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Here are a few questions to get us started on the discussion of The Three-Body Promblem. This is just a guide, you are welcome to discuss anything. #LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47 @Lizpixie @Ruthiella

Bookwomble Q1: While the mechanism for contact was, necessarily, speculative, the SETI approach did seem realistic to me. Q2. I thought this was less about disarmament and more about maintaining technological superiority during the relativistic journey between star systems, which coincidentally is a theme of the tagged #ClassicLSFBC book for June 2024. Q3. I've completely forgotten who the listener is! Can you remind me? 😊 1d
Ruthiella 1. I thought the way contact was initiated was realistic. Both sides are looking for contact but not 100% sure what to do once it‘s made. 2. I think the reaction of the Trisolarians is understandable. Why would other life forms be benign to humans? If they are anything like humans, they wouldn‘t be. 3. I think both Ye and the listener are similar in that they are small cogs trying to make a difference. (edited) 19h
Roary47 This book was so witty. As a Science teacher I find that students don‘t get “simple” concepts anymore. When we had moments such as moving the pool table and the different possibilities of sinking that ball. Just in the 9 years I have taught the quality of their understanding and learning has depreciated. Critical thinking I hope will make a come back. 18h
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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The #20in4 readathon hosted by @Andrew65 starts today. I have three books I want to get finished and two books for book clubs I want to start. I'll be happy if I can get all that done.

#SeriesLove2024 #OoKBookClub @julesG #ClassicLSFBC @RamsFan1963 #LitsySciFiBookClub

JamieArc I‘m a fan of Reisz‘s Saints and Sinners series 😁🔥 2d
Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😊 2d
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Goliath | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi is the winner for June. It is available for free to read, in the US, if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription. Even my tiny local library had a physical copy and ebook format also. This book has a number of accolades so I am hoping it lives up to the hype. Enjoy!
Anyone who wants to be added or removed from the tag list let me know.
@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark

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#LitsySciFiBookClub #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 I struggled with the first three chapters because they weren‘t science fiction-y, they were about the horrific things that happened in the Chinese “Cultural Revolution” of the 1960s. But it did establish characters and the basis for their beliefs and actions. It turned into an intriguing story. I don‘t know if I‘ll continue the series but time and mood will tell.

TheSpineView Great job!👍🤩📖 6d
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6d
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Untitled | Anonymous
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repost for @TheSpineView

Voting is now open to pick the June selection for the #LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC. Voting will be open through Tuesday. I checked with my library, and three of these books are available online: All Systems Red, The Fated Sky and Goliath. The other two are not overly pricey on Amazon at 9.99 and 4.99.


original post:

TheSpineView Thanks! 7d
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Untitled | Untitled
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Voting is now open to pick the June selection for the #LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC. Voting will be open through Tuesday. I checked with my library, and three of these books are available online: All Systems Red, The Fated Sky and Goliath. The other two are not overly pricey on Amazon at 9.99 and 4.99.

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47

majkia All Systems Red! 7d
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julesG Sticking to my nomination, but I'm open for any of them. 7d
wanderinglynn I vote for 7d
BookmarkTavern I really loved The Calculating Stars, so 7d
CaroPi This is a tricky one. I read all systems in red and I love murderbot... But the idea is to read something new... I will go with 7d
Lizpixie I‘m voting for this one as I‘d planned on a reread of Murderbot anyway coz I‘ve just bought the latest one! 7d
Ruthiella I‘ll vote for 7d
CatLass007 From what I‘ve seen so far, this one is going to be close. 7d
The_Literary_Jedi I‘d love to join in with you! Goliath is available in KU if anyone has a subscription 7d
Karisimo Sounds good! Same thoughts as @CaroPi (edited) 7d
TheSpineView @The_Literary_Jedi Do you want me to add you to the tag list? You are also welcome to shadow us. 7d
RamsFan1963 I'm voting for my selection 7d
The_Literary_Jedi Yes, please add me! Thank you! 6d
Roary47 My vote is for All Systems Red 6d
kwmg40 I‘ll vote for 6d
TheSpineView @The_Literary_Jedi Will do! Be sure to vote. 6d
AmandaBlaze I'm going with my rec, though I'm interested in several of these as well. 6d
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Untitled | Unknown
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My Memorial Day weekend plans are set with these three books. I especially have to get more in to The Three Body Problem for #LitsySciFiBookClub. The other two are my #Roll100 picks for May.

Leftcoastzen Love the Bainbridge cover, seems of its time?! (edited) 1w
Ruthiella @Leftcoastzen You are spot on! 👍 It is from the 1975 first US edition that I have out from the library. 1w
BarbaraBB I enjoyed the Bainbridge - the only one I read by her. 1w
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB This is the only book from her so far for me. She reminds me of Muriel Spark. 1w
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3✨I finished this quite a while ago and didn‘t know how to review it. It was entertaining enough that I wanted to continue. It was witty, had a lot of science concepts (some easy, and some you really needed to think about). I was slightly confused the majority of the time. I think it was just too witty for me. #LitsySciFiBookClub

TheSpineView Great job! I agree on the witty comment. 1w
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#LSFBC #LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView @CatLass007

I liked this from the beginning, but didn't feel connected with it until a little over halfway through. I like the ideas in it, and the narrative sweep. There aren't any particularly engaging characters in it - perhaps wily police officer Da Shi, but he's not exactly a nice guy - so it's really about the ideas and how they're linked, which I found interesting. It was also interesting to ⬇️

Bookwomble ... pick up some of the triumverates in the story, though whether they were deliberate or apophenic I'm not sure. 4⭐
I wasn't sure I'd bother to read the other books in the series, but having finished this one I think I will at some point.
Kitta I‘m watching the show, it‘s great. 2w
Bookwomble @Kitta I paused watching to read the book spoiler-free, but I'll restart now I've finished. Good to hear it's a good show 😊 2w
Lesliereadsalot The show is really good. Better than the books and I liked the books. 2w
Bookwomble @Lesliereadsalot I've rewatched the first episode, and it's so different to the book that I find it annoying. However, I'm going to set that aside and watch it as it's own thing, not least because then I get to enjoy Benedict Wong as Da Shi: I've had a soft spot for him since his part as lovely but put-upon Errol in 15 Stories High, a British sitcom of the early 2000s. 1w
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#LitsySciFiBookClub I read an article about this book a couple of years ago and thought it sounded interesting, so I added it to my Audible library. Three months in a row I nominated it for this buddy read. Now I‘ve listened to the first two chapters and I‘m finding it extremely depressing, even disturbing. This is not a review. I‘m not bailing. I plan to listen to the entire book. Because I haven‘t even gotten to the science fiction part yet.

RamsFan1963 @CatLass007 Yeah the first part didn't seem like sci-fi to me either, but it gets there eventually 2w
CatLass007 @RamsFan1963 Thank you. I believe it will get there eventually but I didn‘t realize I was going to have to wade through the other stuff to get there. 2w
Bookwomble It took me about 50 pages to get into it. It does get more engaging, though I'm not 100% sold yet. 2w
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CatLass007 @Bookwomble Thank you. Maybe if I were reading it in print instead of listening to it on audio I wouldn‘t find it so disturbing. But I don‘t know. 2w
Bookwomble I've finished. The first part is relevant to how the story develops, and I found it more engaging the further in I got. Worth persevering with, I thought 🙂 How're you getting on with it? 2w
CatLass007 @Bookwomble I‘m about halfway through and it did get better. I‘m not going to rush out and buy the rest of the series but I‘ll probably get to at least one more later in the year. 2w
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