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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This is May's #ClassicLSFBC selection. I have tried for several weeks to get it read. I just couldn't do it. The writing style was not for me. Also, I thought the characters lacked likeability. Bailed at 22%. #HailTheBail

@RamsFan1963 You are spot on with your review of this book.

julesG Phew, am I glad I'm not alone. I didn't dare to post a review because I thought I was the only one struggling 7d
TheSpineView @julesG I don't get what others saw in this one. 7d
julesG I'm bailing on Seveneves too. Which makes it four books by the author that I just couldn't. It's either me, or him. But I think it's him. 🤣🤣 7d
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Susanita As Anne Bogel says: It‘s never just you. 7d
Ruthiella I finished it but it wasn‘t easy! 😂 There are plenty of other readers who love it, which is great, but it‘s not my cup of tea. #allhailthebail 7d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 7d
RamsFan1963 It just doesn't age well, what might have been cutting edge at the time has turned cliche. I might have to add him to my list of writers I just don't get. 6d
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Um. If you‘re still with me congratulations ..
I don‘t have words. I hate everyone then I read a good quote then I hate everyone.

☘️💚☘️Happy St Pattys day I just spotted a few snowflakes and I‘m off to start prep for my huge dinner of Cottage pie, leek soup, yeast rolls, lime jello of course and mint ice cream and cookies.

I thank you for Sundays and sticking with me!! ♥️

mcctrish I‘m still here, rage reading 🤣 and despite myself a snippet draws me in and I‘m engaged. But I can not wait to be done with this!!! The lime jello sounds so good to me! We are having corned beef, colcannon and homemade shamrock shakes tonight. Maybe a shot of whiskey 🥃 too 3mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I‘m thinking Irish coffee tonight as I read .. 3mo
vlwelser @mcctrish 💯 every time I lose all hope with this, she throws in an interesting or insightful gem. But it's torture. 3mo
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mcctrish @vlwelser torture is correct 3mo
AmyG Hahahahahaha. I hate them all, too. And spot on with the random gem. I will finish this Nobel prize in literature if it‘s the last thing I ever do. 3mo
Librarybelle I am behind, but really hope to catch up by the end of the month! I‘m not far enough to contribute to this week‘s discussion other than to say I‘m not liking the characters either. 3mo
IndoorDame 💯 there with you guys! Rage reading, determined to finish mostly out of spite, but then she‘ll say something genuinely intriguing and I‘ll want to finish for real, at least for another page or two till I hate everyone again.🤣Happy St. Patty‘s Day! ☘️ 3mo
quietlycuriouskate Together, we've got this! 3mo
BarkingMadRead I 💯 bailed and I‘m not sorry about it 🤣 I couldn‘t get into it and I had too much other stuff going on 🤣 3mo
mollyrotondo I was really enjoying this book up until this section lol this section took me the longest to get through. It was just a lot of the same especially with the men and it seemed to move slower. I hope part 4 draws me in more because we are so close to finishing! 2mo
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All Good People Here | Ashley Flowers
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Gah! There‘s a reason I don‘t read thrillers. Too many twists, not enough characterization, I rolled my eyes so many times. And, of course, it leaned heavily on my pet peeve of the character knowing something without revealing it to the reader. I only read this because I like Crime Junkie—I‘ll know better in the future!

I waited to take this picture until I had a different cat in my lap. Magrat was not a fan of being used as a Kindle prop 😹

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 + 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly @dabbe Not as good as #allhailthebail but I like it 😂 3mo
dabbe @Clare-Dragonfly I had a harder time rhyming something with “pan“! 🤩😍😂 3mo
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The Lost Symbol | Dan Brown
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Not a fan. I'm about 20% in and have lost interest. The villain is a tiresome mustache twirler. This seems like a pale copy of The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons which I loved. On to something else! It's an obnoxiously cold day in Minnesota. Perfect for coffee and books!

TheBookHippie I agree 🥶 in the Mitten on the lake too 🥶 also #allhailthebail 5mo
Prairiegirl_reading I did not like this either. I‘m not giving Dan Brown any more of my money until he personally comes to my house and gives me my money back for this one! 🤭🤭 5mo
Sparklemn @prairegirl_reading Send him over to my house if he stops by 😁 5mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 💜🩶💜 5mo
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Well. I don't know what I expected from a story about the most boring Bennett sister. But this 460 page book is about 200 pages too long. I am 40% (of 180) in and Charlotte Lucas not liking her husband but ruling the house is the most interesting part. I have been starting at the book all day and cannot bring myself to pick it back up again. I absolutely am not making it to the end so I am bailing now.

LiteraryinLawrence Yeah, I bailed on this too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Ruthiella It did turn into its own thing by the end, but the fact that the author rehashed the entire plot of P&P for almost the first half really did make it drag unnecessarily. (edited) 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Ruthiella I feel like l ironically just got to where it was starting to look up but the thought of another 300 or so pages was too overwhelming. I am going to finish the book in my own head. In my version Mary ends up happily with Charlotte. 😂 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I was also annoyed that full quotes were pulled into this from P&P. I don't want to recite parts of your book with you when I have not read your book yet! After the 4th or so time of that I was just not vibing with the book. 5mo
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DNF‘d this one probably later than I should have. The premise is an interesting one. Rose begins to be able to taste the emotions of others by eating the food they prepare when she turns 9. The narrative is very disjointed and kind of dull tbh and it just gets weirder when other family “gifts” are revealed. Still want to try this lemon chocolate combo tho 😝 #AllHailTheBail

Monsters of Templeton | Lauren Groff
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My sister loved this book. But I just don‘t connect with any of the characters. I‘ve been reading this on and off for over a month. That‘s enough. I‘m done.

Deblovestoread To give credit where it‘s due I stole #hailthebail from @Cinfhen 😁 8mo
Cinfhen Thanks for the shoutout @Deblovestoread 😘 8mo
Cinfhen And I‘ve heard mixed things about this book- so agreed… it was time to evoke the bail #AllHailTheBail 8mo
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I finished RC but was still waiting for Memory of Animals as of Thursday, so I cancelled the hold and moved on to other books. Like Children of God which is a little intense just like The Sparrow.

Likewise, somewhere along the line I lost the thread of Silence of Bones. I also started another, lighter mystery that didn‘t work for me either, so I pivoted to next month‘s library book club selection.


Cinfhen There‘s something really satisfying about bailing!!! I love it!! #AllHailTheBail 🙌🏻 9mo
Susanita @Cinfhen Yes, there really is! 9mo
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The Boys | Katie Hafner
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This is a topic I think about often…How many people DNF vs stick with the book til the end? Do you count your DNFs towards your annual reading goals? What‘s a popular book you just could not make yourself finish? What makes you DNF a book? How much do you generally read before you DNF? #bookishtopics #ProDNF #ReadWhatYouLove #ProudDNFer #ReadingShouldBeEnjoyable&NotAChore!

BooksNBowls I try NOT to DNF but if a book is boring or I haven‘t picked it back up after a week or 2 I usually just skim the last few pages to see what I missed. I do count them because it‘s a mark off my TBR! I DNFed The Glass Hotel by Simone St. James. It wasn‘t for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
Ruthiella I rarely DNF and I admire those who do. 10mo
SassyBookworm I rarely DNF bc I‘m super selective about what I read. I definitely know my genre and rarely venture out of that. Last popular book I DNF was A Discovery of Witches. A friend had suggested it but it was super slow & I got so bored (even tried the tv show, didn‘t like it either). 10mo
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Clwojick @BooksNBowls I count them too, so long as it‘s a true DNF, as opposed to just putting it down with the intent to pick up later. I DNF at least a few books a month. If I have no interest in the characters and the plot, or the writing or narrator gets on my nerves then I‘ll just bail. I try to give it 25% or 100 pages, but sometimes I can tell within the first 20 mins of reading that it‘ll be a DNF. 😅 10mo
TheBookHippie I DNF after 50 -75 pages (if it‘s really bad 50) and then try one more time later after a few months or even a year. I count them as well. Read it didn‘t like it didn‘t finish if someone asks. I think I DNF every single camp Litsy so far this summer 🤭😵‍💫😅😮‍💨😝 10mo
Clwojick @SassyBookworm my reading is all over the place, and I‘ve been trying to read outside of my comfort zone (fantasy, retellings, historical fiction, historical romance, paranormal romance, dark romance, etc), so that‘s definitely come with more DNFs then usual. I‘ve found some true gems in the process, but a lot of duds too! 10mo
booklover3258 I DNF around page 50. I do not count these books as my part of my goal for the number of books read. I still review them. The most popular book I DNF'd was The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. I DNF if I find the story boring or not to my taste. 10mo
Clwojick @TheBookHippie wait, what‘s camp Litsy? 10mo
Clwojick @ruthiella ****compliment taken! ☺️☺️☺️☺️ 10mo
TheBookHippie @Clwojick #camplitsy read chosen books that were voted on and discuss I think it‘s 6 books total it‘s been different every summer they might be using #camplitsy2023 or #camplitsy23 10mo
Clwojick Hmmmm, I‘ll have to keep my eyes peeled for that next year.🤍 @TheBookHippie 10mo
TheBookHippie @Clwojick It is a lot of fun I‘ve had an unusual summer so I‘m not as involved .. I‘ll make a note and I‘ll tag ya 😊- they start voting way before summer hits on what we‘re reading it‘s a total voting thing. We all get input. 10mo
Clwojick @TheBookHippie Is there usually a theme, or a mix of genres? 10mo
TheBookHippie @Clwojick newly published is all this year required I think had to be published in 2023 or 2022-23. It gets tweaked and changed yearly generally. I believe this was year three. (edited) 10mo
marleed If possible, I‘ll power through because sometimes reading what I don‘t like makes me appreciate what I do like. I dnf books that I find offensive - that‘s typically when I didn‘t anticipate the author pushing a political or religious issue agenda that makes me queasy. Often, before a dnf, I switch formats and that helps. I‘m not a fan of prissy narration I might hear in HF (often mid 1900 HF), but the same story in print reads fine to me. 10mo
vivastory I used to very rarely dnf my books, I've found that over the past couple of years my reading patterns have changed as my work demands have changed. Most of my quality reading time now occurs during time off or over the weekend, so I might pick up a book and be legitimately enjoying it at first but for a variety of reasons will have to set it aside for awhile. This recently happened to me with a Donna Tartt. To me this is different than a dnf. 10mo
BooksNBowls @Clwojick it do be like that sometimes 🤣🤣 10mo
BooksNBowls @marleed I switch between formats too! Sometimes audiobooks are a lifesaver! 10mo
marleed @BooksNBowls oh I feel the same - when the opportunity presents itself, my favorite way to read is having the print version then setting the audio speed to match my reading speed. Or even alternating between the two on a book. Without audio (and Libby), I would likely never have expanded outside my go to genres. 10mo
Clwojick @marleed I agree hole-heartedly! I would never venture outside of my regular genres without audio…. It‘s also my go to for non-fiction. Being able to speed up the narration is a life saver. I‘m still holding out hope that the audiobook platforms will bring it up to 3.5x or 4x. 10mo
Vansa I have now decided to start not finishing books of within the first 50 pages they don't grab me.So many books written recently are so bad that it's easy to DNF! 10mo
julesG @Vansa That's exactly how I approach books these days. I used to force myself through books, but changed the habit a few years ago. I Marie Kondo'd my reading: if it doesn't spark joy, it has to go. 10mo
Larkken @BooksNBowls I‘m with you on skimming the end! I‘ve finished a couple books that should have been dnfs because I “needed” to know what happens! Being able to dnf when the story is boring or poorly written or the characters are super unlikable is a wonderful feeling so long as I know what is going to happen. Personally, otessa moshfeghs books have all been dnfs for me. Frankenstein I only finished bc I used the audio turned up to 2x! 10mo
Larkken @BooksNBowls @marleed @Clwojick if I‘m struggling with an eyeball read I often try on audio, too. It‘s a sure sign that I‘m hating it (but want to know what happens) if i turn the speed all the way up. 😜 10mo
Vansa @julesG exactly! Her approach makes sense, honestly.And the older I get,the more I feel that I have less time to read exactly what I want🙈🙈 10mo
PuddleJumper I always used to finish books in case they suddenly got better. Spoiler; they rarely did. If a book doesn't grab me or I'm eye rolling myself stupid then I dnf. I will still count it, if I don't I'd probably pick it up again a few years later and be disappointed again 🤣 10mo
Kitta I rarely dnf books, and if I do I don‘t count them towards my goal. Mainly because when I read the Life of Pi I was so bored until the ending and that changed my whole outlook on the book. What if the ending is great like that? It could be worth it. So I persevere. (edited) 10mo
Kitta I agree with @marleed though, if it‘s offensive I give up, give it away to a charity shop or once trashed it completely so no one else would have to read the words. 10mo
Kitta @Clwojick @TheBookHippie #camplistsy is great, I end up reading outside my usual choices, and sometimes it‘s a great read. I skipped half of the books entirely this year because I was in a reading slump though, so I‘m not voting. I enjoyed Yellowface and am reading The Memory of Animals now, though I think I‘m going to be the only one who likes this book 😂. There are some problems but I want to know what happens. (edited) 10mo
BarbaraJean I very rarely DNF, but am trying to let myself do it more! If I do bail, I don‘t count it toward my goal. For NF I bail if I‘m not getting much out of it. I sometimes skim through the rest & if I do that, I‘ll count it as read. For fiction I have a harder time bailing because like @Kitta said, sometimes the ending changes everything! Tagged is one I haaaaated but kept hoping would get better. I bailed maybe 3/4 through & wish I‘d stopped sooner! 10mo
MatchlessMarie I have an exclusive “bailed” shelf on goodreads so it still counts towards my goal as long as I put my start and end dates but keeps them separate from my read shelf. I do occasionally give DNF‘d books another go and sometimes it‘s just a matter of finding the right format for the book or not being in the right headspace to read it at the time. But I am definitely team #AllHailTheBail 10mo
Clwojick @MatchlessMarie #AllHailtheBail! I love that! 😍 10mo
SilversReviews I used to stick with a book, but if it isn‘t catching my interest by Page 50 or at least 25%, it is DONE. 😊 8mo
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