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The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I think I‘m in the minority of the #RandomClassic read of this, but I greatly enjoyed this. Granted, this is a reread (maybe my 3rd or 4th time), and I‘m enjoying Hawthorne‘s jabs at society with each reading. Parts are slow and meandering…typical writing style of the 19th century. But, I loved it. And, I love my 1980s Tor edition cover! 😂

Ruthiella That cover! 😂 7mo
Aimeesue Great cover! And just look at Hester‘s hair! 😄 7mo
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TheAromaofBooks I love that different books speak to different people!!! It's genuinely one of my favorite parts about reading. Thanks for joining me. And I love how even an 80s cover of a historical book is still so 80s 😂 7mo
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I know, right??? 7mo
jewright I love this book! I enjoyed it when I read it in high school for the first time, and I enjoy it each time I read it. 7mo
Tamra Oh my, this is an absolute favorite!! Read it many times and never disappoints. That cover though! 😆 7mo
Librarybelle @jewright The first time I read this, I remember greatly disliking it. But, a few years later, I loved it! 7mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I don't exactly mind if an author wants to teach me a lesson or point out problems in society, but I need an engaging story to back it up, and that's where Hawthorne was lacking for me. I just found this one to be SO boring and rather anticlimactic. I know others in our reading group like this one, but it just wasn't for me 😂

Any final thoughts for this #RandomClassic ? Did you all make it to the end?

Lindy I loved this book when I was about 12. I reread it 7 or so years ago and liked it less. 7mo
Librarybelle I‘m finishing it later today! There are definitely some slow moving parts to this. 7mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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(thru ch17) The story continues, albeit not quickly lol Have any of you studied/taught this book in school? What theme(s) do you usually draw from it in a classroom setting? I'm honestly struggling to figure out what point Hawthorne is trying to make. The story itself isn't exactly enthralling haha I don't hate it, but I also don't feel like much is happening. Thoughts??


BarkingMadRead I barely remember this from school, they probably meant it as a cautionary tale 🤣 8mo
Librarybelle Hawthorne felt the Puritan society was so quick to judge and took great lengths to capitalize on any perceived sins. It is a cautionary tale of sorts, @BarkingMadRead , because it shows how a woman with independent thought in a Puritan community would in essence be judged. I think the book was written to make people gasp - especially in New England and Massachusetts, Hawthorne‘s state and the bed of Puritanical ideals. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 8mo
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Librarybelle Hope that doesn‘t sound too authoritarian! I was not an English major, but I had to read this book a few times for various classes in various contexts, including history. Hawthorne was so anti-Puritan. In a way, this could be his attack against society for the Salem Witch Trials (Hawthorne‘s ancestor was a judge, and Hawthorne lived in Salem in the 19th century). I love it, even if it is so slow going - so 19th century 😂 - ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 8mo
Librarybelle But I think I love it knowing some of the context of it. Rumor is it is based on a real woman, who is buried in Boston. There are a couple of different women‘s stories I have found to be the “inspiration,” but the one I‘m more familiar with is Elizabeth Pain, who does have a placard by her grave in Old King‘s Churchyard that indicates her Scarlet Letter connection. 8mo
Librarybelle I‘ll be quiet now! 😂 8mo
dabbe To piggyback on what @Librarybelle said, Hawthorne's ancestor who was a judge and chief interrogator spelled his name HATHORNE. Nathaniel purposely changed the spelling to hide his family's dark past. This past and horrific shame Hawthorne felt is seen in many of his works to show that we all sin no matter what, and society does not necessarily have the right to determine an individual's morality. #mytwocents 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @dabbe - Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!! They totally make sense. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Maybe that's why this is such a popular high school text 😂 😂 😂 8mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks If ever there was a book for angst-ing, this is it! 🤣 8mo
jewright I always think it‘s a study of guilt and its impact on people, as well as how we judge others. Hawthorne seems to write a lot about hidden sin. “The Minister‘s Black Veil” is one of his short stories that follows those same ideas. (edited) 7mo
TheAromaofBooks @jewright - That interpretation makes a lot of sense to me. It's interesting to watch the way guilt eats at the minister for his unconfessed sin/hypocrisy and how that is slowly breaking down his mind. 7mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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(thru ch8) - How are you all enjoying this one? I'm honestly... kind of bored?? Hawthorne is kind of rambly without saying a great deal. I also feel like he's more interested in dunking on the Puritans than actually telling a story. It's not a bad story so far, but we're halfway through and it hasn't really grabbed me at all. Have the rest of you been enjoying it more? Any thoughts?


BarkingMadRead I feel pretty much the same, like each chapter is one page of actual plot and the rest is drivel 🤣 8mo
CatLass007 That‘s a gorgeous new cover! But I guess after reading your remarks “you can‘t judge a book by its cover” once again proves true. 8mo
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Bklover I‘m so sorry - I bailed. This, along with Tess, was just too much! 8mo
CatLass007 @TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @Bklover The three of you make me glad I chose to skip this one. (edited) 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I'm glad it's not just me 😂 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - So many pretty covers for this one, actually!!! I love all the dramatic “A“s haha 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bklover - No worries, I actually didn't even try Tess this month even though it's been on my radar. I knew I wasn't going to have the headspace for it!!! 8mo
Librarybelle I‘m not quite to chapter 8 yet…I honestly hated it the first time I read it but absolutely loved it the second time I read it. The over-descriptions and lack of forward movement does not bother me. I am loving the reread of this so far; maybe it‘s because I know Hawthorne wrote this as a commentary against the Puritan ways. He was that against Puritans that he changed his last name to disassociate from an ancestor‘s role in the Salem Witch Trials. 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Greetings, #RandomClassics friends! I know at least several of you have started this because you tagged me on the first. 😁 But how is everyone getting on? Have any of you read this one before? I have never read this book and honestly have only the vaguest idea of what the story is about, so I am going in almost completely blind.

Thru ch3 - Not much has happened so far, although we now have a mysterious man on the edge of the crowd to consider!⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) At this point anyway I do feel like it is the sin of adultery that is being condemned, not Hester for being a woman - like if they knew who the dude was, he would be in just as much trouble, I think. Would you tell who the father was if you were under this kind of pressure??

Anyway, feel free to share any thoughts you have so far. I'll try to check in sporadically as we go!!
Librarybelle I have my copy ready to start - hopefully today! I have read this before, a couple of times for various classes. It‘s one of my favorites, since it‘s Hawthorne‘s commentary on Puritan society. I‘m looking forward to diving in again!! 8mo
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BarkingMadRead I haven‘t read this since high school, but I‘m enjoying it so far. In so much as I‘m swearing at the women and men in town and wanting to beat them with my book 🤷🏻‍♀️ I‘ll be in Boston and Salem this week, I‘m looking forward to reading it there! 8mo
Teresereading Yes to start, I have copy somewhere but I might need library ebook as an interim measure 😉 8mo
Teresereading @BarkingMadRead I‘d love to go to Salem! 8mo
jewright I teach this book to juniors, so I read it every year. It‘s one of my favorite classics, but it tends not to be very popular with high school students. 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Andrew65 Hope you‘re enjoying it. 😁 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Chapter one was delightfully short! 😂 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Starting this for #RandomClassics tonight. This, my friends, is an ugly book over.

Ruthiella I really recommend skipping the prologue for this. It‘s so dull and enhances the story in no way. Suffering through it nearly put me off reading the actual book. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! @Ruthiella - I skipped the prologue in my edition - it was FORTY-FOUR PAGES LONG! 😂 No thank you! 8mo
Bklover @Ruthiella @TheAromaofBooks I skipped it as well! 8mo
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dabbe @TheAromaofBooks When we'd have our junior AP kids read this, we ALWAYS told them to skip that intro. Not only is it long, but it is BORING! (IMHO) 🤣 8mo
Bklover @dabbe Good idea, particularly if you want them to love reading!😂😂 8mo
dabbe @Bklover Absolutely! 🤩🤣🤗 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne

@TheAromaofBooks I overcommitted to too many buddy reads for September and I don‘t want to make the same mistake in October. So I‘ve decided to opt out #TheScarletLetter, although I‘d still like to remain on the tag list so I can read the snarky hashtags and find out what others think and feel about the story of Hester Prynne and her daughter Pearl. #RandomClassics

TheAromaofBooks Sounds good!! I'll tag you when I (randomly haha) post and you can jump in on the discussions whenever you like!! 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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October's #RandomClassics read will be The Scarlet Letter!! @BarkingMadRead and @CatLass007 I have you both down for this one - are you still interested? Anyone else who would like to is also welcome to join!! We read a chapter a day until the book is finished, and I post haphazard conversation posts whenever I have a minute or come across something so shocking I have to share 😂

Looking ahead, I'm still planning to start Don Quixote in November⬇

BarkingMadRead I‘m in for Scarlet Letter for sure! I just ordered it! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @janeycanuck @Daisey @BookBelle84 @BarkingMadRead @Meshell1313 @Cuilin @Teresereading @SamAnne @eeclayton @BarbaraJean @CatLass007 - I have all of you down for Don Quixote. It appears to have a whopping 126 chapters (!!!!) which means it will take us into MARCH 2024 to complete at the pace of a chapter a day!! We don't have to decide right now, but if you all want to think about it - do you prefer to read one chapter a day for a long time, or ⬇ 8mo
BarkingMadRead Don Quixote is on the list for #hashtagbrigade so I may be out for that one. Twice in a year would kill me 🤣🤣 8mo
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) should we try for two chapters a day? I don't want to do more than that because of so many other reading commitments, plus we'll be getting into the busy holiday season as well. So think about it, check out the chapter lengths, and let me know what you all think!! No matter what, it's going to be a bit of a project book 😂 I have a new translation so I am hoping I have more success this time around (anything past page 15 will be more ⬇ 8mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) successful for me!) Let me know your thoughts!! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Oh, did it get officially chosen for next year?? I am DEFINITELY only reading it ONCE haha But I would be willing to wait and read it with your group if it ends up being one of the official picks. Let me know what you're thinking!! I only have about 50 million other possible classics titles 😂 8mo
BarkingMadRead I think it had a good chance. I‘m going to tally the votes today and see where we are. I might throw out another post to be sure I didn‘t miss anyone, but there are a few that are way ahead. All the long ones 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - The long ones are where we need the encouragement of snarky hashtags the most! 😂 8mo
Smarkies If I can find my copy of Don quixote I will join! That book has been on my shelf forever! 8mo
CatLass007 I‘m definitely in for The Scarlet Letter and Don Quixote. @BarkingMadRead If I read Don Quixote this year, I won‘t be doing it with #hashtagbrigade. 8mo
KT1432 Ooohh I‘d love to join for The Scarlet Letter! I‘ve been meaning to read it for such a long time (never did in high school) and I want to read it before reading Hester and The Invisible Hour since they both have elements of TSL in them. 🙂 8mo
BarkingMadRead Don Quixote only has one vote 🤣🤣 I think you‘re good to go, and I‘ll read with you 🤣🤣 8mo
Librarybelle I LOVE the Scarlet Letter!! Please include me in the tag list, and I‘ll read along too. And, I‘ve been meaning to read Don Quixote, so please include me in that as well. Thank you!! 8mo
eeclayton Count me in for DQ, and I may join you for Uncle Tom's Cabin as well. I have bailed on Scarlet Letter once, and I don't feel like trying again right now 8mo
Meshell1313 Excited for Don Quixote and am open to 1 or 2 chapters a day which ever you decide! 8mo
Teresereading Please include me for October 8mo
janeycanuck I‘m still in for Don Quixote (how many chapters in before I can start calling him Donnie?) I haven‘t actually looked at a copy. How long are the chapters? I‘d be up for 2 a day if they‘re short but if they are long, prolly not. If it wouldn‘t get too confusing, we could do 10 a week to speed it up a bit but not be two chapters every single day? 8mo
Daisey I‘m in for Don Quixote, but I haven‘t really looked at it to know whether 2 chapters a day would be reasonable or not. 8mo
BarbaraJean Keep me in for DQ - I'm not sure how long the chapters are (and I'm apparently too lazy to check because that would mean getting up to go into the other room where my classics shelf is 😂), but I vote for more chapters over a shorter time period. I realize it's a chunkster, but 5 months seems a little excessive!! Also I'm still in for Uncle Tom's Cabin in January. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @KT1432 @Librarybelle @TereseReading - Yay!! I added all of you to the tag list along with @BarkingMadRead and @CatLass007 for The Scarlet Letter. We'll start October 1!! October is a super crazy month for me at work, but I'll try to post at least a few times to check in on what everyone thinks!! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle @eeclayton @Meshell1313 @janeycanuck @Daisey @BarbaraJean - My edition of DQ is a short, fat paperback (maybe 6“ tall) and 2 chapters seem to come to about 14pgs, which I feel like is doable? We'll come back to this discussion mid-October when we are closer to our starting time, but in the meantime everyone can contemplate their editions and their lives and think about how to tackle this crazy book!! 😂 8mo
Daisey @jewright This is the post to comment on if you‘re interested in joining the Don Quixote readalong. 8mo
CatLass007 I‘m still in for The Scarlet Letter and Don Quixote. 8mo
jewright Please add me! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @jewright - Absolutely!!! Just for Don Quixote? 8mo
jewright @TheAromaofBooks—And The Scarlet Letter, please. Thank you so much! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @jewright - You got it!! Glad to have you along!! 8mo
SamAnne I'm in for Don Quixote if it isn't more than 2 chapters a day! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @SamAnne - Definitely not more than 2 chapters a day 😂 But it probably WILL be 2 chapters a day - they look pretty reasonably sized. At the end of November, I'll check in with everyone and see how we're doing, too, in case we need a few catch-up days. We'll have to work together to conquer this one! 😆 8mo
Bklover Hiya! Can you add me for The Scarlet Letter? I‘d like in for DQ too! (edited) 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bklover - Absolutely!! Glad to have you along!! 8mo
Smarkies @TheAromaofBooks please add me in for Don quixote. If I don't do this with all of you, it will probably just continue sitting on my shelf. 😅 8mo
TheAromaofBooks @Smarkies - Sounds good!!! I think we're going to tackle it 2 chapters/day and see how that goes. Strength in numbers!! 😂 8mo
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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4✨ I got to the last two chapters and just couldn‘t wait to find out how it ended. While I did finish it off on my physical book. I wanted to support Serial Reader for allowing me a day by day small dose of a hard to read classic. This was the second time I tried to read this book and with Serial Reader it made it easier. The main lesson is it‘s better to be honest than hide from your guilt. It is a great story that I‘m so glad I finally got to!

The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Normally when I read a classic, even if I don't enjoy it, I can understand why it is considered a classic. This one I don't get unless you just look at it as a controversial topic of the time. So long winded and the characters have no emotion. Overall when I finished it there was nothing memorable that stuck out in my mind. This is a classic that was not for me.

Tianarose I have the same copy of Tess of d‘uberville! Haven‘t read it yet though. 2y
Susanita For some reason I had to read this two years in a row in high school. 😱 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I finished the book Hester last night and as part of the duet read I set up for myself I decided to re-read this one. Although not a “feel good” read it is still a really good story. This is one of my top 10 favorite classics.

RaeLovesToRead Oh wow, it totally matches the carpet!! 2y
KristiAhlers @RaeLovesToRead right? I didn‘t even realize it until I looked at the picture! 2y
Kitta I started this years ago and bailed 😬 maybe I should give it another try? 2y
RobES One of my all time faves too.... the gorgeous language and rich description get me every time ❤️ 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I have so many new books, but I'm going for another reread- The Essex Serpent made me want to reread this- I just feel there are connections and parallels between these two novels.... plus they are both so gorgeously written ....

The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Bookzombie 😂 2y
LeahBergen 😆😆 2y
Reggie Lolol 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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📖 1/24/22 || Classic | Stark | Puritan
I‘ve been meaning to read this for years and am glad to have finished it. ✅

LeslieO Great cover. 2y
Kristin_Reads I confess that I chose this edition partly because of the cover 🌿🅰️🌺 @LeslieO (edited) 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I just noticed these are scarlet letter gummy bears

MaureenMc 😄 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Guilt free fiction reading today!! Woot! 🎉 This is one of my top 10 favorite novels. ❤️♥️

It‘s not entirely fun reading though since I‘m doing a social contract analysis for a class. So it‘s not leisurely reading, but I‘ll take it!

keys_on_fire Pretty cover! 3y
Angeles I do love that cover! 3y
Suet624 Kind of embarrassing to admit I‘ve never read this. 3y
Tamra @Suet624 give it a go! It‘s relatively short. I have a different interpretation each time I read it. 😁 3y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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#NWC September Side Book - The Scarlet Letter

Here is a quiz to see which character you are from the book. Which one do you think you will get before you take it? Did you get who you thought?


AkashaVampie I got Hester Prynne 3y
KathyWheeler I thought I would get Hester, and I did. 3y
AkashaVampie @KathyWheeler we are the same!!! 3y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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1️⃣ Eddard Stark

2️⃣ Hard to pick one. Night Film had a good ending.

3️⃣ I haven‘t read this since high school so I‘m doing a reread.


MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🌸🎉📖 3y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I ordered myself this cute plant and pot from a small independent flower shop yesterday and they personally delivered it today. It‘s was their last day open for awhile. I‘m glad I could support them a wee bit. I‘ve decided Monday‘s are officially Treat Myself days until this curve flattening works. The snow today didn‘t help matters. Flowers (and books) make everything better

Tamra I love your plan! 4y
LiteraryinLawrence Great idea and so nice to support the local store! 4y
mcctrish @LiteraryinLititz I‘m sad I can‘t do it again for awhile ( we‘ve gone to essential services only) 4y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne

Read this in high school my senior year. Pretty good.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌸 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
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