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Joined May 2016

mother, scientist, writer, bibliophile
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Mermaids in Paradise by Lydia Millet
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The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso
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The Unseen Wounds Of Women by Caroline Strawson
Infinite Jest | David Foster Wallace
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I am bailing on this one for now. Perhaps I will come back to it someday, but right now I can‘t get into the book. I feel no connection to the characters and do not have patience for reading 4 page paragraphs in small, tightly spaced font about what seem to be unnecessary details. The couple times I started to get into it a little or started to like a character, the plot jumps around to another character or timeline.

Cosmos_Moon Also, the book seemingly goes on infinitely. If I‘m reading 1000+ pages, the book should be flowing through by nearly 100 pages, but was not. Also it is described as an encyclopedic novel… encyclopedias have never flowed for me, either. 3w
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The Car Thief | Theodore Weesner
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Sad events of a misguided youth in urban Detroit around 1960. Alex lives with his alcoholic dad who works 2nd shift at a car factory. I enjoyed the ups and downs of the book, cheering for Alex, hoping he would make it through his hardships to lead a good life. He is a complex character with a complicated history. The story takes place over the course of about a school year, but has many flashbacks giving the characters tangible depth.

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This story does not bring you back to Kvothe‘s world, but provides a glimpse into Auri‘s. It develops her character by following a week of her life during the time she knows Kvothe, although never mentions him by name. In Rothfuss‘s afterward to the book, it sounds as if Auri was revealing herself to him as much as his readers. Shorter than I expected when I picked it up, a quick read.

Crow's Dinner | Jonathan Carroll
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A fun read of short thoughts and one of the strangest/coolest covers I‘ve seen. Noted on the dust jacket, the cover is designed by Jonathan Carroll‘s son. This was fun to read, feeling like I was getting a behind the scenes view of the author‘s brain and some snapshots of where some of my favorite novels came from. Also, of course, his love for dogs is obvious, as in probably all of his books a dog plays a prominent role.

The Car Thief | Theodore Weesner
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Wonderful story. Looking forward to reading more of this saga. Some cool pictures of depictions of Kvothe (Quothe/Kote) and Auri a friend of mine has. The book is as hard to describe as Kvothe‘s love for Denna. After a battle with some unusual creatures and a chance encounter, Kote begins to tell his story of growing up; making his way as a respected performer with his family, to being a lost, lonely youth, and his growth overcoming adversities.

Cosmos_Moon Also, I have a thing for books with maps. 2mo
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Our little leaper is here. Our 3rd (and last) boy! Welcomed him yesterday. His first birthday he will be four and it will be a Mardi Gras day! Perfect New Orleans baby 🥰 he‘s reading with me in the hospital already and just made 24 hours. Thank you all for the well wishes!

TheKidUpstairs Congratulations! Welcome to the world, little one. 3mo
DieAReader 🥳❤️‍🔥Congrats!! 3mo
AmyG Adorable! All the best to you and your family. ❤️ 3mo
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Librarybelle So adorable! ❤️ 3mo
Blackink_WhitePaper He is cute...!!! Loads of love to the little one. Take care 😻 3mo
julesG Congratulations! What a cute little 🐸 3mo
TheQuietQuill Congratulations! He‘s beautiful! 3mo
JessClark78 Congratulations! 3mo
Jari-chan Congratulations ❤️❤️ 3mo
Chelsea.Poole Congratulations!! Absolutely precious!! 💚 3mo
Leftcoastzen So cute! Magical Leap day ! Congratulations 🎉 3mo
LiteraryinLawrence Congratulations!!!! 3mo
marleed Oh congratulations! 3mo
Ruthiella So cute! ❤️ 3mo
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About to meet my third boy in a couple hours. Happy leap day!

AmyG Oh wow! Congrats! (edited) 3mo
julesG Congratulations!! 3mo
marleed Omg - congrats! Can‘t wait for details! 3mo
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LiteraryinLawrence So happy for you!! 3mo
TheSpineView Congratulations! 3mo
SamAnne Congratulations! 3mo
BookmarkTavern Congrats! 🎊🎈🎉 3mo
Librarybelle Congratulations! 3mo
Reggie Congrats!!! And good luck! 🍀 3mo
Ruthiella Congratulations! 3mo
Cosmos_Moon Thank you all! Everything went smoothly and our River Bastion is here. Pic in new post 🥰 @AmyG @julesG @marleed @LiteraryinLawrence @TheSpineView @SamAnne @BookmarkTavern @Librarybelle @Reggie @Ruthiella 3mo
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I love stories that give me perspectives of lives I will never live and provide a glimpse to empathize their struggles. Lamya comes from a background of conservative Muslim family and country. Eventually she moves to the US and initially lives with her uncle. She starts to find her community through college and young adulthood but continues to struggle with coming out to her family in the US and overseas.

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Matthew Perry‘s memoir accounts his life in somewhat of an anachronistic order from his life with his mom in Canada and father in LA, to lifelong struggles with addiction. At the end of his memoir, Perry seems to have overcome his biggest battles, but sadly we know where his story ultimately ends.

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Amazing story of a young woman and a tree. Julia Butterfly spent more than 700 days in Luna to save it from the logging industry. She peacefully fought big business and violent loggers at times. Over her time in Luna, she had visits from celebrities building publicity to the tree. Some of her colleagues in protest lost their lives, while Julia stayed in the tree as long as it took, until it was guaranteed it would not be cut.

Scochrane26 I‘ve had this book for many years but haven‘t reread in so long. Thought it had been forgotten! My roommate at the time read it for a class & told me to read it. I sometimes wonder if the tree is still standing & what she‘s doing now. (edited) 3mo
Cosmos_Moon @Scochrane26 I wondered when I was reading this so had to do some googling… she is still an activist and Luna is still there! She has not done another 2 year tree sit, though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_(tree)#:~:text=Luna%20is.... (edited) 3mo
Scochrane26 @Cosmos_Moon Thanks for the info! 3mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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It‘s been a while since I‘ve posted my read reviews, so I‘ll have a blast of a few. I loved this book! A lovely combination of fantasy time travel and historical fiction.

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A harrowing feat of literature, but a bit long and dry for my tastes, even for an audio. I am sure some of the knowledge from this book stuck, but also looked forward to it ending after more than 24 hours of listening. Like some other long anthropology works, seems to rehash the same themes repeatedly.

The Best of Poe | Edgar Allan Poe
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Got this a couple months ago because my 7th grader needs to read the Raven and Tell-Tale Heart. I read all the stories and poems in this compilation. They were a little too male-centric, dry and built on the boredom for me. I got into some of the poems at the end and some of the stories I did really like, Murders in the Rue Morgue stands out. I also had some trouble with the old English. It didn‘t flow well for me while reading.

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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This was a beautiful story of love sickness and enduring love in a time of feminine oppression and betrothal in high society China. In reading the author‘s notes and acknowledgments at the end, learning this was a true story, written as historical fiction was touching and amazing. Lisa See talks about the real opera of the Peony Pavilion and how the commentary of three wives on the opera really existed. Loved it!

The Sense of Wonder | Rachel Carson
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A lovely Rachel Carson book geared toward children and with her grandnephew Roger in mind, written when he visited her summer Maine cottage. First published as an essay in 1956, she wanted to publish this with illustrations to captivate children, however was not able to complete the visuals before her death. This is a posthumous edition from 1998 with new photos celebrating nature and its wonders. A quick and peaceful read.

The Birchbark House | Louise Erdrich
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This was a sweet sad little story. My son had to read this for his 5th grade class, and he wanted me to read it, too. Omakayas is an Ojibwe girl growing up on an island in the Great Lakes. It follows a year of her life through the seasons, with good times and struggles throughout the year.

In Pieces | Sally Field
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Loved this memoir read by the author. Many parts so heart wrenching for her. I‘ve always liked Sally Field but never really knew anything about her. This story must have been so difficult but I am sure it is a huge weight from her chest to tell.

jamield1911 She is amazing 😍😭 7mo
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Intelligent Design | Denise Little
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Good little book of short stories, most with some conflicting scientific and religious conflict, some with science and religion supporting each other. I think my favorite in this collection was “God, No Matter How You Spell It” with a little bizarre twist at the end. They each had their own bit of the bizarre.

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This was good and historically educational. I did not know about these murders in the Osage tribe. Glad I had a chance to listen to the audiobook before watching the movie. Crazy the audiobook already has movie images on the cover in my library app.

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I finished this a few weeks ago but was having trouble gathering words to review… this is a harrowing true story of 2 young Jewish sisters fighting as Nazi resisters during the holocaust & through the end of WWII. Their strength, cunning & selfless courage saved so many & kept their family together through most of the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands & Europe. This is an amazing account detailing their lives & eventual experience in Auschwitz.

The Call of the Wild | Jack London
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This is another one my son has to read for English this year, so decided to read, too. I give it a “meh”. I wasn‘t really into the storyline, and felt bad for Buck.

Kitchen Confidential | Anthony Bourdain
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I enjoyed this, but just thought it was okay. I‘m sure restaurateurs and cooks would have a greater appreciation for this book. I could see my mom liking it more, having a lot of experience in restaurant kitchens, as well as cooking for a convent for 17 years. Some fun anecdotes of kitchen life and compelling to hear some of Bourdain‘s back story. I enjoyed his food network series much more.

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Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes
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My son has to read this for 7th grade English this year, so I decided to read it since I haven‘t before. It‘s different than I expected. More sex & alcohol—especially for a Louisiana school, but I like the premise & arc of the story. Not going to mention the sex parts to my 12 y.o. before he reads it—I‘ll ask him about it when he‘s at those parts. He has to read it next quarter. Brave teacher to assign this & wonder if other parents have read it.

Ruthiella I read this in 7th grade too! Made me cry. 8mo
rwmg I read it a couple of years ago and it was quite different from the way I remembered it from having read it as a teen. My memory was of his relapse taking almost half the book 8mo
Cosmos_Moon @rwmg I guess kids pick up on different things than adults. 8mo
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Invisible Women reviews places in society where women are entirely overlooked for the default human condition: being male. When women are included in decisions and research, better outcomes are found across the board. Women‘s perspectives find solutions men don‘t see, women account for other women‘s needs in times of disaster and humanitarian aid, outcomes in car accidents — overall providing for the needs of families and communities better.

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This is a book of finding good in humans. The author argues where good people stood up at bad points in history. I liked his arguments against some of Jared Diamond‘s theories in his book Collapse. Overall pick, enjoyed his perspectives of good.

CuriousG Have this one on my shelf, but it has to compete with the other hundred unread ones and hasn't made its way to the top of the pile yet, although I have read the first 40 pages on and off for quite a while! 9mo
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I enjoyed this book. Partly thought it could be about 200 pages shorter, but I also liked how it brought the characters through their lives. I disliked Rachel more and more as the book went on, and this probably brought me to tears at least four times. Loved the multi character all women‘s perspective, and political histories of African nations through their experiences.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I think this is my new favorite opening paragraph.

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I enjoyed this audio for insights on the connection of disease, thought processes, mental health and health outcomes. I do believe the brain and thought can be a powerful tool, but I thought sometimes Mate stretched the correlations a little too far. I enjoyed listening to his experiences psychedelics and various celebrities he‘s worked with, normalizing addiction and mental health problems, with some relatable stories.

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Finished this a couple nights ago… yes I cried. Have been wanting to read this so I can finally watch the movie. Creatively intertwines a murder mystery, love story, sad family dynamics, nature and science. Really enjoyed it and recommend.

Imaginary Friend | Stephen Chbosky
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Just finished this chonk. I couldn‘t stop til I got to the end. Some mixed reviews here, but I enjoyed it. Gave me a few weird dreams, which can be fun. Very imaginative story about overcoming demons within. The end left my imagination reeling. Some spots were maybe over the top & some people said it‘s too long, but to me it was worth every word. Hope there‘s a movie someday. Perks ended up as a great film adaptation, this one is so different tho.

When the Air Hits Your Brain | Frank T. Vertosick
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This was good… he talked about his experience as a resident over the course of 5 years becoming a brain surgeon. He talked about successes, challenges and loss of life in the OR. One of the most interesting cases to me was a meningioma, which my mom had removed in 2015. Was good to hear it is one of the easiest to remove.

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A beautiful book of text and imagery I‘ve picked up through each of my first two pregnancies. Now starting again…

Ruthiella Congratulations!🧑‍🍼🍼❤️🚼 (edited) 11mo
Cosmos_Moon @Ruthiella thank you 🥰 it‘s been a while, my youngest turns 10 next week, and my other one just turned 12… a little nervous, turning 40 about half way through. I just hope everything goes well. 11mo
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The Book Thief | Markus Zusak
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I just cried onto the pages finishing this tonight. It is a beautiful sad story. Loved it, loved the characters and wanted them all to live, love and be happy. Most don‘t get that chance. Death tells the story with care and compassion, gently lifting away the souls lost and collecting colors.

Pageboy: A Memoir | Elliot Page
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Telling this story & transitioning in the public eye is brave & admirable. Elliot‘s story will give hope to others struggling with gender for a happier future. It makes me sad that others will disparage some who already are struggling because they don‘t understand & are scared of things they don‘t know. The world needs more acceptance & empathy. Difficult stories like this helps both sides who choose to read, listen & open their hearts.

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Mr. Breakfast | Jonathan Carroll
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Posting to save and listen to when I‘m not at work, and to share an interview with with Litsy of one of my favorite authors on Wisconsin public radio. https://www.wpr.org/listen/2114876?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This was good & well written, mostly telling from her point of view & feelings from the times in her life she was recounting. I‘d seen this pop up a few times, and the title intrigued me, but made me a bit uncomfortable. Jeannette was made to be uncomfortable her whole life, scarred by things her mother did to her, and sounds like it‘s been a long journey to become a healthier person. This was tough & sad to listen to, but glad I finally did.

The Book Thief | Markus Zusak
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The Silent Boy | Lois Lowry
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The story of a young girl‘s interpretation of life and a tragic misunderstanding of an autistic boy who was her friend.

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Entertaining audio memoir of a girl growing up as the daughter of one of Andy Warhol‘s actresses, Viva Superstar, in the Chelsea Hotel. I enjoyed the shenanigans of Viva, some questionable parenting, and the lives of Alexandra and her baby sister Gaby Hoffman.

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This is a heartbreaking account of women seen as disposable by industry fighting for their lives & justice while corporations made millions. A nonfiction following the short lives of women doing glamorous work painting clock & watch faces & military instrument dials with glowing radium paint. The women‘s history spans before WWI to WWII, telling stories of their friendships, families & fight for future industrial hygiene & workers‘ compensation.

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Happy beach day in Pensacola! Although glowing, not so bright for the girls of Orange, NJ and Ottawa, IL in the 1920s.

One of Us Is Lying | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Forgot about this one I read in my spam posting last night… it was pretty good, if just for the fact you want to figure out who did it. The author makes you think at some point it could have been any of them. The cover has always intrigued me, so when I saw it at Goodwill, I snagged it. I‘m between pick and so-so on this.

The Story of Harold | Terry Andrews
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I spent way too much on this hard to find, out of print book, on recommendation from a Jonathan Carroll character. IRL, Terry Andrews was the pseudonym of children‘s book author George Seldon & seems like it could be somewhat autobiographic, but I don‘t know anything about him. It is very dark & sexual, written in the form of a journal, telling a story of a single man, Terry Andrews, children‘s author, and his wish for death, love, murder & sex.

Leftcoastzen I appreciate your level of commitment! One of his kids books I have so much love for 12mo
Cosmos_Moon @Leftcoastzen I will have to check out some of his other books. I think this is the only one written as Terry Andrews… I have never read George Seldon, but I bet it is much easier to find. Probably at the library. 12mo
Leftcoastzen Yes , think it won a Newbery award.Even as a child , made me wanna go to New York!😁 12mo
Cosmos_Moon @Leftcoastzen well, if you ever happen to get your hands on a copy of Harold, it will make you want to visit some different parts of New York. He makes up a character Harold, in the book for his children‘s books, who is precocious and magic and helps his friends. I wonder if any of Seldon‘s characters are like the characters Harold hangs out with. A lot of animal personification, too. 12mo
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The title of this boon caught my attention, not knowing much of Kate Mulgrew, she‘s Red in Orange is the New Black, she was the first woman Star Trek captain, as well as many other earlier roles in TV, stage and film. She had a tragic, wild upbringing, encouraged and inspired by her intuitive mother to pursue acting. I really enjoyed this and wanted to hear more about Kate.

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Ended up finishing this one as an audio after bailing on the hard copy over 200 pages in. I‘m glad I finished it, during my audio commute to work. Previously gave this a bail, but upgraded to so-so. Had a unique plot. Would be cool to see as a movie.

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Nice book about the power of introversion, quiet, sitting with yourself and pondering, in a world where being an outspoken extrovert is recognized and rewarded.

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I thought this one would be more self-help, but was more of an autobiography. Still very good, but not what I was expecting. I really enjoyed the incorporation of Amanda Palmer‘s music, Dresden Dolls and other music throughout the audiobook.

Mr. Breakfast | Jonathan Carroll
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And surrealist as ever, Jonathan Carroll‘s newest book takes a look at what if we took a different path, how we‘re connected through time and history and future, and the mysterious tattoo that made the magic happen. Read this a while ago… catching up on book posts.

The Story of Harold | Terry Andrews
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When you‘re at the pool with the kids and hope no one recognizes and has read the book you‘re reading 😅🫣