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The Three-Body Problem
The Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
The Three-Body Problem is the first chance for English-speaking readers to experience this multiple award winning phenomenon from China's most beloved science fiction author, Liu Cixin.Set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion. The result is a science fiction masterpiece of enormous scope and vision.
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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Just finished my first ever audio book. I was mostly listening it when I were painting. My college recommended to me. I have seen the Netflix series and I liked it. But the book is totally different I think sljghtly better than the series. So I bought all the three books and now I am reading the second part.

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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Trying this as an audiobook! Wish me luck 😂

Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 1mo
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I found it helpful to first listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson explain on YouTube what the Three Body Problem is re: physics, calculus and orbital mechanics before I started this book. This is a first contact novel where the aliens and the humans are at odds, but neither is especially superior technologically than the other at least at the outset. Translated from Chinese, which made it doubly interesting-seeing the world from a non-western perspective.

vivastory I'm glad that this one worked for you! 3mo
Ruthiella @vivastory I‘m definitely going to read the trilogy. 👍 3mo
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CatLass007 Wow. I wish I‘d thought of that. But it‘s not too late to watch the YouTube video. I have a hold at the library for the second book. 3mo
Ruthiella @CatLass007 I think it‘d be also enlightening to watch it now. Having a general idea of it beforehand helped me understand the virtual reality game in the book, for sure. 3mo
CatLass007 I just finished watching it and it helps quite a bit. 3mo
rwmg For me, the game scenarios were the best thing in the book. I'm disappointed they don't play a larger role in the Netflix version. 3mo
Lesliereadsalot Only two books left to go! Really looking forward to the next two years of the tv series. 3mo
Ruthiella @rwmg That is disappointing. They would be spectacular if brought to life on film. 3mo
Ruthiella @Lesliereadsalot I know! Hopefully it won‘t take me years to get to them. 🤞 3mo
rwmg They had some, and it was spectacular, it just didn't loom as large as it did in my memories of the book 3mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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#BOTM picked!! I really want to read this, I‘m loving the show. They only had the audiobook but I‘m trying to get into more audio reading so that‘s perfect!

Cant wait for the start of #camplitsy24 I‘m starting on Clear before tackling this!

Booksbymybed I keep hearing good things about this book! 4mo
Kitta @Booksbymybed me too! A friend recommended reading it and so I wanted a copy. 4mo
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Here are a few questions to get us started on the discussion of The Three-Body Promblem. This is just a guide, you are welcome to discuss anything. #LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47 @Lizpixie @Ruthiella

Bookwomble Q1: While the mechanism for contact was, necessarily, speculative, the SETI approach did seem realistic to me. Q2. I thought this was less about disarmament and more about maintaining technological superiority during the relativistic journey between star systems, which coincidentally is a theme of the tagged #ClassicLSFBC book for June 2024. Q3. I've completely forgotten who the listener is! Can you remind me? 😊 4mo
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Ruthiella 1. I thought the way contact was initiated was realistic. Both sides are looking for contact but not 100% sure what to do once it‘s made. 2. I think the reaction of the Trisolarians is understandable. Why would other life forms be benign to humans? If they are anything like humans, they wouldn‘t be. 3. I think both Ye and the listener are similar in that they are small cogs trying to make a difference. (edited) 4mo
Roary47 This book was so witty. As a Science teacher I find that students don‘t get “simple” concepts anymore. When we had moments such as moving the pool table and the different possibilities of sinking that ball. Just in the 9 years I have taught the quality of their understanding and learning has depreciated. Critical thinking I hope will make a come back. 4mo
kwmg40 I had good intentions to reread this book last month but couldn't manage to get to it. However, I just received part 1 of the graphic-novel adaptation of this book, translated to English,, in my Hugo Voter's Packet. I don't think it's widely available elsewhere yet. Anyhow, I'll return to this discussion after I've read this adaptation. 4mo
CaroPi I forgot to answer on time... 1. Yes I think that a first contact can be like this... The messages send it to space are heard... 2. I am sure that stopping the science for humanity will not stop us from defending ourselves. They are great strategies that don't require science... Our brain is our must powerful tool. 3. No really. Yes didn't appreciate humanity even after her daughter was born and people helped her 3mo
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#LitsySciFiBookClub #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 I struggled with the first three chapters because they weren‘t science fiction-y, they were about the horrific things that happened in the Chinese “Cultural Revolution” of the 1960s. But it did establish characters and the basis for their beliefs and actions. It turned into an intriguing story. I don‘t know if I‘ll continue the series but time and mood will tell.

TheSpineView Great job!👍🤩📖 4mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 4mo
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3✨I finished this quite a while ago and didn‘t know how to review it. It was entertaining enough that I wanted to continue. It was witty, had a lot of science concepts (some easy, and some you really needed to think about). I was slightly confused the majority of the time. I think it was just too witty for me. #LitsySciFiBookClub

TheSpineView Great job! I agree on the witty comment. 4mo
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#LSFBC #LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView @CatLass007

I liked this from the beginning, but didn't feel connected with it until a little over halfway through. I like the ideas in it, and the narrative sweep. There aren't any particularly engaging characters in it - perhaps wily police officer Da Shi, but he's not exactly a nice guy - so it's really about the ideas and how they're linked, which I found interesting. It was also interesting to ⬇️

Bookwomble ... pick up some of the triumverates in the story, though whether they were deliberate or apophenic I'm not sure. 4⭐
I wasn't sure I'd bother to read the other books in the series, but having finished this one I think I will at some point.
Kitta I‘m watching the show, it‘s great. 4mo
Bookwomble @Kitta I paused watching to read the book spoiler-free, but I'll restart now I've finished. Good to hear it's a good show 😊 4mo
Lesliereadsalot The show is really good. Better than the books and I liked the books. 4mo
Bookwomble @Lesliereadsalot I've rewatched the first episode, and it's so different to the book that I find it annoying. However, I'm going to set that aside and watch it as it's own thing, not least because then I get to enjoy Benedict Wong as Da Shi: I've had a soft spot for him since his part as lovely but put-upon Errol in 15 Stories High, a British sitcom of the early 2000s. 4mo
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#LitsySciFiBookClub I read an article about this book a couple of years ago and thought it sounded interesting, so I added it to my Audible library. Three months in a row I nominated it for this buddy read. Now I‘ve listened to the first two chapters and I‘m finding it extremely depressing, even disturbing. This is not a review. I‘m not bailing. I plan to listen to the entire book. Because I haven‘t even gotten to the science fiction part yet.

RamsFan1963 @CatLass007 Yeah the first part didn't seem like sci-fi to me either, but it gets there eventually 4mo
CatLass007 @RamsFan1963 Thank you. I believe it will get there eventually but I didn‘t realize I was going to have to wade through the other stuff to get there. 4mo
Bookwomble It took me about 50 pages to get into it. It does get more engaging, though I'm not 100% sold yet. 4mo
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CatLass007 @Bookwomble Thank you. Maybe if I were reading it in print instead of listening to it on audio I wouldn‘t find it so disturbing. But I don‘t know. 4mo
Bookwomble I've finished. The first part is relevant to how the story develops, and I found it more engaging the further in I got. Worth persevering with, I thought 🙂 How're you getting on with it? 4mo
CatLass007 @Bookwomble I‘m about halfway through and it did get better. I‘m not going to rush out and buy the rest of the series but I‘ll probably get to at least one more later in the year. 4mo
Bookwomble @CatLass007 🙂👍 4mo
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50/150 To be honest, I don't get the hype surrounding this book. Yes I found the story interesting, and I'm giving it a pick, a low pick, but I don't think it's anything especially ground breaking. I can't imagine I'd make it past the first episode of the TV series. I'll be interested to see what the other members of #LitsySciFiBookClub think, if I'm in the minority on this. 3.25/5. @TheSpineView

quietlycuriouskate It was a low pick for me. Not a bad book by any means but, like you, I don't get the hype. 4mo
Ruthiella Curious to see where I‘ll land. I haven‘t started yet. Still making my way through 4mo
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Lesliereadsalot Really liked all three books in the trilogy and thought the tv series was terrific. By the way I‘m also BearsFan2024 (haha) 4mo
TheSpineView I agree with you on this one. 4mo
batsy I loved it, especially reading the trilogy and seeing the whole arc of it. But the writing/translation is not doing it for some readers and I get it. 4mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 4mo
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Starting this for the #LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView
I watched the first episode of the Netflix series, but Mrs B wasn't taken with it, then the book was nominated for the group read, so I've paused the show to avoid spoilers.
I see this has mixed reviews, but I'm partial to some hard sci fi, so have hopes for an enjoyable read 😊📡👽

TheSpineView Enjoy!💙📖📘 4mo
Lesliereadsalot Well worth your time (and these books take awhile!). Gotta read the next two when you finish this one. 4mo
rwmg I have watched part of the Netflix series, but they seem to have downplayed what I thought was the most fascinating part of the book, or at any rate the part which looms most in my memory from when I read it 7 or 8 years ago
Bookwomble @Lesliereadsalot I'm finding this first one reasonably good going, though I'm not that far in. I was slightly put off when I realised it's a series, as I'm not sure I want to commit, bit ill have to see how I feel at the end! 🙂 4mo
Bookwomble @rwmg Oh, that's interesting 🙂 I'll finish the book, and then see if I have a continued interest in watching the series. 4mo
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Tge Kindle version is on sale for the next 5 hours.

TheSpineView 😎 Cool 5mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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repost for @TheSpineView:

The Three-Body Problem is the winner for May's #LitsySciFiBookClub selection. My local library has this available. Kindle price is $11.99 and used from $7.15 on Amazon. I noticed one slightly loved copy on ebay for .99 + 4.87 shipping.

original post:


TheSpineView Thank you! 5mo
RamsFan1963 They also have it on Spotify if you have a Premium account. 4mo
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The Three-Body Problem is the winner for May's #LitsySciFiBookClub selection. My local library has this available. Kindle price is $11.99 and used from $7.15 on Amazon. I noticed one slightly loved copy on ebay for .99 + 4.87 shipping.

Open discussion for April's selection, The Calculating Stars, will being in a couple of days.

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I can‘t give this enough stars! Flew through this hard hitting science fiction story. The concepts alone are mind blowing. Don‘t be afraid of the hard science behind it, don‘t let it intimidate you. You definitely don‘t want to miss out on this one. Bring on book 2!

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Lesliereadsalot Half way through book 2! Did you watch the Netflix series? 5mo
BookMaven9 I haven‘t yet. We are going to watch it now that I read the book. Very excited 5mo
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Just finished watching the Netflix version of 3 Body Problem and thoroughly enjoyed it - although of course the books are better. As @vivastory said in his review they had to make changes for cost and marketing reasons. In my heart i always want the entire complexity on screen with no conjoining of characters - but thats never possible. I loved seeing the game in full glory, and the Ye Wenjie section was PERFECT. Love Benedict Wong too 🙌

Centique I havent read the third book yet and there was only one spoiler for the third book so that was lucky for me. I hope, hope, hope we get the second series! 5mo
vivastory I read an article recently with the showrunners & they said that their vision for future seasons would be a second season for book 2 & then two seasons for the third book. This def made sense to me. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, but I was def won over by the end. 5mo
Centique @vivastory yes same. I didnt love having the characters recreated into the Oxford Five - but i can see that that would be useful for a through line to the narrative and for more engagement/emotions with the audience. 5mo
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batsy Now I'm really looking forward to it! Things have been so crazy at home that I just haven't had time. 5mo
Centique @batsy i hope things settle down for you and its not so busy 💕 One benefit of watching it with my 13yo is the constant “can we watch another one now, can we?” He is my enabler 😂 5mo
batsy @Centique Thank you 💜 That's so cute about your son. My nephew was here for a visit and he was trying to get me to watch this and a few other shows too but we also had to go out a lot and eat his favourite local food, too. There's only so many hours in a day 😆 Aren't the kids great; they make sure we don't miss out 😂 5mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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Just reread this first book of the trilogy and starting book 2. For sci-if fans, this one is great reading. On Kindle it‘s easy to flip back to the list of characters as it‘s a little tricky keeping all the Chinese names straight. Can‘t wait to find out if the alien civilization gets to earth!! Highly recommend the Netflix series!

batsy Enjoy your journey with the rest of the trilogy 💫 5mo
Cathythoughts It does sound tricky keeping the characters straight. 😳 Sounds like your enjoying it ♥️ 5mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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I have to say we‘re enjoying the Netflix show of this series. I haven‘t read the books, but now I‘m thinking I should! If only as I will want to know what happens after series one.
Although I will be thinking differently about getting on a cruise ship this summer…

vivastory The Panama Canal episode.. incredible. This is one of my favorite SF trilogies of all-time. Definitely recommend checking it out. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I haven't watched the show yet but what I gather it is vastly different because Netflix wanted to take most all of the politics out, and spread the story more globally. The book itself is mostly set in China and is fairly political. I enjoyed it even though it was a complex storyline. 5mo
batsy I just finished the trilogy which I loved. It's dense and very idea-heavy. I'm excited to start the TV show soon! 5mo
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Cosmos_Moon @vivastory @ChaoticMissAdventures @batsy intrigued! So I looked this up and there‘s a 4th book! Going to check these out 🤩 5mo
Mrs_B @vivastory yep, the panama canal episode. I watched it from underneath a blanket. 😩 5mo
Mrs_B @chaoticmissadventures that's really helpful to know - thank you! 5mo
Mrs_B @batsy I hope you enjoy it! 5mo
Mrs_B @cosmos_moon good find! 5mo
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A little too hard sci-fi for me. I‘m a bit bored and lost. I still look forward to the Netflix series though as the concepts are interesting.



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This is from the author's afterword, which I don't agree with but provides a glimpse into the impetus behind the series. I appreciate his grand, romantic view of science & the wonder it inspires. The novel itself is frustrating & flawed because the writing ranges from the beautiful to the almost prosaic level of a Wikipedia entry. But I am fascinated about the themes that come up & am keen to read the rest before the Netflix series comes out!

AnnR I'm guessing the author isn't a fan of literature. 12mo
batsy @AnnR It appears so! But an interesting claim for him to make, because inevitably he produces literature to convey the magic and wonder of science in his novels 🙂 11mo
AnnR @batsy Good point! 🙂 11mo
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A pick with caveats. It's good, just not the book I wanted it to be.
Wow does he put the science in sci-fi! There are intriguing ideas here but there's a tonne of "telling" and Wenjie is the only real character: the others are little more than pegs to hang ideas on. I zipped through its 400 pages but I'm not sure there's enough *story* to make me want to read the subsequent volumes. If I don't actually care what happens, what's the point, right?

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Ambitious, mysterious, challenging, and unsettling describe this landmark sci-fi soon to be adapted by Netflix. This unique take on first contact explores science & technology, the development of civilizations, and, most of all, what happens when people give up on humanity. Character is somewhat sacrificed to high concepts here, and I found myself thinking of Sophie‘s World but with video games and physics instead of postcards and philosophy.

KCofKaysville @underground_bks I almost started to read it. Will try again sometime! Thanks. 1y
iread2much This book was fascinating, and one of the most interesting commentaries on the effects of the Cultural Revolution I‘ve ever read. 1y
underground_bks @iread2much I was so ignorant of how violent the Cultural Revolution was! 1y
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iread2much @underground_bks it is pretty intense to learn about. 1y
underground_bks @iread2much have you read The Dark Forest? I‘m struggling 😅 1y
iread2much @underground_bks no, I barely made it through this one 😅 but I wish you luck! 1y
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu

this series is amazing. much more than science fiction and really about the human conditon.

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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What an imagination of the author ! I was not into sci-fi books but when I started to read it I couldn't stop myself and finished it in 3 days.

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Can I get some applause and cheering? I read a book outside of my comfort genres!! 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽

This was a birthday Audiobook gift from my brother in law and I mostly understood what was going on most of the time! 🤣

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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I think audio is the wrong way to go with this book. The narrator 's voice was robotic and emotionless which made the story extremely hard to pay attention to.
I am interested to see how Netflix turns these storylines into a comprehensive show. The core of the story is very interesting, and the end of this book wove the storylines together expertly.
The overall book is probably a pick but this audio didn't do it justice.

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#20in4 #Readathon @Andrew65
We are having another snow weekend. I am so ready for summer. Going to hibernate with my books and join the weekend readathon.
Hoping to make a dent in the Women's Prize long list (WP)

Goal is 4 books
3-Body Problem (#doublespin)
Homesick (WP)
Gender Queer (#transRightReadathon)
Cursed Bread (WP)
Pod (WP)

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 1y
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A very unusual and memorable sci-fi book. Really thought-provoking, couldn't stop thinking about it for a long time after having read it.

Check out our podcast about it: https://bit.ly/3fJU3o7

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This is true, hardcore, badass sci-fi. Someone in my IRL book club loaned it to me and I'm so glad she did.

It's the beginning of a trilogy that centers on what happens when humans make contact with life from another planet. The political background added so much angst to the story, and there's so much actual science used that it made my nerd heart happy.

I can't wait to start book 2. # SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Great job!💙📖 2y
Andrew65 This looks great 👏👏👏 2y
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I‘m definitely not the target audience for this kind of book. I‘ve never been big on space-based science fiction, and this one has too many characters and plot lines to follow. The writing is good and enjoyed some of the plots, but overall it just wasn‘t for me.

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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Feels like the perfect weather to stay home and read.


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Cixin Liu‘s award winning SF novel (the first in a trilogy) rises above dull characterisation and inconsistencies in plotting in part due to excellent translation by Ken Liu (who provides some context via footnotes), but also by the way the story uses both the horrors of the Cultural Revolution and the three-body problem from orbital mechanics to ground the rest of the plot. It held my attention but I don‘t know if I would automatically read on.

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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This book does an excellent job of being exactly what it is, which is an incredible story told through hard science. It doesn‘t have much literary merit but that‘s okay because that‘s not goal. Science geeks will love it but people like me will appreciate it more on the screen than on the page. Either way, it‘s an impressive story. 🚀

Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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This was unlikely anything I have read lately and it was very good! A really fresh, new take on sci-fi that left me looking forward to the next book in this trilogy.

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A few years ago, a fellow wedding guest raved about this series & now thanks to the #ReadAroundTheWorld challenge, I finally started listening to this science fiction book set in #China! While the audio performance is smooth, I have to admit this story relies on a lot of telling- and some sections made my eyes downright glaze over… I had a hard time connecting with the characters, but there are some tantalizing ideas in this alien invasion story!

Cinfhen Cool drawing 🙌🏻✨♥️ 2y
TorieStorieS @Cinfhen Thank you!! 🥰☺️🥰 2y
Currey #china and alien invasion…what more could you ask for ❤️ 2y
TorieStorieS @Currey I think the rest of the series may have more action than this one… it‘s an interesting concept though and would be a good discussion starter so I see why the person who recommended it was so anxious to discuss it! 🤣 2y
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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Intense and extremely clever hard sci-fi.

Some good twists and the connection to Chinese history - in particular the cultural revolution - is fascinating.

Character development was a bit lacking.

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Of course, before I listened to part two of this, I “re-listened” to this first part and was left very puzzled because I felt there were things in it I didn‘t hear when I listened to it the first time – about two years ago. And it turned out, this impression was true, I first listened to the audio play and not to this unabridged version.

In a way, I liked this even more than the audio play because you learn more about the Trisolarians.

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Interesting hard sci-fi concepts from China. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2021/11/17/book-the-three-body-problem-2...


This was so good, and got me to actually read non stop for 2 days. The plot was super intriguing and I kind of enjoyed that it was more about the concept and story than the characters in it. The first half was my personal favourite bit, but although the latter half feels like a lot of exposition in one go, it did help to set the stakes and frame of the trilogy. I would recommend this to friends.

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Recommended to me by my aunt. This was a really interesting book! Science fiction translated from Chinese. The book starts out during the Cultural Revolution and includes several helpful footnotes for context. The story is very compelling, even though I didn't really understand what was going on or what the overall plot was going to be until about halfway through the book. Definitely looking forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy!

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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu

Truly outstanding book. From the first pages I was hooked. Three-Body Problem is filled with wonderful and believable characters and outstanding storytelling. I‘d finish one chapter and I drive right into the next one because I had to know what happens next. This book is highly entertaining and thought provoking. Highly recommend 👍

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After seeing this recommended over and over and over, I was excited to read it. I went into it with no knowledge whatsoever. I wasn't expecting the history lesson that is the first half of the book. It is slooooow and the character building seems to take second stage to making sure you understand the politics. That said, it also ends abruptly.

MaddestMax ...The last 20 pages or so are fairly interesting and then it's just over. I believe in it's original publishing it was one book separated into 3 volumes, so I won't hold that against it. I'll read the next just to see how it plays out. It has potential. 3y
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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This book was every bit as good as everyone says and absolutely nothing like what I expected. The premise itself is mind-boggling and led me to hit Wikipedia for some physics refreshers, but also the way the novel is structured was really unusual and gave me a lot to think about on a craft level. [this is a belated post; finished May 6, 2021.] Art by Mateusz Ambrożewicz.

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For sci-if fans, I‘ve heard lots of good things about this one. #99ponkindle #kindledailydeals

rockpools Best Seller in Alien Invasion? Amazon categories are something else! (And apologies if you got a weird message there - can‘t operate a phone before my second coffee!) (edited) 3y
Caroline2 @rockpools I know!! Who does these Amazon categories for crying out loud?? They seem to get them way off a lot of the time!!! 🤦‍♀️ 3y
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This book is a SLOG, but it has many fascinating themes and ideas and I really wish I had a book club to chat all about it. The authors notes at the end was really interesting and I think perhaps an example of self delusion. 3/5 stars, a lot of description, but interesting to read. Scientists are killing themselves, one goes undercover and discovers we aren‘t alone in the universe and the aliens are coming towards earth.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good!! Start a book club ❤️📚❤️ 3y
Laughterhp This was a pick last year for the #BBBBC Litsy book club. You can see if the posts are still there and if anyone chatted about it. Just an idea. I couldn‘t get into this one 😬 3y
iread2much @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it‘s on my list! Once things get calmer at work 😄 3y
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iread2much @Laughterhp I had a hard time with it too! Thanks for the suggestion 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @iread2much yay!! 📚❤️📚 3y
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Struggling to get into this. The translation makes it read like an instruction manual half the time. Also, I‘ve had to read way more Wikipedia than I like. Just kidding, mostly.