked this book but I think the first one was better.

The Lies of the Ajungo | Moses Ose Utomi
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A sweet little coming of age story. Tutu leaves his city to search for water. During his journey he meets travelers from other cities and learns that they are all oppressed by a common enemy. Although a novella, this contains a fully realized world. Well written, this book can easily be read in one sitting.

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Extinction | Douglas Preston
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Douglas Preston is one of my favorite authors. Reading this, I was reminded of what a good author he is. The book was amazing, I was invested in the story from the beginning. Obviously there can be comparisons made between Extinction and Jurassic Park. Part mystery/police procedural, the CBI is brought in to investigate the murders of a young honeymoon couple. As the investigation continues, the findings become more and more bizarre.

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The Paleontologist | Luke Dumas
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The book started out pretty interesting. The new paleontologist, Simon, arrives at the museum to start work. But it becomes repetitive and boring as we learn of the death of his sister and his feelings of guilt. The last bit of the book is exciting. Overall this book was good but not great.

Page 155. Simon becomes angry after reading Mueller‘s diary entry about a meteor impact. Why? It seemed like a logical conclusion.Why is he so closed minded.

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A collection of 25 different horror stories. Some are very gruesome. All the stories were good, but my favorite were The Green-Eyed Monster and Tall, Dark and Rancid.

dabbe Yikes! What a cover! 😱 4mo
CoverToCoverGirl Terrifying cover.. 😲 4mo
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I remember when this book came outand all the outrage over certain passages. There are some interesting passages, but a lot of the time it feels overwritten and confusing. There are a lot of characters introduced and many of them make more than one appearance. The two main characters are not very likable. I feel like this could have been much shorter and still gotten the point accross. Still, there are portions of the book that will stick with me.

Ladygodiva7 I have this book, got it for a $1. Wasn‘t sure if I‘d ever read it…. 5mo
Erinreadsthebooks I have some figurines that look like those. I love them 😍 5mo
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Wow, this book was not what I expected. A story about a 49 year old woman experiencing strange menopausal symptoms morphed into a story about a religious cult in the desert. The theme of how older women are not seen by society. This was pretty thought provoking, and also pretty gory.

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The first 70% was so engrossing and chilling. I was very invested. Then it went full on bat sh*t crazy. I was left feeling unsure of what was actually happening. I think it‘s left to the readers to decide if Angela is hallucinating or if something supernatural is actually occurring. This was a good read.

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Fear of the Dark | Trevor Baxendale
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I am not too familiar with the Fifth Doctor‘s adventures. I enjoyed this book and it made me want to check out his season. This book gave me Aliens vibes. The Dark as a character was very creepy. The Doctor was very fallible in this story.

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The first casualty of the year. My 7 month old puppy destroyed my book. At least most of the damage is to the cover so it is still readable. 🙄

IndoorDame Oh, no! 🤞🏼he‘ll grow out of that habit soon 😆 5mo
Tamra 😜 we can relate. 5mo
DGRachel Ahhh, the everything is a chew toy phase. Good luck! 5mo
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LeahBergen I can relate, too. 😆 5mo
Soubhiville Uh oh! 5mo
TheBookgeekFrau 😣 My yellow lab chewed on a couple of my books when she was a puppy. She's been gone 20yrs now, so if it's any consolation, know that whenever I come across one of those books now it makes me smile 🐶 (edited) 5mo
Ruthiella Aww! Books and puppies are a dangerous combination! ❤️🐶 5mo
HeyT Well that was certainly an 'awakening of terror' for the book I'd say. 5mo
batsy @HeyT 😆 5mo
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