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Stamped from the Beginning
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America | Ibram Kendi
Americans like to insist that we are living in a postracial, color-blind society. In fact, racist thought is alive and well; it has simply become more sophisticated and more insidious. And as award-winning historian Ibram X. Kendi argues in Stamped from the Beginning, racist ideas in this country have a long and lingering history, one in which nearly every great American thinker is complicit. In this deeply researched and fast-moving narrative, Kendi chronicles the entire story of antiBlack racist ideas and their staggering power over the course of American history. Stamped from the Beginning uses the lives of five major American intellectuals to offer a window into the contentious debates between assimilationists and segregationists and between racists and antiracists. From Puritan minister Cotton Mather to Thomas Jefferson, from fiery abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to brilliant scholar W. E. B. Du Bois to legendary antiprison activist Angela Davis, Kendi shows how and why some of our leading proslavery and procivil rights thinkers have challenged or helped cement racist ideas in America. As Kendi provocatively illustrates, racist thinking did not arise from ignorance or hatred. Racist ideas were created and popularized in an effort to defend deeply entrenched discriminatory policies and to rationalize the nations racial inequities in everything from wealth to health. While racist ideas are easily produced and easily consumed, they can also be discredited. In shedding muchneeded light on the murky history of racist ideas, Stamped from the Beginning offers us the tools we need to expose themand in the process, gives us reason to hope.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Excellent read if you want to know real history. Wish this was required reading in school when I was growing up. ☑️☑️

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Dr. Kendi is a must buy author for me. While this could have read like a textbook, Dr. Kendi‘s writing style makes it so compelling and easier to absorb all the dates and facts being thrown the readers way. Obviously an emotionally challenging book, but an important one. History just keeps repeating.

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I‘m reading this book *very* slowly to take in as much information as I can. I‘m being blown away by the vast amount of research and organization that went into writing this book. It would be a profound understatement to say I‘m disappointed in what I was taught about American history as a student. I‘m having a rude awakening into what this country is all about now because I can clearly see what this country has always been about.

Aimeesue The way Kendi lays it all out is amazing. Eye-opening book, for sure 9mo
SqueakyChu @Aimeesue I keep being shocked by what I‘m reading. For sure, this is not the American History I learned in grade school as a kid! 9mo
Aimeesue I follow a historian on FB who said this recently:”History is the way we tell the story about the past - not the past itself. It‘s the interpretation that history writers spell out on the page and it has their own perspectives mixed in.” That makes so much sense to me now! (edited) 9mo
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SqueakyChu @Aimeesue Who is the historian? I follow Heather Cox Richardson because I like the way she relates current news to what happened in the past. I never was fully aware of how closely our current events are actually tied to events of history. 9mo
Aimeesue HCR is great! This person is Homeschool Historian 9mo
SqueakyChu @Aimeesue I‘ll have to look this person up. Thanks! I never liked to learn in school because I could never memorize names and dates, but history is suddenly arousing a new interest in me because of current events. 9mo
LatrelWhite Excellent I loved it… wait $5.00😆 9mo
SqueakyChu @LatrelWhite Yep! I paid $5 for it at my local Friends of the Library used book store. It had just come in, and I grabbed it! 9mo
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Today‘s read on a dreary Monday while making easy pasta.

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I was just looking! I gave in .

vivastory Nice! 2y
Catsandbooks Love that sticker! 2y
readordierachel Love this post 👍🏼 2y
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#12Booksof2021 #February Continuing with my list of books that I did not include on my top 21 of '21. One of my favorite reads of the year is one that I find difficult to recommend. This is due to the length, Kendi's scholarly prose & not least of all the difficult subject matter. Yet, this definitive history of racist ideas in America, as the subtitle of the book states, is not only one of the best books that I read this year. It is one of the👇

vivastory best I have ever read. Period. As George Saunders wrote, “We often describe a wonderful book as 'mind-blowing' or 'life-changing' but I've found this rarely to actually be the case. I found both descriptions accurate for Ibram X. Kendi's Stamped from the Beginning...“ Honorable mentions for other books read in Feb:Piranesi & Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? @andrew65 2y
Andrew65 Strong praise and sounds must reading. 2y
Megabooks I‘ve had this stacked awhile, and I need to find time to tackle it. Thanks for sharing. 2y
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vivastory @Megabooks I made my way through it over the course of a week & a half. There's quite a bit in each chapter to think about & can be difficult in places due to the subject matter. 2y
TrishB Slightly off topic - I can still quote whole sections of Do Androids. It had a massive impact on me in my teens. 2y
vivastory @TrishB That's fantastic! I really need to read more PK Dick. I've only read Ubik & Do Androids etc, but both are favorites of mine 2y
TrishB I‘m not sure I‘d like them now🤷‍♀️ so I‘m keeping the warm glow from my teens! 2y
Leftcoastzen I need to get to this 2y
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The entire contents of this book will be upsetting to white, Protestant men in America and anyone who believes they should have all the power. Kendi addresses not just racism, but sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, classism, and ethnocentrism. If you think you‘re somehow special because you‘re white, you‘re going to have a problem with this book. Plain and simple.

GingerAntics He also used the word clitoris, which is certain to set off a lot of people, especially men, if they actually get that far in the book. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 3y
GingerAntics Straight up, people need to read this book. If it angers you, good. You clearly need it. Read it again and again until you move past the anger and start seeing the truth. Racism is hurting you too. It‘s hurting everyone. I would love to know what is racist about this book? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 3y
GingerAntics It is certainly not anti-white people, because he mentions anti-racist white people throughout history left and right while also mentioning racist black and brown people left and right. He even admits his own racist views (against black people) in his past. He calls out everybody. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 3y
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GingerAntics He praises everybody who see all human beings, no matter their skin color, gender, country of origin, who they love, etc equal to everybody else, regardless of their skin color, gender, country of origin, who they love, etc. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 3y
GingerAntics My only complaint is of the narrator. He doesn‘t seem to know how to pronounce a few words. Monticello is the greatest offender. Did no one think to tell him any of the hundred times he said the word that it‘s a ch sound, but an s sound? It made the second section painful at times. This is in no way Kendi‘s fault, obviously, and doesn‘t take away from the vast amount of work and research he put into this book. 3y
Graywacke Great book! 3y
GingerAntics @Graywacke it really is 3y
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It‘s amazing how often, as a history MA student, you deal with “white, male, Protestant” power. The history these morons want everyone to learn, is the history of white, male, Protestants, not factual history of any kind. As far as I‘m concerned, they can suck it.
#StampedFromTheBeginning #Stamped #IbramXKendi #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek

kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 well said! 3y
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Does this really sound racist to anyone? This seems to be the proof that everyone railing against this book and it‘s YA (and now MG) version haven‘t even read the book they are trying to ban.
#StampedFromTheBeginning #Stamped #IbramXKendi #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek

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The narrator, Christopher Dontrell Piper, doesn‘t know how to say the word Monticello, and apparently no one felt the need to tell him how to actually say it. This word features quite prominently in the second section of this book, and it‘s getting grating. I have literally never heard it referred to as MontiSello before. He Piper also doesn‘t know how to pronounce Immanuel Kant‘s last name. Again, where was the director?!

GingerAntics This, of course, in no way, is Kendi‘s fault. His work is actually quite good. It‘s Piper who is distracting from it. #StampedFromTheBeginning #Stamped #IbramXKendi #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek (edited) 3y
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Notice, he said NOTHING about white people being bad, just that they aren‘t as special as they think they are. Of course, anytime you tell someone they‘re not as special as they think they are, they get upset.
(enter Dana Carvey as the Church Lady) Isn‘t that special.
#StampedFromTheBeginning #Stamped #IbramXKendi #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek

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I know this isn‘t technically the book that was banned, but it‘s the adult/super academic version of the book the banned book is based on. I own this audiobook, so I figured it was high time I gave it a listen.
#StampedFromTheBeginning #Stamped #IbramXKendi #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek

GingerAntics I‘m probably not going to be able to finish this before the end of Banned Books Week, but that‘s okay. 3y
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My last post has more info, but wanted to share this article separately so it doesn't get lost in all the links. I will be highlighting many of the books I've read, and those I want to read, that are currently banned from being taught at my elementary, middle, and high school alma mater.
There are a lot of current students, families, and alumni like myself working to reverse this ridiculous ban.

Lindy ✊Fight the good fight 3y
SamAnne What @Lindy said! 3y
marleed This breaks my heart. 3y
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TrishB Good luck ! 3y
Librarybelle I currently live in York County, though not in Central York‘s school district. This is highly disturbing and so heartbreaking and just made me sick when this first hit the news in my area. The public library system has made a statement that all books on the banned list are available for anyone who wants to read them! 3y
ravenlee I‘m currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my daughter - and what the board members are saying sounds a lot like Umbridge and her decrees limiting teachers to discussions only of their direct subject, limiting course materials to “Ministry-approved” lists. Ugh. 3y
mandarchy I'm seeing a lot of social media posts from authors who have had their books banned. People are buying their books and bombing little free libraries in York. 3y
alisiakae @Librarybelle I didn‘t know you live in York! I come back to visit about once a year, I grew up in Springettsbury Township. 3y
alisiakae @mandarchy yes! That is my friend, I shared her book wish list in an earlier post today! @ravenlee that is a great comparison. Do you happen to have a chapter with a good quote I could use comparing the two? I‘ll have to skim OotP tomorrow. 3y
Librarybelle I am in the most northern part of the county, near Dillsburg, so it almost feels like I‘m not in York County! 3y
CarolynM ✊More power to you, I hope you succeed. 3y
ravenlee Hmmm, let me look through it tomorrow, as we‘re past the part it reminds me of. I‘ll try to get something to you in the morning! 3y
wanderinglynn Why are we in 2021 and still banning books? WTF!? 🤯🤬 As an aside, I lived in York, PA for 2 years after I finished law school. I clerked for a judge there. (edited) 3y
ravenlee Ok - I don‘t have specific quotes from OotP, but here are some spots: chapter 12, Professor Umbridge, p 243-243 has Umbridge‘s explanation of the “Ministry-approved” course materials, and her rebuttal to Hermione about them; chapter 15, The Hogwarts High Inquisitor, p 317 has more; and chapter 25, The Beetle at Bay, p 551, had the decree prohibiting teachers from discussing with students anything other than the subjects they‘re paid to teach. 3y
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Ibram Kendi covers an extensive chunk of the history of racism in the United States in this book. He ties things together well throughout, and really shines a light on how racism evolved to stay ahead of laws against racism over time. It was a bit dry, but I'm also not a big history reader. This chunky book might be the longest thing I read/listen to this year! 18 hours for the audiobook.

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#LittenListen @aperfectmjk

A book I feel we all need to read. I found it extremely well written and very eye opening. Kendi addresses racism from various points of view. I wish books like this were used in history classes today.

I took my time with this audio so that I could let myself fully absorb all of the information. I highly recommend this book.

vivastory Such an important book 3y
Hooked_on_books This was so good! 3y
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#midyearfaves Day 3 I must quote George Saunders to express my feelings about this book: “We often describe a wonderful book as 'mind-blowing' or 'life-changing' but I've found this rarely to actually be the case. I found both descriptions accurate for Ibram X. Kendi's Stamped from the Beginning...“ Kendi's work is exactly what the subtitle says: A History of Racial Ideas in America, yet it is more than a scholarly examination of our country's👇

vivastory bloody & dark past. It is a necessary & illuminating guide to understand how we got to where we are today & how much progress remains. 3y
BarbaraBB This sounds fantastic too. 3y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I read this one towards the beginning of the year & made my way through it over a week or so. I had to intersperse it with short stories etc bc there's a lot of info in the Kendi & certain sections were pretty grim but still I'm so glad that I read it 3y
KarenUK Fantastic review. Stacked 📚💕 3y
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I paused my afternoon of reading to deal with the 💩 storm over a really ridiculous, racist event at a local plantation museum that is part of our county parks system and located in my town.

I am on the town Parks & Rec advisory board and spent the afternoon contacting commissioners requesting they make a statement, then drafting my own response.

I really want to send the person who created this event a copy of the tagged book. ⬇️

Kenyazero Yikes! Super worthy of a reading pause. 3y
Scochrane26 This is horrible 3y
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DGRachel 🤬🤬🤬 No, I had not heard about this. What is wrong with people. There is so much wrong with this, I don‘t even know where to begin. “Former bondsmen”? “White refugees”? I mean…🤬🤬🤬 3y
alisiakae @DGRachel It‘s so awful. Both Mecklenburg county and Huntersville needs to look seriously at the funding they give to Latta Plantation (the rest of Latta Preserve is wonderful, and in no way connected to this) 3y
KathyWheeler The only problem with sending them this book is that they probably wouldn‘t read it. 😞 3y
DGRachel So…my tax dollars go to this horrific, racist nightmare of a place? 3y
Chrissyreadit Unreal 😡🤬🤯 3y
SamAnne @4thhouseontheleft oh Wow. Good luck. This week in my town: middle school teacher decides the kids should try picking cotton as an in class project as part of learning about the importance of the cotton gin. Three Black kids in the class. Kids have all kinds of comments being thrown their way by students making slavery jokes, etc. kTeacher does nothing. Assistant Principal doubles down on parent that she‘s over reacting. 3y
deeannloso 😡🤬 3y
sprainedbrain Oh my god. 3y
dylanisreading What fresh hell.... 3y
alisiakae @KathyWheeler at least my town‘s commissioners all seem to be on the same page for the most part about condemning this event, and investigating withdrawing funding. Small steps. 3y
alisiakae @SamAnne that‘s awful. Something similar happened in my area as well a few years ago. 3y
KathyWheeler @4thhouseontheleft That‘s at least something. 3y
KVanRead @4thhouseontheleft @SamAnne Truly horrified. How is this still happening? That we could be treating this part of our history as anything other that completely shameful blows my mind. 3y
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Book #10 of the year: “Stamped From the Beginning” by Ibram X. Kendi

This one took me a long time to finish for so many reasons, and Elvis managed to get to the cover.

This is the history we aren‘t taught. This is history with the whitewash scrubbed off so the bloodstains and truth show through. This is the history we should be teaching.

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Some great kindle deals today! I‘ve already read (and loved) Men We Reaped but I got the top two today.

Chrissyreadit Thanks! Just bought two of them. 3y
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Kendi's focus on the details of how trends in racist thought evolved over U.S. history is important given the absence of its coverage in our education system. He connects some patterns of racism to the present, even if the form changes. Examples of well-intentioned anti-slavery advocates like William Lloyd Garrison nevertheless spreading racist ideas are particularly critical to grasp. A meticulously researched history that everyone should read.

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Stamped From the Beginning is, as indicated by the subtitle, a scholarly history of racist ideas in America. Kendi covers approximately 500 years in his survey. Along the way we are introduced to numerous historical figures (Cotton Mather, Lincoln, Du Bois, Baldwin, King, Angela Davis etc)Kendi's portrayals are objective & several of these figures are flawed individuals, some of who changed their thinking to more firmly antiracist stances later👇

vivastory in life. Published in 2016, Stamped From the Beginning ends with Obama's presidency & the formation of Black Lives Matter. It's a bit jarring to read a comprehensive history of racist ideas in America that ends right before #45's presidency, yet the last 4 years are vivid enough that I really don't feel the need to read about them anyways. This is easily one of the most informative & important books I have ever read. 3y
Cinfhen Wonderful review/ thanks for sharing and posting ♥️ 3y
Hooked_on_books I agree, this one is terrific. It‘s dense, though, so I had to go slow. I liked his structure, organizing it around specific individuals but clearly not feeing beholden to just tell that one person‘s story but rather use it to anchor the section. This book is such an achievement. 3y
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Leftcoastzen It‘s been on my TBR since it came out .Nice review, need to move it up the list. 3y
vivastory @Hooked_on_books I had to tackle this one over 5 days. I agree, the way he structured it was both informative & riveting. I'd definitely like to see an updated edition in 10 years or so. I just can't imagine further editions not reflecting on #45 & the blm protests last summer 3y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen Look forward to your thoughts. It's dense, but rewarding! I tackled it in 75-100 page chunks 3y
Liz_M Great review and congrats on tracking this one. It's on my list, but the density and length had me putting out off. 3y
Hooked_on_books Totally! You KNOW Kendi has things to say about recent events! I‘m reading The Warmth of Other Suns as my follow up to this one. Totally different style, equally impressive book. It‘s a good pairing. 3y
luvlee68 😊on my tbr list as well ! will read the condensed version first and buy the (“from the beginning edition “) @ Hooked _on_books, - i agree, The Warmth of Other Suns will be a very good follow up 😊 (edited) 3y
luvlee68 thanks for the heads up PSA - for the Target buy 2, get 1 deal 😊😆🥰 3y
vivastory @luvlee68 I'm glad you were able to find some books you wanted 📚📚📚 3y
luvlee68 @vivastory me too & you were definitely a hand in that ! i even forgot i had a Target gift card , $100. very well spent imo 😆🤩🥰( i think i tagged you right this time , i am still learning )lol 3y
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1) Celebrating my brother's birthday.
2) Loyalty.
3) King's Firestarter, Jansson's True Deceiver & tagged book are the stand outs so far. And the year is just beginning!
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Nicely done ✅! Thanks for playing 💕📚👏🏻 3y
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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineview! My late #MotivationalMonday post:
1. Picking up some craft supplies to do a few new projects
2. My favourite reading spots are the couch & in bed
3. Probably Anne Shirley because I have an overactive imagination & I‘m a walking disaster at times!
Just borrowed the tagged book from the library after a long wait & hope to start reading it tonight

TheSpineView You're welcome! 3y
Cupcake12 Thanks for playing x 3y
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This is a truly sweeping history of anti-Black racism (and, by extension, antiracism) in the US. There's a lot to dig into here. I'll be thinking for a while about Thomas Jefferson, and the parallels between current politics and the Reconstruction era, and the futility of “educational persuasion“ like the antiracist reading lists that this book features so prominently on.

effani I did think it could have used better editing throughout, though. There were several jarringly strange word choices and places where I couldn't work out which side of a dispute someone was on. Still, it's a worthwhile read and should be an entry point to deeper reading about many of its subjects.

#ReadHarder2021: a nonfiction book about antiracism
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This book is terrific. Through exhaustive research and citation, it reveals the reality of racist roots in the US that persist today. It‘s dense but not at all dry, so I found breaking it down to a smaller number of pages each day helped me work through and digest it properly. This should be required reading in high schools. And Congress.

Graywacke Glad you enjoyed. This left an influence on me. 3y
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NikkiCureton Absolutely a must read. The research and presentation is brilliant. 3y
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Seems like a much needed project!


Julsmarshall How exciting! 3y
sprainedbrain Oh this is awesome! 3y
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Such a powerful piece:

“This is not who we are must become, in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol: This is precisely who we are. And we are ashamed. And we are aggrieved at what we‘ve done, at how we let this happen. But we will change. We will hold the perpetrators accountable. We will change policy and practices. We will radically root out this problem. It will be painful. But without pain there is no healing.”

BookishMarginalia Thank you for sharing this. 3y
TheBookHippie Thank you for sharing this. ✌🏻 3y
Palimpsest Thank you for sharing. Informative article. 3y
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This book was dense, and very detailed in the racist history of the United States. It starts with Slavery and goes till the election of president Barack Obama. It does a good job of providing a broad overview of the racists policies and ideas that continue to be alive and well today and that Antiracism activists need to understand in order to move forward.

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#BFC2021 January

So my goals were to read 9 books, reduce my Sugar Intake by only drinking soda in the weekend and walking 4 miles a week.

I have read 75% of the tagged book.
I have walked 5.5 miles, so a little more then my goal.
I am struggling reducing my sugar intake. I am reducing my soda intake,.but I make up for with cookies and other snacks I eat though out the day.


wanderinglynn Great progress! 🙌🏻 One step, one day at a time. No soda is fantastic! You‘ll get there on the rest of the sugar. 3y
Crazeedi Sounds like you did great!👏🎉 3y
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Who is your favorite Audiobook Narrator?

Mine is Dion Graham, I lived his narration in Marlon James "Black Leppard, Red Wolf"

britt_brooke Bahni Turpin! 3y
Megabooks Therese Plummer! I agree that Dion Graham is awesome for men. 3y
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Megabooks Wil Wheaton is also great on the men‘s side. Rebecca Lowman/Rainbow Rowell and Erin Bennett/Elin Hilderbrand are great narrator/author pairings. 3y
rsteve388 @Megabooks hmmm my first Rainbow Rowell, was a book I read. What books of hers have you listened to? Maybe, I'll give her books a listen. 3y
Megabooks Rebecca does Eleanor and Park, Fangirl, the updated Attachments and Landline. Basically her non-Simon Snow books. She‘s really good in Fangirl! 3y
rsteve388 @Megabooks Good to know, I'll give them a listen. 3y
Megabooks Landline is the only version. I needed an Oxford comma there. Lol! 3y
Bookgoil I love Katherine Kellgren but she sadly passed my next runner up is Fiona Hardingham. 3y
wanderinglynn I love Neil Gaiman. But for a non-author narrator, I like Lorelei King. 3y
RamsFan1963 Non-author narrator definitely Scott Brick. As for authors, love listening to Stephen Fry and Neil Gaiman. 3y
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My first Audiobook of 2021!
This will count toward a Nonfiction book.about social justice.


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#bookstagrams most popular books of 2020. Found on a new reading group on Facebook.

274pts #teamreadnosedreindeer #wintergames2020 @StayCurious

Cinfhen Cool 😎 thanks for sharing ♥️Happy Holidays, dear Jenny 😘😘 3y
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Just finished this immense and impressive tome. I learned a lot in this book, but the biggest thing I learned is that all of the negative stereotypes that circulate about Black people have their origins in the 1500s when people thought Africans were a different species from Europeans! That is obviously absurd, so why are we still perpetuating the rest of their absurd ideas about Black people?

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This book was superb. An incredibly thorough history of the beginning of slavery, racist ideas about people with black and brown skin, white supremacy, and assimilation theory- from the 15th century to right now in america. Kendi retells the stories of so many people (ex. Abraham Lincoln) who have been revered as a hero in Black history, but who actually helped uphold and perpetuate racist ideologies. I recommend ten times over. Dense, but good.

luvlee68 cant wait to read ! 3y
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Discussion Question Number Two.

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Discussion Question Number one.

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Thank you to @tpixie , @Kathrin , @Daisey and @Theresa for attending the discussion this afternoon. We missed you @Bookworm83 and @SoniaC !

Discussion questions will be posted starting tomorrow.

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We hope you‘ll join us for our discussion of Stamped From The Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi today at 2pm ET. Use this link to join


See you soon!

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#BookReport #DaiseysReadingWeek
📖 Everything Everything
🎧 Stamped from the Beginning - A truly informative and thought provoking book for #LitsyBookClub
📖 My Lady Jane

🎧 & 📖 Henry V #ShakespeareReadalong
📖 The War of the Jewels #FellowshipOfTolkien
📖 Tristan Strong Destroys the World
📖 Developing ACV Learners

📚 Continue current reads
📖 Start My Cousin Rachel
🎧 Decide on new audiobook

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“Stamped From the Beginning” is a voluminous and dense magnum opus, that explores racism and racist ideas from its infancy to modern times. A highly recommended book for shedding light on the root causes of some of the race problems in America.

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Book 145 of 2020.

#scarathlon2020 #teamslaughter 66 points

Andrew65 Even better 👏👏👏 4y
Clwojick Woohoo! Go #TeamSlaughter! 🎃🎉🔪🖤👻🔥🎉 4y
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I‘ve been listening to this on my way to work each day this week. I had already listened to the young reader‘s version adapted by Jason Reynolds, but the original has so much more depth I‘m glad I decided to listen to it as well.

#LitsyBookClub not sure I‘m going to get done by this Sunday, but I will be a good way through.

#Nonfiction #audiobook

SamAnne I'm a little more than halfway through. Reading slowly--so much excellent detail and history. 4y
Currey @Daisey @SamAnne I am about half way through also. Slow going but I am finding it excellent 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daisey There is a discussion about this Sunday or next Sunday on Slack. 4y
Daisey @SamAnne @Currey I probably should be listening more slowly as it is packed full of so much information. 4y
SamAnne @Daisey @Currey my copy is full of sticky notes with scribbles. 4y
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$2.99 kindle deal today. This was excellent.

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New month, new book. We hope that you will join us in our monthly read. Questions? Ask @Bookworm83 or @Graciouswarriorprincess .

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Current read for the October @litsybookclub .

Stephjotsdown Loads of facts and chronology... Blew my mind. 4y
SamAnne Oh cool! I‘m reading this one now. 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Stephjotsdown 😃👍🏻. @SamAnne Feel free to join us for the discussion. It will be posted on the Litsy Book club wall. 4y
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Stephjotsdown @Graciouswarriorprincess awesome...how do i find the Litsy Book Club?
(edited) 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Stephjotsdown Look for Litsy Book Club here on Litsy. I post the new book the first of every month. We do Zoom meetings the third Sunday at 2 pm EST and the link will be posted on the book club wall 15 minutes before the meeting time. We would love to have you join us! Please let me know if you have any other questions. 😃 4y
Stephjotsdown @Graciouswarriorprincess yay.. Thanks.. Will reread and would love to join. Thanks. See u online soon 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Stephjotsdown Fantastic! I look forward to having you join us! Happy reading! 4y
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I listened to this book in my continued quest to re-educate myself about the history of the United States of America. Kendi‘s book is a deep, detailed history of how racism has pervaded this country since long before it was a country right up through the current mess we have. It‘s a hopeful call to action.

This history should be taught in schools. If only there were a way to get this information into the heads of those who need it most.


BiblioLitten I have learnt so much more from books rather than what they taught as history in schools. 4y
sprainedbrain @BiblioLitten Same here. I‘m astounded by how much blind patriotism was pushed at us instead of the glaring truth. 4y
sprainedbrain Also, it‘s 9/27 and I finally finished my #BookSpin 😂 @TheAromaofBooks 4y
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SamAnne I‘m doing a slow read of this and my copy is covered with sticky notes. I focused on American history for my college degree and while I learned a bit of this history, not nearly enough. One of the best history books I have ever read. 4y
sprainedbrain @SamAnne I knew some of this, as you said, but not anything close to all of it. Very eye-opening. I‘ve already ordered a hard copy for my kids to read. They don‘t do audio like me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress!! 4y
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I know there's no way I'll average 8 hours of reading a day but I'll see how much I can read. Here are some simple goals for my weekend. I've already clocked 91 minutes listening to a few chapters of the tagged book on Spotify. #24b4Monday
@andrew65 @jb72 @SumisBooks

Andrew65 Great start. You can always set a lower time go as many do. Great to have you with us. 😊👍 4y
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